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  1. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    yes I only use a real phone. samsung a31 (android 12). If it doesn’t start with your data, then there’s no point in looking for an error in the code. But why does my application close, but yours starts and does not close itself? have you added error and exception handling?
  2. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

  3. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Maybe you can post an apk application with your built-in advertising (of all types) so that I can install it and see how advertising will work. This may not work due to sanctions and restrictions in some countries. Although it doesn’t work with VPN either.
  4. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Samsung A31.android 12
  5. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I use real mobile phone
  6. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I sent the log in a private message. and I also wanted to ask... is it possible to show ads with this component without enabling GDPR and IDFA, or does the component only work when GDPR and IDFA are enabled? For example, countries where this does not apply. This is necessary for an application that is intended for only one country, for example.
  7. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I have added GDPR messages. I don't use IDFA. No, I’m writing applications for the iPhone. Now the test application does not display any messages at all. It closes when you press the button. But when I press other buttons, nothing happens.
  8. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I still have an error. Consent error from: ConsentInfoUpdate - 3: Publisher misconfiguration: Failed to read publisher's account configuration; no form(s) configured for the input app ID. Verify that you have configured one or more forms for this application and try again. Received app ID: `ca-app-pub-3285XXXXXX~XXXXX" I've changed <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID" android:value="ca-app-pub-3285XXXXXX~96437XXXXX" /> <service android:name="com.google.android.gms.metadata.ModuleDependencies" android:enabled="false" android:exported="false" In unit1.pas add AdMobBannerAd1.AdUnitID:='ca-app-pub-3285XXXXXX/21205XXXXX' advertising format identifier - banner . Is there anything else that needs to be changed for the test application?
  9. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Will the values of the two parameters be the same? <meta-data android:value and AdMobBannerAd1.AdUnitAd But how to use different advertisements if they have different identifiers? The reward banner has one ID and the interstitial ad has a different ID. Using the adm component we specify the application ID. The error above was due to an incorrectly specified ~ prefix in the parameter. But now there's a new mistake Consent error from: ConsentInfoUpdate - 3: Publisher misconfiguration: Failed to read publisher's account configuration; no form(s) configured for the input app ID. Verify that you have configured one or more forms for this application and try again. Received app ID: `ca-app-pub-3285XXXXXX~XXXXX"
  10. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Thank you for noticing my inattention. The first error is gone. Now there is an error Consent error from : ConsentInfoUpdate-3 Publisher misconfiguration:Malformed request; the requested app ID is likely malformed, please fix it and try again. In the test application where can this be changed? to manage the request. Or does it all change only on the admob website?
  11. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I also changed the data in the manifest... I just didn’t attach the file earlier. the error persists.
  12. sevalx@gmail.com

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Hi. I'm using Delphi 12. I connected Kastri-master and am testing admob. In Object inspector in AdmobBanerAd1.AdUnitID I connected my data ca-app-pub-328..... After compilation an error is thrown. what am I doing wrong?