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Mark Lobanov

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Everything posted by Mark Lobanov

  1. Mark Lobanov

    ICS V9.4 announced

    See attached end of file variants. The error did not go away (( OverbyteIcsWinsock-original.pas OverbyteIcsWinsock1.pas OverbyteIcsWinsock2.pas
  2. Mark Lobanov

    ICS V9.4 announced

    Sorry, I don't understand where exactly
  3. Mark Lobanov

    ICS V9.4 announced

    The error did not go away ((
  4. Mark Lobanov

    ICS V9.4 announced

    Hello The same as in 9.3 (( Internal Error: URW1111 while compiling OverbyteIcsD2010Run.dproj or OverbyteIcsD2010Design.dproj in Delphi 2010. There are no errors in Delphi Tokyo.
  5. Mark Lobanov

    ICS V9.3 announced

    Hello Internal Error: URW1111 while compiling OverbyteIcsD2010Run.dproj or OverbyteIcsD2010Design.dproj in Delphi 2010 If i compile *.dpr I get the same error
  6. Hello I have a Win64 ServiceApplication (no GUI) with separate thread which received a data from specific web-service. TSslHttpCli created and initialized within the thread constructor fHc := TSslHttpCli.Create( nil ); fHc.RcvdStream := TBytesStream.Create; fHc.SendStream := TBytesStream.Create; fHc.OnBeforeHeaderSend := hcBeforeHeaderSendHandler; fHc.OnCookie := hcOnCookieHandler; fHc.SocketFamily := sfAny; fHc.RequestVer := '1.1'; fHc.MultiThreaded := True; fHc.sslContext := TSslContext.Create( nil ); fHc.sslContext.SslMinVersion := sslVerTLS1_2; fHc.sslContext.SslMaxVersion := sslVerMax; fHc.sslContext.SslCliSecurity := TSslCliSecurity.sslCliSecTls12; fHc.sslContext.SslVersionMethod := sslBestVer_SERVER; fHc.Accept := MC_HTTP_ACCEPT_VALUE; fHc.Connection := MC_HTTP_CONNECTION_VALUE; fHc.Agent := MC_HTTP_USER_AGENT_VALUE; fHc.NoCache := True; fHc.ResponseNoException := True; In CallerThread.Execute a call a GET method in synchronous mode with OpenSsl 3.2.0. At first glance all works fine but a have a lot of errors "Request aborted on timeout". Remote web service is quite stable. Maybe I missed something? Please, help me.
  7. Please, delete this topic. I found an error in another place
  8. Hello I use TSslHttpCli in my backend built on DelphiMVCFramework for query external services. The TSslHttpCli object embedded into DelphiMVCFramework session and used each time then client called my endpoint. This call each time occurs in different thread. For certain reasons a can't create, use and free TSslHttpCli object each time in one thread context. I want to use thread context switching. Is this code safe? // initialization fClient: TSslHttpCli; ... fClient := TSslHttpCli.Create( nil ); fClient.MultiThreaded := True; // using if fClient.ThreadID = 0 then fClient.ThreadAttach; try fClent.Post(...); finally fClient.ThreadDetach; end;
  9. Mark Lobanov

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    Ok, thank you, François and Angus
  10. Mark Lobanov

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    I have a similar pattern but easier One session, one client data (metadata, authorization, cookie etc.), one TSslHttpCli objects per session lifetime. No pool, no concurrent access to TSslHttpCli objects. My problem is that the TSslHttpCli object is created in one thread and is used each time in another thread. On each second call TSslHttpCli objects freezes in httpDnsLookup state. I do not want to use the asynchronous mode of the object yet. DelphiMVCFramework endpoint call is already in asynchronous mode within separate thread. Besides I don't have access to this threat execute method to add custom message handler. I added ThreadAttach/ThreadDetach code (look start message in this topic) and freezes gone but I not sure that this code is safe. François Piette thinks this is the wrong code
  11. Mark Lobanov

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    Thank you, i saw the topic but is not my case. I can't create, run and free TSslHttpCli object in the same thread context for performance reasons and business flow. I have to create and free TSslHttpCli object within DelphiMVCFramework session and reuse it each time my endpoints are called. Each time my endpoint is called, new thread is created by DelphiMVCFramework engine with TTask.Run() and TSslHttpCli object is used in that thread context, each endpoint call - new thread, quite so DelphiMVCFramework works. I also can't use DelphiMVCframework's embedded HttpClient because it doesn't support TLS1.3 ((
  12. Mark Lobanov

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    have I use TSslHttpCli.PostAsync method ? separate thread is the TTask.Run() thread
  13. Mark Lobanov


    Hello I don't know, why finalization code from OverbyteIcsLIBEAY unit called earlier than TSslBaseComponent.FinalizeSsl and where are many exceptions occur in FinalizeSsl when my windows service stops ? What could be the reasons for this case? ICS 8.70, Delphi Tokyo
  14. Mark Lobanov


    I think not all communications can be completed when the server stops. In this case these communications should be terminated and the service should be stopped without exceptions The last error is Runtime error 216
  15. Mark Lobanov

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    Since the code of [using] section is already executed in a separate thread, I use the synchronous Get method and not GetAsync I expect that in the finally section work of Get method will be completed What do you think would be the correct solution?
  16. unit OverbyteIcsMailQueue constructor TIcsMailQueue.Create(Aowner: TComponent); begin inherited; ... {$IFDEF UNICODE} FBodyText.WriteBOM := False; { V8.67 } {$ENDIF UNICODE} FMailServers := TMailServers.Create(Self); ... end; procedure TIcsMailQueue.SaveQuHdrs; ... {$IFDEF UNICODE} QueueLines.WriteBOM := False; { V8.67 } {$ENDIF UNICODE} ... [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsMailQueue.pas(1464): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBOM' [DCC Error] OverbyteIcsMailQueue.pas(2243): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'WriteBOM'
  17. Mark Lobanov

    ICS 8.67 & Delphi 2010

    {$IFDEF COMPILER15_UP} maybe it would be more correct?
  18. Hello, [OverbyteIcsWSocketS.pas] procedure TSslWSocketServer.OrderClose; OLD>> if FIcsHosts.Count = 0 then Exit; NEW>> if (not Assigned( FIcsHosts )) or (FIcsHosts.Count = 0) then Exit;
  19. Mark Lobanov

    ICS 8.63 little patch

    Why now fixed ?
  20. Hello I'm trying to use TSslHttpCli in multithreading environment (Parallel Programming Library) and getting an error ESocketException with message 'Invalid argument (#10022 in WSACancelAsyncRequest)’ in Get method. Please, help me. Why does an error occurs? If I'm calling TSslHttpCli.Get in main application thread this error does not occurs. program ics_test; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Classes, IOUtils, System.Threading, System.SyncObjs, System.SysUtils, OverbyteIcsWndControl, OverbyteIcsHttpProt, OverbyteIcsWSocket; type TSslHttpCliHelper = class strict private hc: TSslHttpCli; fCookie: string; procedure hcOnCookie(Sender: TObject; const Data: String; var Accept: Boolean); function handleHttpResult: string; public procedure doGet; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TTestTask = class(TTask) private fHelper: TSslHttpCliHelper; public constructor Create(Sender: TObject; Event: TNotifyEvent; const AProc: TProc; const APool: TThreadPool; const AParent: TTask); destructor Destroy; override; end; function makeFileNameID(Obj: TObject): string; begin Result := IntToHex(Integer( pointer( Obj ) ), 8); end; { TTestTask } constructor TTestTask.Create(Sender: TObject; Event: TNotifyEvent; const AProc: TProc; const APool: TThreadPool; const AParent: TTask); begin inherited Create(Sender, Event, AProc, APool, AParent); fHelper := TSslHttpCliHelper( Sender ); end; destructor TTestTask.Destroy; begin fHelper.Free; inherited; end; { TSslHttpCliHelper } constructor TSslHttpCliHelper.Create; begin hc := TSslHttpCli.Create( nil ); hc.ContentTypePost := 'application/json'; hc.Accept := '*/*'; hc.Connection := 'Keep-Alive'; hc.Agent := 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36'; hc.ResponseNoException := True; // hc.MultiThreaded := True; hc.SendStream := nil; hc.RcvdStream := TBytesStream.Create; hc.OnCookie := hcOnCookie; hc.sslContext := TSslContext.Create( nil ); hc.sslContext.SslMinVersion := sslVerTLS1_2; hc.sslContext.SslMaxVersion := sslVerTLS1_3; end; destructor TSslHttpCliHelper.Destroy; begin hc.SendStream.Free; hc.RcvdStream.Free; hc.SslContext.Free; hc.Free; inherited; end; procedure TSslHttpCliHelper.doGet; begin hc.url := 'https://api.ehealth-ukraine.org/api/dictionaries'; hc.Get; TFile.WriteAllText('test.'+makeFileNameID( Self )+'.json', handleHttpResult, TEncoding.UTF8); end; function TSslHttpCliHelper.handleHttpResult: string; begin if Assigned( hc.RcvdStream ) and (hc.RcvdStream.Size > 0) then Result := Trim( TEncoding.UTF8.GetString( TBytesStream( hc.RcvdStream ).Bytes ) ) else Result := EmptyStr; end; procedure TSslHttpCliHelper.hcOnCookie(Sender: TObject; const Data: String; var Accept: Boolean); begin fCookie := Data; Accept := True; end; function createTask(ATaskHelper: TSslHttpCliHelper): TTestTask; begin Result := TTestTask.Create(ATaskHelper, nil, procedure() begin ATaskHelper.doGet; end, TThreadPool.Default, nil); end; var tasks: array of ITask; task: ITask; hlp: TSslHttpCliHelper; begin { // Normal hlp := TSslHttpCliHelper.Create; try hlp.doGet; finally hlp.Free; end; } { --------------------------- Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project ics_test.exe raised exception class ESocketException with message 'Invalid argument (#10022 in WSACancelAsyncRequest)'. --------------------------- Break Continue Help --------------------------- } SetLength(tasks, 1); tasks[0] := createTask( TSslHttpCliHelper.Create ); for task in tasks do task.Start; TTask.WaitForAll( tasks ); SetLength(tasks, 0); end. I use Delphi Tokyo 25.0.29899.2631 and ICS 8.61 An example in attachment. ics_test.zip
  21. Mark Lobanov

    TSslHttpCli in multithreading environment

    I applied your advice. Error still occurs
  22. Mark Lobanov

    TSslHttpCli in multithreading environment

    Excuse me, I'm don't understand you (( How I have to correct my code?