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Everything posted by Sinspin

  1. Does not work, know because I've tried that approach in the past, and retried your code and it does nothing. (outside of procedure, which is the important part), What do you mean with "not working"? The TField fields are not linked to the fields of your query? When do you try to do the binding? Btw, FieldByName create already an exception if the FieldName is not found. To prevent that use FindField instead.
  2. You have also access to the list of fields. Query.Fields[0..N] No need to address the fields always by their names.
  3. You try to reach programmer. If you want our attention, give us source code. Show us your approach. A PDF is not interesting.
  4. I would like to see one version of Delphi / RAD, not 4. And the components sold (and maintained) separately. Mixing IDE and components in one product makes zero sense. I agreee. I don't like all kind of product where my work is edited in a web interface and stored in the cloud operated by the company. They can promise whatever they want about privacy and security. If they see my foo is better than theirs, and they want know why.... they have just a look. Nobody can prevent that.