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Everything posted by billionjk

  1. I created a simple project with one panel and one button in Form. Click on the button will create a panel component with the same size as the panel at design time. But why the result of the panel that crates at runtime is smaller than the panel created at design time? I'm using Delphi 10.4.2 The size of Panel1 is 250x350 pixels. I set the size of pnlRuntime to 250x350 pixels same as Panel1. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pnlRuntime: TPanel; begin pnlRuntime := TPanel.Create(Form1); pnlRuntime.Parent := Form1; pnlRuntime.left := 265; pnlRuntime.top := 8; pnlRuntime.Height := 350; pnlRuntime.Width := 250; end; When running the project and clicking Button1. Why the size of the new panel is smaller than Panel1?
  2. After checking my screen scaling it was set to 125% and I changed the scaling to 100%, 150% and 175% the components on the form are scaled correcting. Thank you so much.
  3. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pnlRuntime: TPanel; begin pnlRuntime := TPanel.Create(Form1); pnlRuntime.Parent := Form1; pnlRuntime.left := 265; pnlRuntime.top := 8; // pnlRuntime.Height := 350; // pnlRuntime.Width := 250; pnlRuntime.Height := MulDiv(350, Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96); pnlRuntime.Width := MulDiv(250, Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96); end; After changing the code as dwrbubr suggested. The size going equals the design time. How about the position? and How about the third parameter of 96 in MulDiv(350, Screen.PixelsPerInch, 96)?
  4. I'm learning how to convert panels with child components to stream from this article https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41021756/delphi-stream-panel-to-file . I'm designing a new form like this When clicking the btnSave will call the procedure StreamConvert to convert the panel to stream and show the text object in the memo. procedure TForm1.StreamConvert(aStream: TStream); var ConvStream: TStream; begin aStream.Position := 0; ConvStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try ObjectBinaryToText(aStream, ConvStream); ConvStream.Position := 0; PanelStream.CopyFrom(ConvStream, ConvStream.Size); lblStreamSize.Caption := IntToStr(ConvStream.Size); lblLineCount.Caption := mmoObjectText.Lines.Count.ToString; finally ConvStream.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var idx: Integer; MemStr: TStream; begin MemStr := TMemoryStream.Create; try for idx := 0 to pnlSource.ControlCount - 1 do begin MemStr.Position := 0; MemStr.WriteComponent(pnlSource.Controls[idx]); StreamConvert(MemStr); end; PanelStream.Position := 0; mmoObjectText.Lines.Clear; mmoObjectText.Lines.LoadFromStream(PanelStream); finally MemStr.Free; end; end; PanelStream is a TStream declared in the public section and created in the onCreate form. The result of the running screen is as follows. When clicking btnLoad will load the PanelStream back to pnlSource but the problem is when I change some text in TEdit and save it again. When click loading to load the PanelStream back to pnlSource the first line of the memo shows "object = pnlSource: TPanel" and I don't want to save the TPanel as the parent of all objects. procedure TForm1.btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject); var iTemp, iTemp2 : TStringList; MemStr: TStream; i: Integer; begin // Clear all control in the panel source //btnClear.Click; // first read the destination panel an put it into a string list iTemp := TStringList.Create; iTemp2 := TStringList.Create; iTemp.Duplicates := TDuplicates.dupAccept; iTemp2.Duplicates := TDuplicates.dupAccept; MemStr := TMemoryStream.Create; try PanelStream.Position := 0; iTemp2.LoadFromStream(PanelStream); // our original source panelStream.Size := 0; MemStr.Position := 0; MemStr.WriteComponent(pnlSource); // write component to panel source StreamConvert(MemStr); // PanelStr now has our destination poanel. PanelStream.Position := 0; iTemp.LoadFromStream(PanelStream); for i := 0 to iTemp2.Count - 1 do begin iTemp.Insert(ITemp.Count - 1, iTemp2[i]); end; PanelStream.Size := 0; iTemp.SaveToStream(PanelStream); PanelStream.Position := 0; mmoObjectText.Lines.Clear; mmoObjectText.Lines.LoadFromStream(PanelStream); MemStr.Size := 0; PanelStream.Position := 0; ObjectTextToBinary(PanelStream, MemStr); MemStr.Position := 0; RegisterClass( TLabel ); RegisterClass( TPanel ); RegisterClass( TEdit ); RegisterClass( TCheckBox ); RegisterClass( TRadioButton ); MemStr.ReadComponent(pnlSource); finally iTemp.Free; iTemp2.Free; MemStr.Free; end; end; I want to save the changes of EditText, Checkbox, and RadioButton values to stream and load it back to show the saved value. I think the problem is that btnLoad created the wrong object to stream and when the stream loaded then it showed the error of a duplicated object. Teach me the correct how to read and write all the elements present in the stream, please.
  5. billionjk

    Save and Load Panel to Stream.

    Thank you so much. Another problem was solved by setting the PanelStream size to 0 before saving. procedure TForm1.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var idx: Integer; MemStr: TStream; begin MemStr := TMemoryStream.Create; PanelStream.Size := 0; try for idx := 0 to pnlSource.ControlCount - 1 do begin MemStr.Position := 0; MemStr.WriteComponent(pnlSource.Controls[idx]); StreamConvert(MemStr); end; PanelStream.Position := 0; mmoObjectText.Lines.Clear; mmoObjectText.Lines.LoadFromStream(PanelStream); finally MemStr.Free; end; end;