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  1. TWBoy

    C++ Builder 11.3 IDE/BDS errors

    Hello cbPlus, Could you please explain what the "LSB path" is? I was unable to locate it in the registry or configuration settings. Thank you.
  2. After uninstalling all TMS Software components, CBuilder 12.1 now can build the Windows 64-bit application. I have kept CBuilder 11.3 on different computers. Before, I do not have any problems with CBuilder 11.3 on Windows 32 and 64-bit platforms. After I updated some components of TMS Software, my CBuilder 11.3 had the same issues on the 64-bit platform.
  3. Yes, a blank project. There are no issues with 32-bit and 64-bit modern applications. Only Windows 64-bit applications cannot be built.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm working on a VLC app for Windows 64-bit and hit a snag. When I try to build my project, even without adding any components, I get this error: [ilink64 Error] Fatal: Access violation. Link terminated. Failed I have looked around for a fix but haven't solved it yet. I would appreciate your advice if anyone runs into this or knows what might be wrong. Thanks!