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Everything posted by msintle

  1. I reported a bug with madSecurity a while back here: http://forum.madshi.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=28726 Unfortunately the issue hasn't been fixed for over two months since the public report. Privately, he has made it clear that he has no interest in fixing the bug unless he is getting paid for it, which makes it sound like the library is dead to me. The self-professed "mad" author has moreover censored and edited the title of the post at his forum where I drew attention to the fact that he is no longer maintaining the library. My company had sponsored the 64-bit version of madSecurity a while back, so we're definitely very taken aback that our investment was misguided. Are there any alternatives to this library? Moving forward, we will be moving our code off his platform, and would advise other developers to steer clear of madSecurity which has many subtle bugs and code that is very obtuse.
  2. msintle

    madSecurity, Are There Any Alternatives?

    That's about as relevant to the topic as is my asking what the story is behind your ghostbusters logo?
  3. msintle

    madSecurity, Are There Any Alternatives?

    Riiight...do you actually have any superb security libraries to suggest for Delphi then? Or is this just your vain sharing of gratuitous psychoanalysis?