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Everything posted by Alex_mex

  1. Hi everybody, I have a strange error: 1. First I'm connecting to RAD Server and do login (TEMSProvider and TBackendAuth): EMSProvider1.UserName := Edit1.Text; EMSProvider1.Password := Edit2.Text; BackendAuth1.UserName := Edit1.Text; BackendAuth1.Password := Edit2.Text; try BackendAuth1.Login; Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged in'); except on E: Exception do Memo1.Lines.Add(E.message); end; Login always is successfull 2. Then I'm trying to do request using TBackendEndpoint try RecentStudiesEP.ClearBody; RecentStudiesEP.Params.Clear; RecentStudiesEP.Resource := 'Studies'; RecentStudiesEP.ResourceSuffix := DateToIso8601(Now,TRUE); RecentStudiesEP.Params.AddItem('DoctorID','455BAC0D-87B3-4D2B-9740-E0B46C65BA82'); RecentStudiesEP.Execute; {Do something} except on E : exception do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(e.Message); end; end; On the first request I'm always getting an error: EMS Error: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-str But after that everythig starts to work fine without any errors, the same request does not give any problem and I can use it whenever I want and without any error What it can be? Where is an error? And how to fix it?
  2. I'm trying to upgrade production RAD Server 11 to RAD Server 12. I did not find manual to do this upgrade, so I've copied all necessary files to wwwroot/RADServer and tried to start EMSDevServer to update emsserver.ib but I got the error "The application was unnable to start correctly..." What I'm missing? Should I reinstall Interbase? If yes, how to deal with production license? Where I can find manual for upgrade? I do not know what to do. I'll appreciate any help to figure out how to run new server
  3. Alex_mex

    Upgarding from RAD Server 11 to RAD Server 12

    That was I exactly did, and the result is an error "The application was unnable to start correctly..." Now I can not use RAD Studio 12 to build emsserver.bpl, and I can not use RAD Studio 11 because upgrade of my development computer was done without problems... It is incredible that software that costs that much money does not have any simple intruction or tool to do the upgrade!!!
  4. I have an App and backent on RAD Server. To search registered users in my app I'm using the following: BackendUsers1.Users.QueryUserName( UserName, EntityValue, nil); When I was using RAD Studio 11, everything was working just fine, then recently I've moved to RAD Studio 12 and after that my app in widows still working ok, but iOS version gives me an error "EMS: Bad request" exactly on this line of code. I 've spend a lot of time trying to figure out the problem. Is there some kind of walkaround, or may be other solution to search users using their names?
  5. Just update iphone to 17.2.1 and xcode to 15.2 and as result I get an error: Unable to launch process on '' using parameters from the 'IOSDev' profile. Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory with suffix 'DeveloperDiskImage.dmg' application deploys to iphon but I cannot run it, it opens and closes What can it be? I'm using Rad studio 11
  6. Alex_mex

    iphone 17.2.1 an xcode 15.2 issue

    // *** iOS17 SDK crash issue - Add the following line: *** WindowManager.RootViewController.Super.init; Just did this modification and at least the app is not crashing when I start it Thank you very much and will wait for the solution for debugging