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    sending email with oauth2

    Thanks for responding to my post. Can you advise which example code should I place the creds and IdSMTP1 code into. FYI: The geoffsmith sample project prompts for user authentication. I can have that as this will execute as a back end process and not be visible to the ui. I just need to send an email

    sending email with oauth2

    Has anybody been able to send email from Delphi using oauth2. Every example that I have seen includes SMTP.UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; and SMTP.AuthType := satOAuth2; which appear undefined in my version 11 or 10.x? I am starting from scratch as Google tends to change access requirements to send email.

    creating a frame at runtime

    I have 5 frames that I want to create at runtime. The frames are descended from tframe2 or tframe3 how can I create this and allow the type (tframe2 or tframe3) to be specified in a variable.? So the object will be specified in a variable and the type will be in a variable as well. So tframe2 and tframe3 will be defined and created at runtime, but the actual frame and descendant from type would be in a variable.
  4. Is it possible to load a timagelist with a .jpeg via TMemory stream?

    Using Deplhi TWebmodule with parameter

    I was never able to trigger the action with this implementation. I will try again. I don't think that I tried it properly.

    Using Deplhi TWebmodule with parameter

    I'm just glad to know that there is a legitimate format / usage of the option that you specified. I'm not quite sure how to specify the parameters in the url with the /getname/* option. The other option was /getname?name=jim&zip=91001 Don't know how to implement the other.

    Using Deplhi TWebmodule with parameter

    Okay. Thanks for your assistance.

    Using Deplhi TWebmodule with parameter

    Thanks for responding to my post. This actually worked by removing the additional characters / symbols. Do you know why there are many examples the use other options in the pathinfo property? Examples are: /getname/* {seen in some youtube videos} /getname/data/:id {thoughts are that id would be a parameter} Now I am curious.
  9. I created a webmodule and assigned an action pathinfo of /getname*. The question is how do I create parameters for values say parameters ssn and dob would this become /getname/($ssn)/($dob)? Would really appreciate clarity.

    install the DelphiMVCFramework

    Thanks for the clarity. Now I know how the versioning education.

    install the DelphiMVCFramework

    Thanks for responding. This is correct, but what is the difference between the 102, 103, 104, 110 packages. I could not tie them to a specific version of Delphi. FYI I have Delphi version 10.1, and 11.
  12. Has anybody had experience installing the DelphiMVCFramework. The documentation references opening C:\dmvc\ideexpert\DMVC_IDE_Expert_D102Tokyo.dproj from the IDE. The problem that I have is that this does .dproj file does not exist. Trying to see if this will work for me or do I need to create my own mini rest server.
  13. Thanks for your response.
  14. Only need to serve a few hundred connections at most. Initially a dozen will work..
  15. I need to create a rest server that returns a json data after the client application provide 3 parameters of information. We will take those 3 parameters from a client connection, execute a query, and build the json to return. The client application will be remote to the server that hosts the db server. Do I need IIS or can the delphi rest server listen on port 80 and receive the parameters and return the response?