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Everything posted by mark.m

  1. The JAVA_HOME points to C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk- System variable "PATH" has C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin There is no other Java/JDK instance specified in PATH or otherwise.
  2. I did a fresh installation of D12 Architect on a solid Windows 10 box with all updates, Adoptium JDK, JAVA_HOME, java/bin in system paths and everything else I could imagine as potentially important. The installation went perfectly fine. The final result was identical to what I experienced on Windows 7. Android SDK and other Android components were missing. In particular, the folders AndroidSDK-2525 and AndroidNDK-21 are nowhere to be found. I wonder what is the next move that can help in getting Android development ?
  3. Thanks a lot Lajos - I will proceed with installation on Windows 10 and see if the result is better.
  4. Hello, after being stuck on Delphi XE5 for many years I am finally trying to catch up and get the latest. The main goal/motivation is to develop for Android. I tried D11 but installation was crashing because of bad-gateway on "getit" server. So, I registered for D12 Trial and successfully installed but I could not find much of Android platform available (more details below). Perhaps the root of my problems is that I was using Windows 7 SP1. Before I move on to Windows 11, I'd like to ask here if D12 can be installed (with Android dev platform) on Windows 7 machine ? If yes, then 2nd part of my story is below. My installation of D12 (from iso file) completed okay but I found no Android platform available as a target. So I googled, found this thread and uninstalled D12. Next I made sure to have "Eclipse Adoptium" java, JAVA_HOME environment and JAVA_HOME\bin in my system "path". Launched installation of D12 again. Everything seemed to be fine but Android SDK/NDK were non-existent when installation completed. In C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\ I have the following folders: Windows_and_Android_Common_Files-23.0.50491.5718, Delphi_Android_Enterprise_Trial-23.0.50491.5718 and Android_Common_Files_Enterprise_Trial-23.0.50491.5718 but they are nearly-empty. When I open Tools-> Options->Deployment->SDK Manager everything is empty. Same as first time. In the next step I tried to add Android SDK/NDK manually, by following this and this. I used SDK 32 and NDK r26b and advanced well forward. In the end however, the "Create a new Android SDK" window in D12 reported that it cannot find paths/locations of ld.exe, strip.exe and gdbserver. I searched the SDK and NDK folders and only found ld.exe but no strip.exe and gdbserver. No I wonder what's the next step. Any hint will be greatly appreciated - thanks !