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  1. Rafal.B

    fmxLinux missing?

    It works 👍 (I haven't used this method of installation before) Thank you very much
  2. Rafal.B

    fmxLinux missing?

    Still no news on when it will be available?
  3. Rafal.B

    Navigator disappeared from GetIt

    They just appeared again now 👍
  4. Rafal.B

    Navigator disappeared from GetIt

    The description is available, but you can't install it from "Getit Package Manager". It's not there.
  5. Hello. A few days ago it was still there, but today Navigator and Bookmarks (formerly Parnasus) are gone. Does anyone know why?
  6. Rafal.B

    Slow rendering with SKIA on Windows

    NVIDIA RTX 3000 graphics card In both cases, GlobalUseSkiaRasterWhenAvailable=False and GlobalUseVulkan=True. In my opinion, it looks better when GlobalUseSkia = False;
  7. Rafal.B

    Slow rendering with SKIA on Windows

    I understand, thanks.
  8. Rafal.B

    Slow rendering with SKIA on Windows

    Thank you for your substantive and extensive comment. In one word, there is no reason to expect any improvement?
  9. Rafal.B

    Slow rendering with SKIA on Windows

    Considering my case, this is exactly the problem. 😞 I haven't noticed this report until now. Thank you for pointing out this report 🙂 As you can see, the topic is not new, and EMB has not done anything about it (for now) 😞
  10. Rafal.B

    Slow rendering with SKIA on Windows

    I want to confirm slow graphics rendering using GlobalUseSkia=True. I create SCADA applications. There's a lot of graphics there. To make it 'nicer' I use animations. Unfortunately, with the GlobalUseSkia=True option it works terribly slowly (2-3 fps). With the GlobalUseSkia=False option it is much better. However, I would expect much smoother operation. This problem also occurred in D11.3 I use equipment: HP ZBOOK G7 i9; Quadro RTX 3000 Hardware is probably not the problem here.
  11. I just installed Delphi 12.1 and no problem, everything works properly (fast). 👍
  12. I reported this problem to technical support. They confirmed its occurrence. They asked me to wait until the QP portal is launched and report it there. I wonder if I'm the only one who has this problem?
  13. I found the culprit in this situation. It is: StringGrid -> Options -> Header Disabling this option causes the data to display as quickly as in D11. Of course, the Header is not displayed then. I compared the "FMX.Grid" file with D11 and D12. There are a lot of changes regarding Header. Unfortunately, something went wrong with Embarcadero, and I have no way to report it to them because QP still doesn't work. Knowing what the problem is, the thread should be in the "FMX" topic.
  14. This video shows option 3 on the D11 Works as it should. Bind-StringGridOnD11.mp4