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Everything posted by delphi64

  1. I'm writing a FMX app (lets call it appD) for Android in Delphi 11.3 that has to be called/started - and receive some data - from an Android app (let's call it appF) developed by another team (they use Flutter). AppF uses an intent like this for calling my app: AndroidIntent( action: "android.intent.action.launch.from.appF", package: "com.test.appd", arguments: { "userId": "User01”, "token": "SomeToken" }, flags: [0123456], ) My app, appD, starts when called by tappF, but I'm unable to receive the data I need (userID, token and flags). I have made some experiments with the following code from the sample project ReceiveIntent.dproj, but without success: function TForm1.HandleIntentAction(const Data: JIntent): Boolean; var Extras: JBundle; jsonMsg: string; begin Result := False; if Data <> nil then begin Memo1.ClearContent; Extras := Data.getExtras; if Extras <> nil then begin jsonMsg := JStringToString(Extras.getString(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_TEXT)); Memo1.Text := jsonMsg; end; Invalidate; end; end; This function is called and I get no errors, but jsonMsg is always empty. I'm a noob as per Android development... can someone show me the right way to retrieve the arguments passed by the appF? I'm really lost... Thanks for your time!