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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. At least in Delphi you can. Don't know about Lazarus.
  2. I'm pretty sure local network servers send periodic packets to each of network peer. Maybe when someone invokes list of network machines. Good to know that! I've never dealt with this technology before, now I'll try to save it in my mind's set of known tools 🙂
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    THttpCli - retry request

    You should finish the call chain in OnHeaderEnd and retry the request async-ly. F.ex., by posting a custom message via PostMessage to socket control's handle (and, of course, write handler for it). Also don't forget to limit number of retries
  4. First you've got to tell what File Explorer is... Why don't you just simply sniff the traffic instead and see what's really going on?
  5. Strange. Won't local server's periodic activity wake PC every time then?
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    3 explorer running

    From what I understood you can do the following: Enum all windows Find those which belong to explorer processes Check if these are hidden Terminate corresponding explorer processes Though it seems more wise to me to just handle the described situation in your software.
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Minifing HTML

    Are you addressing me? Btw, what you need XML minification for? As far as I'm aware you can rarely see plain XML in the wild; most of formats suppose Zipped XML (docx, fb2.zip). DB engines often use compression internally as well, HTTP protocol allows deflate compression.
  8. Nevertheless there's no good replacement at all. HTTP interface won't let you use a client app where you can just select multiple directories and download them all recursively.
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    3 explorer running

    Honestly, I'm not sure I understand your needs but maybe FindWindow or enum processes can help you
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Minifing HTML

    Word has never been a good HTML generator )) CSS styles in all pages it created were a nightmare. Well, I tried the first online minifier Google has given me and the source of this very page. Initial 76217, minified 63707, "compression" 16%. On the one hand, that's more than nothing. On the other hand, that makes the page source unreadable, could cause errors (f.ex. in embedded scripts or styles), and finally saves only 13 kB.
  11. Yeah and it makes me sad. HTTP has no standard listing format either so is very hard to automate.
  12. I've been working with FTP for decade and never heard of #0s in listings. The protocol is text one, it's not meant to use non-literal chars. However, these devices could run some weird servers where everything could happen. Probably filenames on these devices contain #0 (I'm not aware if Posix allows that but maybe). Btw, I recently checked the servers I communicate with (pretty large ones, therefore running advanced server software) and neither of them allowed MLSD.
  13. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Common code base for VCL and FMX control code

    The simplest solution is like ICS team did. Create usual VCL unit with some IFDEFs disabling unit-specific lines when UseFMX is defined and a thin wrapper for FMX that includes VCL unit like an inc
  14. So you repeat sleeping in the main thread until bg thread becomes suspended again? o_O Side note: unless you analyze 100s of mediafiles at the same time, reusing of thread seems just like a useless complexification.
  15. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Minifing HTML

    Will it worth the efforts?
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FastMM4 and option "AlwaysClearFreedMemory"

    Just construct a full string preliminary connStr := format('... password ...'); then execute connection.execute(connStr) and then clear it ZeroMemory(connStr, Length(connStr)*SizeOf(Char)) if DB access components are not doing something hidden, the only copy of connection string will now be erased. Of course, you'll have to erase contents of Windows edit control as well. That's probably a harder task 🙂 Maybe overwriting .Text property with some random string will help.
  17. Just configure it to hibernate after 1hr of inactivity.
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    pipeline and visual feedback

    Not so much thanks to resources https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388506/displaying-splash-screen-in-delphi-when-main-thread-is-busy/45465592#45465592
  19. Very weird case. I'd recommend you to check that server with FileZilla and sniff the traffic of your app with simple SmSniff program. Then test with ICS sample FTP client.
  20. It's personal. I, contrary, always stuck on C's ((foo *)bar**) etc. Pascal has different symbols for taking an address and dereferencing and it's very convenient.
  21. In FileZilla you can enable detailed log (right-click over log control) to see what happens actually. The AUTH C:\TEMP\TLS you get is very suspicious.
  22. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FastMM4 and option "AlwaysClearFreedMemory"

    Just control the copies carefully. Everything Delphi does with strings could be imitated with manually allocated buffers that are cleaned manually.
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Sure you're right I don't get it 😞 what do you mean? Could you make an example?
  24. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Pros: * Type check => less error-prone * Takes care of existing managed fields if any * For tiny records is replaced with several CPU instructions instead of calling function with all the overhead => faster Contras: * None IMHO. One very rare case is if you alloc a record with managed fields in a heap without zeroing, then it probably fail on attempt of disposing these fields before assignment (fields will contain random garbage)