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John Kouraklis

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Everything posted by John Kouraklis

  1. John Kouraklis


    Hi everyone, I've ported Casbin to delphi and created Casbin4D open source project. Please check it here: https://github.com/casbin4d/Casbin4D Please feel free to comment, fork, report issues, etc. Thanks
  2. John Kouraklis


    I uploaded a package for 10.2 Very welcome to test and see if all is good. Also, it would be great if someone could check/test/create packages for other versions as I don't have any other installed. Please see the open issue on github. Thanks👌
  3. John Kouraklis


    Yeah, I only had 10.3 installed at that time. I have now installed it and will prepare a package for 10.2 and fix the code.
  4. John Kouraklis

    Delphi and WebBroker on CentOS

    Hi all, I was trying to use CentOS and finally I managed to install a webbroker module. As it was a kind of a journey to figure our how things work, I put together two articles so others may find them useful: Delphi and CentOS 7 Deploying a WebBroker Apache Module on CentOS 7
  5. John Kouraklis

    Delphi and WebBroker on CentOS

    You create the SDK once and you use the same one in any new projects you create
  6. John Kouraklis

    Delphi 10.3 and the NOX emulator running Android 7

    How did you manage to make Delphi recognise the emulator? I've got a similar situation and cant make it see the emulator. And something else? Do you use any virtual machines or directly on the main PC?
  7. John Kouraklis

    Can't deploy to Linux via IDE

    Hi, I've got a CentOS virtual machine and I can connect from the IDE. When I add a simple app and try to run it, I get this error message: [PAClient Error] Error: E0004 File does not exist: C:\Users\[user]\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Linux64\Project1._@emb_.tmp Anyone knows how I might solve this?
  8. John Kouraklis

    Can't deploy to Linux via IDE

    I finally found how to fix this: Project>Deployment>Select the button that says "Revert To Default" If this does not work, in the dialog after pressing the button, select to revert changes for all platforms and configurations and discard files. This should work
  9. John Kouraklis

    Rio quality disappoint

    Hmmm...and how do you write code in events? Say, in Button click event? You create it in IDE and reload the file in VSCode?
  10. John Kouraklis

    Rio quality disappoint

    How do you develop forms with VSCode? Do you switch back to Delphi IDE?
  11. John Kouraklis

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    TFrameStand is very convenient indeed But it kills any animation you've got in your frames.
  12. John Kouraklis

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    I use Frames in FMX all the time. No problems in general. You can set the Align property in the frame directly. So no need to set it in code
  13. John Kouraklis

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    He should receive some payment. He keeps customers happy in a business that it is not his. But it's not us to judge what Andy should do. We're just happy for his contribution and we acknowledge this
  14. John Kouraklis

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Thanks Andy Your contribution is invaluable 🙇‍♂️ although it's other people's job to fix all these issues Thanks again
  15. I need to write some benchmark tests (nothing sophisticated and highly accurate; just to get an idea of what is happening) So, I have a project with several procedures and they are all called in sequence. I can measure the time required but I'd also like to have the used memory by each test. I know how to get the used memory for a process (.exe file) but how do I handle a procedure? Then, I thought to create separate small projects with one manager project which will keep track of all these but I wonder if it can be done in one project Thanks
  16. John Kouraklis

    Memory used by a procedure?

    Can you please have a look at this attempt (demo code from a site that shows how to do timing) to measure the used memory? Please see Button4 Click event and ignore the message. It's irrelevant. Is the number about right? IntPowerDemoSource.zip
  17. John Kouraklis

    Setup in ContinuaCI and 10.3 Rio

    Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with this. I've got ContinuaCI setup to run some builds and so far I was using 10.2. All was good and now I tried to move the builds to 10.3 But the MSBuild generates an error I can't figure out what to do with. This is the error: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\CodeGear.Common.Targets(987,5): error MSB4062: The "DependencyCheck" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\Borland.Build.Tasks.Shared.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\Borland.Build.Tasks.Shared.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available. 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:00.81 ------------ Anyone any ideas what might be wrong? Thanks a lot
  18. John Kouraklis

    Setup in ContinuaCI and 10.3 Rio

    Yes yes I figured it out eventually Thanks
  19. John Kouraklis

    LiveBindings and evaluating logical expressions

    @Uwe Raabe Yes you are correct. That is wrong logical expression but my question is not about this. The thing is that LiveBindings do not evaluate logical operators, eg. true and false
  20. John Kouraklis

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    @Uwe Raabe Yes, many opportunities but it is good foundation. BTW, I could not clone the repo cause SourceTree was not recognising it as avalid git/hg repo. I only downloaded the files. I am not sure if it is from your side or others have experienced the same
  21. John Kouraklis

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    @Uwe Raabe Nice plug-in. Thanks for the work. Quick Q: How do I enable code coverage for all the methods? Looks like I have to visit each method and enable CCM
  22. John Kouraklis

    Discount Offer from DelphiStyles.com

    Ahh... it's in the order page Thanks
  23. John Kouraklis

    Discount Offer from DelphiStyles.com

    That offer does not show on their website
  24. Hi, are there any packages avail for Delphi to manage role-based permissions? Or something similar? Thanks
  25. @Lars Fosdal Yeah I know...It can become very messy so I try to keep them very simple