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  1. Kyle_Katarn31

    TsslHttpCli & TLS 1.x

    Thanks, i'll check this !
  2. Hello, I'm using TsslHttpCli to connect from my app to my servers. What's the method to be used to check on client side if TLS 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 is being used ? Thanks !
  3. Kyle_Katarn31

    Bug in OverbyteIcsFileCopy (D7)

    My mistake, already reported here :
  4. OverbyteIcsFileCopy.pas Line 1583 and 1584 : IgnorePathList.Delimiter, '"' + IgnorePathList.Delimiter + '"', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"'; { V8.63 for D7 } IgnorePathList.DelimitedText := '"' + StringReplace(AnsiLowerCase(FIgnorePaths), does not compile (obviously wrong) with Delphi 7
  5. Kyle_Katarn31

    New OpenSSL release 3.1.0

    Works fine, thanks !
  6. Kyle_Katarn31

    New OpenSSL release 3.1.0

    http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download seems down on my end.... do you confirm ?
  7. Thanks "This won't matter for much longer since the next major release of ICS will cease support for compilers more than a few years old" You mean that you are about to drop Delphi 7 support ? What a bad news !
  8. Kyle_Katarn31

    Exception in TCustomSmtpClient.Destroy;

    No, never seen this but very often this kind of exception are "hidden" by Windows....
  9. Kyle_Katarn31

    Exception in TCustomSmtpClient.Destroy;

    Not possible. Random exception while running for a long time in ReactOs (far from my IDE)
  10. MaxInt or expected length to be copied (Length()-xxx)
  11. Kyle_Katarn31

    Exception in TCustomSmtpClient.Destroy;

    Exception : (dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:735) Delphi Exception at address: 0049F658 (dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:736) Exception-Object: 009CB4C4 (dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:737) Exception text: 955cb0 MAP file : 049F09C:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}constructor TCustomSmtpClient.Create(AOwner:TComponent); 049F2F8:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}destructor TCustomSmtpClient.Destroy; 049F398:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F398(?:?; ?:?); 049F400:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F400; 049F410:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F410; 049F44C:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F44C; 049F488:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F488(?:?); 049F51C:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F51C(?:?); 049F5A8:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F5A8(?:?); 049F5D0:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}function sub_0049F5D0(?:?; ?:?):?; 049F634:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F634(?:TCustomSmtpClient); 049F680:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F680; 049F6A0:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F6A0(?:?); 049F6C0:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F6C0(?:?); 049F6E0:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F6E0(?:?); 049F780:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F780(?:TCustomSmtpClient; ?:?); 049F7A0:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F7A0(?:?); 049F7FC:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049F7FC(?:?); 049FA30:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049FA30(?:?; ?:?); 049FE08:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049FE08(?:?); 049FED8:{OverbyteIcsSmtpProt}procedure sub_0049FED8(?:TCustomSmtpClient; ?:?; ?:AnsiString; ?:?; ?:?; ?:?; ?:?);
  12. Then argument to be filled with actual needed length
  13. Kyle_Katarn31

    Exception in TCustomSmtpClient.Destroy;

    Any clue or comment?
  14. Just a comment. No problem. My problem is on the assert in the other thread
  15. Ok. So at least the Copy enhancement to be considered ?