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  1. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    Ok, now I can say that if I don't change the rights in IIS or don't change where to read the registry keys nothing will work. I will look for a strategy for all those isapi that I can no longer compile 😞 Thank you 😞
  2. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    Thanks for the answers. I will do the necessary tests and checks and give you an answer. In any case, I gave the right reading rights to the Regedit key for the IIS user and it doesn't work; this is the first time I've been forced to do this
  3. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    Thanks for the tip but I don't understand how to use the new feature. I've also never had this problem. I am forced to read the regedit because we cannot recompile some software developed with very old versions of Delphi. Thank you, I accept all possible suggestions
  4. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    this call is not successful, only the first one works, this : RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, PChar(strSubKey),0,KEY_READ,Key) = ERROR_SUCCESS
  5. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    as a message it gives me only Error or nothing
  6. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    Hi, I implemented this code and call the function with Dir2 := ReadRegEntry('SOFTWARE\DBTFICIO\ProvaIsapi', 'Directory'); function ReadRegEntry(strSubKey,strValueName: string): string; var Key: HKey; Buffer: array[0..1023] of char; Size: cardinal; begin Result := 'ERROR'; Size := SizeOf(Buffer); If RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, PChar(strSubKey),0,KEY_READ,Key) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then if RegQueryValueEx(Key,PChar(strValueName),nil,nil, @Buffer,@Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := Buffer; RegCloseKey(Key); end; The user is both IIS_Iusrs and Iusr. Help me😓 Thank you
  7. Sebastiana

    ISAPI and regedit

    Good morning everyone, I have a problem with my ISAPI on the new Windows Server 2022. Why doesn't it allow me to access the registry files to read a specific key? From this key I read paths to read certain files. What do you recommend? Thank you