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Everything posted by giorgiobazzo

  1. We are having problems with Delphi 12 to debug projects with Runtime Packages and the Win64 platform. This example reproduces an issue when debugging projects that use Rumtime Packages on the Win64 platform. Steps to reproduce the issue: 1 - Open the project group: BPTEST.groupproj; 2 - Select the debug configuration and the win64 platform for all projects in the group; 3 - Make a Build; 4 - In the App.exe project in App.dpr, place a breakpoint on the line: Application.Initialize; 5 - Press F9, and we will see that the breakpoint was ignored. If we repeat the process with the win32 configuration, the breakpoint works correctly; If in App.dpr we remove the MyUnit unit from uses, which is part of TrPartUnits.bpl, the breakpoint also works correctly even in win64; I also made the example available at: https://github.com/giorgiobazzo/RtPkgSample BPTEST.zip
  2. David Millington pointed me to a solution, through the support of Embarcadero: This solved the problem for me.
  3. @Pat Foley, The problem is not compiling, the code always compiles, with or without MyUnit. The problem is only with the breakpoints. I opened a ticket at: https://idera.my.salesforce-sites.com/CG/ And here it was reported that the debug for win64 actually has this problem, and that it should be corrected in future updates. So it's not something we're doing wrong, but rather a problem that Delphi currently has.
  4. @Pat Foley, What does this have to do with the fact that breakpoint doesn't work in win64?
  5. Hi @Pat Foley, This example is very brief, just to demonstrate the debug problem in win64, because in win32, in the same way as in the example, the breakpoint works correctly. In production I have groups of projects with several .bpl packages, and several executables that depend on the same packages, and also packages that depend on other packages. So a unit like myunit.pas can only be added to a single package. In this case, adding myunit.pas to all .dpk is not possible, this generates compilation errors, because the unit has already been added to another package. Adding myunit.pas to App.exe's .dpr makes the breakpoint work on win64, but this is the same as not using Runtime Packages, so this is not a solution in this case.
  6. Hi @Lajos Juhász, I had already looked at this post, but I thought the problem could be something else, as I am not using dynamically loaded packages. In my case, the packages are referenced in the projects' requires. And another detail is that I don't have a problem with win32, only with win64.