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Everything posted by pyscripter

  1. GetProperty(Name).PropertyType.Handle
  2. pyscripter

    Profiler for Delphi

    https://github.com/ase379/gpprofile2017 A revamped version of the good old instrumenting profiler by @Primož Gabrijelčič.
  3. pyscripter

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    I can confirm that the workaround worked.
  4. pyscripter

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    I have just been told that this is a reported bug with Catalina 10.15.4. and there is a workaround I am going to try. @Dave NottageHow come this did not affect you?
  5. pyscripter

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    @Dave NottageThanks for responding I am in Delphi 10.3.3. Here is what I see in verbose mode when I select Add New SDK as above and then press OK. The -version -skd happens while the dialog is showing. Nothing seems to happen when I press OK. Do I need to download the SDK in the Mac? The XCode version is 11.4.
  6. pyscripter

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    @Dave NottageThanks for responding I am in Delphi 10.3.3. Here is what I see in verbose mode when I select Add New SDK as above and then press OK. The -version -skd happens while the dialog is showing. Nothing seems to happen when I press OK. Do I need to download the SDK in the Mac? The XCode version is 11.4.
  7. pyscripter

    Difference between Pred and -1

    You can add an extension method if you wish to do that using a class helper. (Low as well).
  8. pyscripter

    RegExpressions and preUnGreedy

    See workaround in https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-22372.
  9. @Freds I see. There are two ways to grow the pool. One by GrowWorkerPool and another by TThreadPool.TThreadPoolMonitor.GrowThreadPoolIfStarved, so you create the ThreadPoolMonitor after the initial threads are created and then it undertakes the growing or the Pool. Actually the problem with CPU usage was related to this method: procedure TThreadPool.GrowWorkerPool; begin if ShouldGrowPool then begin TMonitor.Enter(FQueue); try if ShouldGrowPool then if FRetiredWorkerThreadCount = 0 then CreateWorkerThread else ResurrectRetiredThread; finally TMonitor.Exit(FQueue); end; end else CreateMonitorThread; end; CreateMonitorThread was never called. If you change the above to: procedure TThreadPool.GrowWorkerPool; begin if ShouldGrowPool then begin TMonitor.Enter(FQueue); try if ShouldGrowPool then if FRetiredWorkerThreadCount = 0 then CreateWorkerThread else ResurrectRetiredThread; finally TMonitor.Exit(FQueue); end; if FMonitorThreadStatus = [] then CreateMonitorThread; end else CreateMonitorThread; end; then CPU usage is reported OK.
  10. No, The change was done to make sure that Parallel.For works OK and produces the same result. I am puzzled though by the reported CPU usages. The Task Monitor shows that CPU usage is close to 100%.
  11. For me the following change to System.Threading appears to resolve the issue: function TThreadPool.ShouldGrowPool: Boolean; begin Result := {(FWorkerThreadCount < FMinLimitWorkerThreadCount) and }(FIdleWorkerThreadCount < FQueuedRequestCount) and (FWorkerThreadCount < Self.FMaxLimitWorkerThreadCount); end; The condition FWorkerThreadCount < FMinLimitWorkerThreadCount does not appear to make sense. A slightly modified Load function: procedure Load; Var Sum : Double; begin Sum := 0; Monitor := TObject.Create; try TParallel.For(0, 99999999, procedure(i: Integer) var T:double; begin T:=Sin(i/PI); TMonitor.Enter(Monitor); Sum := Sum + T; TMonitor.Exit(Monitor); end); Writeln('Sum = ', Sum); finally Monitor.Free; end; end; produced the following results for multiple runs: PPL Test --------------- Before: Worker: 0, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 0, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 Sum = 1.37111034277419E+0000 Finished in 00:00:03.8990212 After: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 ------------------------ PPL Test --------------- Before: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 Sum = 1.37111034276774E+0000 Finished in 00:00:03.8069356 After: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 ------------------------ PPL Test --------------- Before: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 Sum = 1.37111034277633E+0000 Finished in 00:00:03.8392113 After: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 ------------------------ PPL Test --------------- Before: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 Sum = 1.37111034277271E+0000 Finished in 00:00:03.8729582 After: Worker: 17, (Min: 8..Max: 200), Idle: 17, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 ------------------------
  12. pyscripter

    TWebBrowser HDPI issue

    @Attila KovacsI tried your suggestion and it works!!
  13. pyscripter

    ActiveMQ + OpenWire for Delphi?

  14. pyscripter

    TButtonedEdit Styles and transparency

    https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-26633 The report contains a solution.
  15. I am getting a bug report with the following stack list. Exception class: EOSError Exception message: System Error. Code: 1400. Invalid window handle. Exception address: 004305B8 Stack list, generated 10/12/2019 10:45:33 AM [004305B3]{PyScripter.exe} Unknown function at __dbk_fcall_wrapper [005F08C1]{PyScripter.exe} Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept [005B6961]{PyScripter.exe} Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept .... TMethodImplementationIntercept is defined in RTTI.pas but it does not appear to be used anywhere and I am not calling this function. { This function has been added to be used from .s .c files in order to avoid use mangled names} procedure TMethodImplementationIntercept(const obj:TMethodImplementation; AFrame: Pointer); cdecl; begin obj.Intercept(AFrame); end; exports TMethodImplementationIntercept; Any idea what might be going on?
  16. Yes indeed. THANK YOU! I am normally including jdbg info into the executable, but for some reason this was not included.
  17. pyscripter

    Overrided TForm.DestroyWnd is not executed

    See my post on this very topic.
  18. The Windows imaging Component contains a wealth of useful features for manipulating images in different formats. Delphi partially encapsulates this functionality into the TWICImage class of Vcl.Graphics which is a TGraphics descendent. The following code resizes pf32bit bitmaps with transparency using TWICImage, at a much better quality than can be achieved with StretchDraw for example or anything else I have tried.. Uses Winapi.Wincodec, Vcl.Graphics; procedure ResizeBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap; const NewWidth, NewHeight: integer); var Factory: IWICImagingFactory; Scaler: IWICBitmapScaler; Source : TWICImage; begin Bitmap.AlphaFormat := afDefined; Source := TWICImage.Create; try Factory := TWICImage.ImagingFactory; Source.Assign(Bitmap); Factory.CreateBitmapScaler(Scaler); Scaler.Initialize(Source.Handle, NewWidth, NewHeight, WICBitmapInterpolationModeHighQualityCubic); Source.Handle := IWICBitmap(Scaler); Bitmap.Assign(Source); Scaler := nil; Factory := nil; finally Source.Free; end; end; Some key points: Setting the AlphaFormat to alDefined is crucial for maintaining the transparency. If you do not release the ImageFactory before you destroy the TWICImage you will get access violations next time you call this procedure. (Have a look at TWICImage .Destroy).
  19. pyscripter

    High quality bitmap resize with transparency

    Please note that there is a bug in Vcl.Graphics which affects the code above.
  20. pyscripter

    Patch a private virtual method

    @Stefan GlienkeWould this approach work with classes derived from TFoo? Wouldn't you have to patch the VMT of derived classes?
  21. The extended Rtti, available since Delphi XE, is great and has many uses, including serialization and exposing Delphi object to scripting languages. There have been many discussions about whether you should keep a global RttiContext or not and whether you should call TRttiContext Create and Free every time you access extended Rtti. For example this article suggests that keeping it in a global variable is a "very bad idea". However there is a huge performance penalty if you do not do that. For example in the following code Test1 runs about 100 times slower than Test2. The reason is that in Test1, hundreds of Rtti objects are created and destroyed every time you access the rtti. program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Diagnostics, System.Rtti; Const Iterations = 10000; var SL : TStringList; procedure Test1Inner; begin var RttiContext := TRttiContext.Create; var RttiMethod := RttiContext.GetType(SL.ClassType).GetMethod('Clear'); RttiMethod.Invoke(SL, []); RttiContext.Free; end; Procedure Test1; begin for var I := 1 to Iterations do begin Test1Inner; end; end; Procedure Test2; begin var RttiContext := TRttiContext.Create; for var I := 1 to Iterations do begin var RttiMethod := RttiContext.GetType(SL.ClassType).GetMethod('Clear'); RttiMethod.Invoke(SL, []); end; RttiContext.Free; end; begin SL := TStringList.Create; try var SW := TStopwatch.StartNew; Test1; SW.Stop; WriteLn(SW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString); SW := TStopwatch.StartNew; Test2; SW.Stop; WriteLn(SW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString); finally SL.Free; end; ReadLn; end. There is a middle-of-the-road solution to the performance issue, once you realize that there can be many Rtti Contexts but there is just one Rtti Pool as @Stefan Glienke points out at the bottom of this Stackoverflow topic. (By the way, the bug discussed in this question was fixed in Delphi Rio). So instead of having a global RttiContext you can instead insert the following code at the bottom of one of your units. Var _RttiContext: TRttiContext; procedure _InitRttiPool; begin _RttiContext := TRttiContext.Create; _RttiContext.FindType(''); end; initialization _InitRttiPool; finalization _RttiContext.Free(); Note that _RttiContext is not used anywhere else, but this is enough to keep the rtti pool alive and prevent the performance penalty involved in creating and freeing the RttiContext. @David Heffernan suggests something similar in the StackOverflow topic mentioned above but for a different reason. The downside of course is the memory overhead involved in keeping all these rtti objects alive for the lifetime of the application. Any comments?
  22. pyscripter

    Delphi 2007 to 10.3 and Windows 10 taskbar issue

    I could reproduce the problem. However I would suggest that you do not auto-create dialog forms. In Project, Options, Forms remove the OKRightDlg from the list of auto-created forms (move it to the right). Replace TForm1.Button1Click with something like this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TOKRightDlg.Create(Self) do begin PopupParent := Self; ShowModal; Release; end; end;
  23. pyscripter

    Delphi 2007 to 10.3 and Windows 10 taskbar issue

    I do not see this issue with Delphi applications created with Delphi Rio. Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; is called before the creation of the main form in the dpr file.
  24. pyscripter

    JCL & JEDI in 10.3.2 RIO (no GetIt)

    Works fine here. Are you using the latest versions from GitHub? Are you following the instructions at https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl and https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl?
  25. pyscripter


    @David Heffernan http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/System.UCS4String Your were spot on.