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Everything posted by JIMSMITH


    clear a tjsonobject

    If I try the setpairs above I receive the message below when compiling. [dcc32 Error] UfrmChannelConfig.pas(161): E2010 Incompatible types: 'System.Generics.Collections.TList<System.JSON.TJSONPair>' and 'Set'
  2. How do I place 3 to 4 images into a JSON object and send to a server. Also, need to be able to retrieve a string with 3 or 4 items from this server and store to file on a computer. If someone can point me to youtube videos or other google references on this it will be helpful. Code and examples compatible with Delphi XE11.3 (berlin or beyond). Thanks for your help.
  3. Totally agree with your observation and I was attempting to explain this in my followup. Anyway you figured it out and solved this problem in the best way. possible. I sent a direct message and really thank you.
  4. I am finally trying to implement this code. The fact that the image type is captured with the data (data:image/jpeg;base64) causes problem when reading the data to save the image to a file. Anybody know how to make the reading of the value separate this information so that the proper file can be created and reread. The problem as I see it is that part of the file is text and the other part is encoded. So yes This does save the file, but now I need to read the file. Meanwhile I will see what I can find. data:image/jpeg;base64,' causes problems when reading the data.

    Looking for Best Book for FMX UI Design

    Can somebody provide information on the best book(s) to use for FMX UI Design?
  6. Looking for a person with good UI design experience to redesign 3 forms in Delphi 11.x Berlin. The components to be used are VCL, DevExpress, or TMS. Need modern look and a business UI with good color scheme.
  7. A small amount of contract work. I can't post screens because of the proprietary nature of the project. Simply need a person with good UI skills and familiar with the referenced component libraries.