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Everything posted by Pafcouti

  1. Hi, Is it possible with DDETOURS for Delphi to make a Global system Hook? (CallWndProc for example) which hooks to all x64 programs? thanks
  2. Pafcouti

    Windows 10 x64 & HOOK Global with DDetours

    Good morning, While preparing a simple example of my Hook program to post, I found my error. Now everything works fine. THANK YOU for spending time with me. I'll be back soon for a problem with a ShellHook which works well but not the way I want! Excuse my English, I use Google Translate.
  3. Pafcouti

    Windows 10 x64 & HOOK Global with DDetours

    I'm looking for documentation in English or French that explains the architecture of Hooks under Windows x64. (Because it is different from W32) Because under Windows x32 I don't have any errors when I close Windows Where can I find this documentation?
  4. Pafcouti

    Windows 10 x64 & HOOK Global with DDetours

    That's what I did. The x32 and x64 hook works very well. But when I quit Windows the x64 Hook generates an error. As I don't understand why, I look at the other bookstores available. what I don't see this is how to adapt [Delphi] GlobalData^.SysHook := SetWindowsHookEx(idHook, lpfn, hMod, 0); in [DDETOURS ???] TrampolineMessageBox := InterceptCreate(@MessageBox, @InterceptMessageBox, Self);