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Everything posted by Kyle_Katarn31

  1. Kyle_Katarn31

    About ProxyAuth when using no authentication

    Reverting the 8.66 change does not seems to improve the situation. What traces could help ?
  2. Kyle_Katarn31

    Typo in comment (not a big deal)

    Btw, I also see this comment (line 1178): { ServerAuth and ProxyAuth properties are still experimental. They are likely to change in the future. If you use them now, be prepared to update your code later } Is it still relevant ?
  3. Kyle_Katarn31

    About ProxyAuth when using no authentication

    When testing with my Synology DSM embedded HTTP proxy (I understand it's squid too) with authentication disabled, comm fails with httpAuthNone but works with httpAuthBasic with empty login/pass. Would you need some logs to understand why httpAuthNone fails there ? Looks like it was working in the past... could it come from this change introduced in 8.66 ? else if IcsLowerCase(Proto) = 'https' then FPath := Path { V8.66 using proxy CONNECT command so don't need host and port }
  4. Kyle_Katarn31

    About ProxyAuth when using no authentication

    Thanks, i'll "force" httpAuthNone when no credential are given and i'll ask my user to test. I'll give feedback here when i'll have more details (and if possible more logs)
  5. Kyle_Katarn31

    Typo in comment (not a big deal)

    OK thanks
  6. Kyle_Katarn31

    Typo in comment (not a big deal)

    OK thanks ! One of my users is expecting issues when using my software behind squid for HTTPS. When using http, it works fine (and same with https with proxy disabled). Any clue on possible issue related to ICS ? Or maybe specific squid configuration to check ? Thanks for your excellent work. More here :
  7. Kyle_Katarn31

    Typo in comment (not a big deal)

    (thanks for the clean up and fix of glitches) So you confirm that current proxy client implementation is for HTTP only, not HTTPS ?
  8. I still use ICS exclusively on D7 and... So far so good with official builds.
  9. Add 1 URL Click on left listbox ==> Index out of bound(-1) raised at UrlEdit.Text := UrlListBox.Items[URLListBox.ItemIndex];
  10. Kyle_Katarn31

    Bug in OverbyteIcsHttpAsy1

    Thanks !
  11. Kyle_Katarn31

    Bug in OverbyteIcsHttpAsy1

    Ok, very clear
  12. Kyle_Katarn31

    Bug in OverbyteIcsHttpAsy1

    Ok well noted. Is it worth keeping this old sample if no longer accurate nor maintained ? Thanks for your excellent work and fast answer !
  13. Kyle_Katarn31

    ICS v8.64 can't compile on Delphi 7

    Is it fixed already in 8.65?
  14. Would 1.1.1d work fine with 8.62 ?
  15. Hello I've updated my app from ICS 8.59 to 8.61and the communication is no longer working when using a proxy (problem reported by one user). Proxy is reporting error in credentials or network. Switching back to the old version built on 8.59 works fine again. No other change in code. Is it a known problem with 8.61 ? Could 8.62 work better ? Any additional technical info needed for troubleshooting ? Thanks for your help !
  16. Kyle_Katarn31

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    Thanks, I'll give this a look and will come back with result and / or questions 🙂
  17. Kyle_Katarn31

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    Good to read ! Where are the release note explaning the new way to use it ? I'll test with 62 and I'll come back. How can I record protocol logs ?
  18. Quantitatively, not that much, but qualitatively... Enough getting in touch with our tech support to keep XP until 2020. Then, I'll advise 🙂
  19. This will progressively be the consequence, but for the time being we still have many users running XP
  20. Kyle_Katarn31

    Broken proxy support with ICS 8.61

    HTTP Client. Do you need more details ? (Code extract). Any change expected from a source code perspective when moving from 59 to 61 ?
  21. Could your problem be linked to this one ?
  22. Ok, so I'll disable SSL when used on XP. Thanks.