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  1. Interesting, I hadn't fully appreciated this as I've never specifically dealt with cfg files before. Thanks for the detailed historical explanation - very useful.
  2. OK, thanks. Glad that it works on my particular cfg type anyway!
  3. I agree and I'm not happy with having raised the issue in this forum when it shouldn't have been necessary - my mistake. Anyway, your points are noted and thank you (and others) for your guidance. However, it's a pity the docs on TIniFile don't mention the possibility of also editing ,cfg files - not that I could find (after extensive googling) anyway!
  4. Thanks gents, noted. I was probably going to use Try/Finally in the code once I had proved the concept of using TIniFile (or something else) in the final code. Thanks for the reminder.
  5. Ah, yes, that was it. Thanks for the pointer; I missed the compiler warning. All ok now.
  6. Yes I have, but writing a value to a .cfg file gives me an AV so I assume those methods can't be used: var RHini: TIniFile; if RHini = nil then RHini:= TIniFile.Create(AppDir+'\RemoteHost.cfg'); RHini.WriteString('RemoteHost','User',UserName); RHini.Free;
  7. I have a 3rd party Help Desk executable which is deployed with it's configuration file (.cfg) to customers. I need to amend the config file (same structure as an ini file) to enter some customer specific info before the exec is run from my D2007 app. Is there a way to do this, seemingly, simple task? I have tried using the TConfiguration code but while doing the job, it deletes all the other config data when WriteConfig is run! Thanks. Andrew