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Anna Blanca

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  1. Anna Blanca

    How use LoadLibrary in FMX?

    So, how can i use dynamic loading of librarys in Android 14?
  2. Anna Blanca

    How use LoadLibrary in FMX?

    O'K, thanks, but its not solved my problem - LoadLibrary not loading my library. You solution is only for simplification directly downloading from server.
  3. Anna Blanca

    How use LoadLibrary in FMX?

    I need to launch so-library not at once, but after any time. Maybe, my app will download library from the Internet, it new version will be released.... In actualy, is Android a new iOS?
  4. Anna Blanca

    How use LoadLibrary in FMX?

    Thank you, that's works. Normal compile. Truly, when i'm writing next code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I : Integer; SoName : THandle; ExportFunc : function(X, Y : Integer) : Integer; begin SoName := LoadLibrary('/storage/emulated/0/Documents/libTestLibrary.so'); if SoName <> 0 then begin ExportFunc := GetProcAddress(SoName, 'Launch'); I := ExportFunc(3, 5); Label1.Text := IntToStr(I); end; end; Nothing not happens....Even when i writed wrong library name, app not fired out with error.
  5. Anna Blanca

    How use LoadLibrary in FMX?

    Hello. How i can use LoadLibrary in FMX, on the not-Windows platforms? When i try wright 'LoadLibrary' in FMX-project, it emphasized by red. That is, FMX not supporting this function. It's working, when i connected WinAPI, but i want use dynamic connect for dynamic libraryes, not on the Windows.
  6. Anna Blanca

    I cannot get permission for vibrate

    Oh, thank you, vibrations working. But why application not asking permission for vibrate from user? Usually, when you not pushed button for get access, app cant't working....
  7. Anna Blanca

    I cannot get permission for vibrate

    When i making it, my app not asking permission. It's just silent and dead.
  8. Anna Blanca

    I cannot get permission for vibrate

    Hi. I'm trying getting permission from Android in my app, i'm using standart code for this: procedure TForm1.GetPermission; begin if not PermissionsService.IsPermissionGranted(JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.VIBRATE)) then PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.VIBRATE)], procedure(const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray) begin if (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then ShowMessage('Access granted') else ShowMessage('Access denied'); end); end; But that not works. My app not asking permission on the launch this code, it just sending message 'Access denied'. What's wrong and how fix it? Also, when i'm using this code for getting permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, all working right.