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Everything posted by Fr0sT.Brutal

  1. Fr0sT.Brutal

    SVN server updated

    I believe it serves both protocols as Angus said in #1
  2. Fr0sT.Brutal


    Instead of compiling scripts plugins inside your app (which is pretty exotic) why don't just use scripts? If you want plugins, you can build a DLL with script interpreter and embed script text there. Alternatively, any compiler could be embedded into a binary as resource, then just extract it to TEMP and execute. I believe this won't violate GPL Is it possible to embed this engine into Delphi app?
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Relevance of the Manifest?

    Mostly it enables styling of controls (like D7's XPManifest component did). But you also can specify some useful options there, f.ex. require elevation on startup
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    SVN server updated

    Awesome, at last I can forget that shaman dances to reach port 8443 through our corporative firewall
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Sometimes a Ping fails (ICS v5)

    +1, for this reason, it's more reliable to check for a concrete service rather than just online status of a host. It could be online but a needed service could be down or pings could be disabled while host is up and service is running.
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    UtilMind Solutions Libraries?

    The only big incompatibility between D2007 and modern sources is Unicode. Depending on sources' quality, conversion could vary from 0-effort (just recompile) to very hard. I've completed some conversions besides my own apps (SimpleXML, ehLib, iPro) so it's not impossible. Anyway you should reconsider using these libs as abandonware is always a potential danger. Or you'll have to support it yourself 🙂 Alternatively you could contact with author, he's accessible at GH and Facebook
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Why can't I install this monospaced font in Delphi ?

    Seems very similar to Lucida console
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    Probably you could look at UniGui as well
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    In-App Clipboard

    My crystal ball is too tired to guess what OP wants 🙂
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    In-App Clipboard

    It's unclear what do you mean. From description, following should do what you want (half-pseudocode) var Clip: string = ''; procedure TForm1.ControlOnKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift); begin if Shift=[ssCtrl] then if Key = VK_C then Clip := Sender.SelectedText else if Key = VK_V then Sender.SelectedText := Clip; end;
  11. Weird, I have timeouts working OK. Socket.TimeoutConnect := Settings.ConnTimeout*MSecsPerSec;
  12. Msecs IIRC but it was quicker to check that by yourself 😉
  13. If you define timeout, you'll have OnTimeout event triggered, that's all. You'll have to add an action (i.e. close the socket) by yourself
  14. Well, probably I'm getting it wrong but I see no problem here SockObj creates socket handle = $111 SockObj tries to connect SockObj gets timeout SockObj closes socket handle = $111 and has its internal field FSockHandle set to -1 SockObj creates socket handle = $222 SockObj tries to connect ... some time later socket handle = $111 really closes and becomes available to the next use
  15. Why reusing sockets is so important? Do you really have 100000 of active socket handles on the client side?
  16. Ehm... guys why so complicated, TWSocket inherits from TCustomTimeoutWSocket if BUILTIN_TIMEOUT define is set so it has both connect timeout and idle timeout.
  17. Topicstarter has stream of data; nothing suites better for transferring a stream than an another stream.
  18. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Where do I declare a function inline ?

    Just try to F7 into that function.
  19. I'd vote against shared resources in favor of streaming via pipes or socket.
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Internal Error C1118 (D7)

    It is well-known D7 bug with UInt64. Sometimes it could be solved with explicit typecasts, sometimes only disabling range checks helps. {$IFDEF WITH_UINT64_C1118_ERROR}{$R-}{$ENDIF}
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Best practices for handling a Stalled thread

    This strongly depends on what is being done in these threads
  22. You're quite brave to say such insulting words as ".net" here on Delphi forum 😄
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    New section for native apps

    Well, that's only my POV. Language of just 8 years old, developed by Google only, with initial intention to be a front-end JS killer, now it seems to be Java/Swift killer... I wish it luck though especially if they manage to produce multiplatform apps lighter and faster than Electron does and sweep that monster out from the market.
  24. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Best practices for handling a Stalled thread

    If the main app is closing, terminating a thread doesn't differ much from terminating a process. So in this very case, this function could be used
  25. Hmm, AFAIK dirty reads are considered a bad practice even if they seem to work. Here (in Russian - translator will help) is described a use case similar to yours, the advice is to try "read committed no_record_version"