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Everything posted by jauchriw

  1. jauchriw

    FireDAC ReadOnly connection

    Hello, Microsoft SQL Server supports a read only connection when using availability groups: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server-support-blog/connect-to-sql-server-using-application-intent-read-only/ba-p/317758https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server-support-blog/connect-to-sql-server-using-application-intent-read-only/ba-p/317758 You have to add " ;applicationintent=readonly" to the connection string to enable the read only mode and get on the second replica. Does FireDAC support this?
  2. jauchriw

    FireDAC ReadOnly connection

    Also try MSSQLDriverLink.ODBCAdvanced := 'Application Intent=ReadOnly' (with space)
  3. jauchriw

    FireDAC ReadOnly connection

    Hello, sorry for the late answer. The answer of Brian worked for me: Please note that the readonly connection is something complete different than just a readonly transaction. The readonly connection automatically connects to the secondary node of our Always On sql cluster node and executes the queries there and not on the (writable) primary node. This means that the primary node has a lower workload.