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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi PAServer arm RPi compilation

    There are plenty of options for building a REST server on Lazarus. mORMot, for instance. Or built-in webserver.
  2. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi PAServer arm RPi compilation

    sounds rather unrelated to RPi imho
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    best component of open save dialogs

    There's nothing better than good old classic
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Interbase VAR Licence and Demos or Free Versions

    I wouldn't bother with IB licensing stuff when there's opensource Firebird. Especially if you have "small apps" that unlikely require some unique IB features.
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    RDP and RD Web deployment of Delphi VCL apps

    Delphi form modality is a mess of triangle-wheeled bicycles, not mentioning the application structure itself (app's window is not main form!). Probably all you can do is some checks and SetForegroundWindow calls
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi PAServer arm RPi compilation

    Mm, Lazarus?
  7. There's plenty of them, check the link in my signature. As for your trouble, likely you do something wrong. There's no big difference between strings and binary.
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Indy OpenSSL static linking

    Static build is not popular on *nix systems so I doubt they will invest in this area
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Resource string id range

    Hmm, quick search gave no results... I suspect this is not configurable. The only solution that comes to mind is to have string stubs specially intended for overriding. But the number of these strings must be kept aligned to those 3rd party RC's
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Doscommand OnCharDecoding Output

    So Germans have OEM encoding as well! Not only non-latin locales still pulling that old-time mess
  11. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi 11.1 - High DPI

    I too adopt a very old app to be DPI-aware and even on D7 scaling works pretty well. I just had to ensure AutoScroll is False, Scaled is True and Client H and W <> 0 and set the main font to system one. Several remaining glitches could be fixed by giving more space. However I don't use much of 3rd party controls. F.ex., I recall VirtualTreeView has had scaling issues for long long time.
  12. Unless delivery to your location costs twice as the book itself
  13. Fr0sT.Brutal


    If you need no SQL, you can use almost any implementation. Would be interesting to benchmark opensource options against commercial ones
  14. Fr0sT.Brutal


    Site is OK, I personally prefer old-school functionality over fancy whistles that require tons of JS and refuse to work on 1-yr old browsers because of some "cutting edge techs" used. The company seems alive, table gets updates, minimal sources cost $300 which is quite acceptable for the announced feature set. However, also consider alternatives like FireDAC, maybe DevExpress, or even opensource Zeos or RxMemDS depending on your needs.
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_address usually broadcast address has 255 in at least rightmost octet but it depends on subnet mask. Broadcast has all 1s in the right where subnet mask has 0s.
  16. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Waiting for something without blocking the UI

    You either block or not block. No 3rd option until async/await is added to Delphi. So you can implement your call as fully sync and place it to a thread when keeping interaction is needed or make it async so that you start it and go further and callback will be called when the request is done.
  17. RecvFrom returns sender address
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How to use a particular network interface to send out UDP data

    Try Bind or something similarly named
  19. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Array within an array??

    Why don't you just read language ref, all this is basic language elements.
  20. Modern way is BEFORE INSERT trigger that would generate ID (either always or only if field value is null - as you wish) + RETURNING INTO statement. If DB lib doesn't support this feature, you can ask devs to add it or use classic old-school way: 1. old: SELECT GEN_ID(GenName, 1) / recommended: SELECT NEW VALUE FOR GenName 2. Fill the INSERT query with the received value Generators are guaranteed by the DB engine to be atomically unique. No issues with multiuser env as far as you use it right (no decrements, no manual increments and so on). LastAutogenValue is something awkward from MSSQL AFAIK, I wouldn't recommend using it without strong requirements. FB has much more convenient mechanism
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal


    YearOf(aDate) mod 100
  22. Fr0sT.Brutal

    macOS where to save downloaded executable?

    I think you should refer to OS guidelines. Things are never simple when you deal with anything Apple made
  23. All I want to say is that self-contained installers rule and downloaders tend to suck. How a user could install an app on a system without internet? What if package site is down? What if connection is unstable? I'm sure 99.9% of web installers just hiccup on disconnect and stop installation making a user start whole process from the very beginning. That's my point. Decision is yours.
  24. Not relevant to JSON Nope. You'll get LOCALE settings most of which will be unused and the rest will be overwritten anyway. FS should be either derived from LOCALE_NEUTRAL or just explicitly assigned with only necessary values. As for LOCALE_* stuff, they seem convenient indeed but alas not x-platform. So the most reliable way is to set everything directly just as format specs dictate. No problem as it will be used internally and for read only. In my XML unit I do initialization GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, XmlFs); XmlFs.DecimalSeparator := XmlDecSep; XmlFs.ShortDateFormat := XmlDateFmtRead; XmlFs.DateSeparator := XmlDateSep; XmlFs.LongTimeFormat := XmlTimeFmtRead; but that was before I realized that getting values, even neutral, is effectively useless. The only one relatively useful application of this that I could imagine is getting month or day names.
  25. Fr0sT.Brutal

    GUI are not the same size

    Or call control's ScaleBy method