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Everything posted by Robert_Ha

  1. Hello everyone, I' trying to understand where I get the certificate files for the SSL certificate and CA certificate from. I have to specify them in the FireDAC connection component. With the component I want to connect to the Azure cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore). Do I need to get them from somewhere like " www.digicert.com " or do I get them from Azure itsself? Connection parameter: SSLPEMKeyFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the SSL certificate and key. SSLCAFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA). (Source: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Connect_to_MongoDB_Database_(FireDAC)) Thanks in advance. Robert
  2. Thank you so much for the input. I will dive into it! Best wishes Robert
  3. Thanks for the reply, but as far as I understand, neither source describes or mentions how I get the certificate files. Only that I need them. Can you provide more details?
  4. Hello everyone, I'm new to the Cloud topic and how to connect my Delphi 10.1 dektop application to the "Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB" Cloud-storage (NoSQL?). The MongoDB is set up by someone else and I have to connect to it, send and retrieve data in json format. In my understanding, the cloud needs a REST-API as interface to which I connect with my Delphi-App (because of security). I don't really understand with which component or class of Delphi 10.1 I can communicate with it. Can I use the "AzureConnectionInfo" and "AzureAPI" for all tasks? Do I need to use TRESTClient/Request/Response? Is the use of FireDAC reasonable for NoSQL? I'm lost here, because the documentation of Embarcadero is really short on that. Thank you very much in advance! Robert
  5. Ah thank you. I will ask him!
  6. Hi again, I'm struggeling to find a way to receive the pem files for the TLS/SSL certificates: (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Connect_to_MongoDB_Database_(FireDAC)) SSLPEMKeyFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the SSL certificate and key. SSLCAFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA). Do I need to buy them or is there a step by step guide which describes what I have to do from the very start? There are guides in the internet but I'm not sure if they explain what I need. Robert
  7. Again, thank you for the information, you are a great help. I'm currently working through the material and trying to understand everything. I apologize in advance if more questions come up.
  8. You wrote in your response in the other post that you achieved an easy connection and DB access. Do you have an example where I can start which the access? I'm lost which component to use and how to connect with it to the Azure Cosmos DB for MangoDB.
  9. Thank you so much for your input. But I dont think I can use open source code for my project because it will handle a lot of sensible patient data. Nonetheless I will definitly look into it. It would be great if there were some native delphi components which could handle the task. I read a lot about the Rad Server, but I'm not quite sure if it does all that I want.