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Everything posted by TWBoy

  1. Hi everyone, I'm working on a VLC app for Windows 64-bit and hit a snag. When I try to build my project, even without adding any components, I get this error: [ilink64 Error] Fatal: Access violation. Link terminated. Failed I have looked around for a fix but haven't solved it yet. I would appreciate your advice if anyone runs into this or knows what might be wrong. Thanks!
  2. After uninstalling all TMS Software components, CBuilder 12.1 now can build the Windows 64-bit application. I have kept CBuilder 11.3 on different computers. Before, I do not have any problems with CBuilder 11.3 on Windows 32 and 64-bit platforms. After I updated some components of TMS Software, my CBuilder 11.3 had the same issues on the 64-bit platform.
  3. Yes, a blank project. There are no issues with 32-bit and 64-bit modern applications. Only Windows 64-bit applications cannot be built.