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Everything posted by LaryRose

  1. First of Iam a beginner to coding, I had some basic lessons about Delphi, but my knowledge is little. So, the main topic I want to ask: how can you program a working memory game in Delphi. As to the structure Iam going to work with 20 timage components and 20 tbuttons, with the caption: ?. Also, the project should contain a ttimer and start and exit button. Furthermore, I want to build an array so that the code for flipping of every card isn't endless. Where should I start? Lary Rose, :D
  2. This is what i have managed to do until know, but a lot of connections are missing and wrong. What would be the next corrections and steps to take? And sry for butting it into a word file it just seemed more practical at the moment. Unit1 (2).pas