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John Kouraklis

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Everything posted by John Kouraklis

  1. John Kouraklis

    CDATA CSV Component

    For anyone who is interested, I contacted CData and they told me their FireDac components do not support FMX at all. Disappointing...
  2. John Kouraklis

    CDATA CSV Component

    You need to set StrictDelimiter:=true to force TStringList to use only the DelimiterChar and not the spaces
  3. John Kouraklis

    CDATA CSV Component

    @ertank Hi, sorry I missed that. I am looking for a FMX component. I'll have a look at scalabium. Maybe they have one. Thanks
  4. John Kouraklis

    SVG Magic released

    @jeanmilost One question comes to mind...why is this not a FMX component? As someone who is trying to do some cross-platform work in Delphi, many times I feel the second-class relative here
  5. John Kouraklis

    SVG Magic released

    Guys, why are you arguing like this (you didn't bother, etc. etc....) Give Peace A Chance.... ☮️☮️☮️...
  6. John Kouraklis

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    What is the problem exactly with alignment? Haven't noticed anything
  7. John Kouraklis

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    There are some bugs and some wierd behaviour in FMX, but saying that the framework is unusable is a bold statement. Can someone produce a list of issues with FMX that make it unusable?
  8. Hi, IDE adds an extra <ProjectExtensions> line at the end of the .dproj file. The IDE opens the project correctly but when I compile it using MSBuild it fails due to the duplication. Has anyone observed this before or knows why this is happening? The second entry does not always appear but I haven't figured out when it happens. Thanks
  9. John Kouraklis

    IDE adds <ProjectExtensions> twice in .dproj file

    Hmmm.... I need to figure out when this happens. For now, I manually delete the duplicated line
  10. John Kouraklis

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    From business point of view, it is correct move. Only a handful of companies have the capacity and resources to do everything. For the rest, it is vital to recognise what their core skills are and how they can align them with the strategic goals. Directing valuable resources to peripheral goals is a waste of resources and of customers' money. So, by offering FMXLinux they basically: 1. Provide new ways to use Delphi without devoting (and wasting) their own resources as it is clear for some time now that EMB does not see Linux GUI as strategic option (for now at least) 2. Attract or retain customers who have an interest on that platform 3. Allow a third party to provide support (again preservation of resources). This third party (in theory and in practice I hope) has resources to support GUI Linux better than EMB 4. Keep their resources focused on the core business (compiler development, etc.) I don't have any experience with FMXLinux and not really target that platform at the moment but I hope the package worths its money
  11. John Kouraklis

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    Nice although not my target platform (yet)! But I'd rather see CodeInsightPlus integrated
  12. Hi, I want to be able to retrieve the currency code from the local settings. I've got a list with currency codes and countries, etc. For example, if the system is in the US, I would like to get the USD code, etc. The IFMXLocaleService.GetCurrentLangID returns a generic 'en' from which I am not able to retrieve the currency symbol. Anyone any ideas? Thanks a lot
  13. John Kouraklis

    How to get the Currency Symbol in multiple platforms

    @Cristian Peța Does this retrieve the country code? It looks like it get the language code
  14. John Kouraklis

    How to get the Currency Symbol in multiple platforms

    No, I want to get the currency code not the character, USD vs $
  15. John Kouraklis

    How to get the Currency Symbol in multiple platforms

    After fiddling with different stuff, I went with the following: 1. use the local ip to retrieve the country code using ipstack,.com 2. use the country code to get the currency from restcountries.eu (thanks Lars :-)) Thanks for the help everyone
  16. John Kouraklis

    How to get the Currency Symbol in multiple platforms

    @David Heffernan I've got that but how do I get the country code in all platforms?
  17. Hi all, have you got any tips about how to speed up the linking phase when I compile an app for android? Right now it sticks at the linking phase for maybe 1-1.5 minutes. I run Delphi in VM and I have a phsical android tablet. Thanks
  18. John Kouraklis

    Any tips to speed up Android linking and deployment?

    I have tried many times but still does not work
  19. John Kouraklis

    Any tips to speed up Android linking and deployment?

    Debugging is not working for me....IDE always complains that can not bind to the port is already in use (???) My apps are quite modular but this does not really help the linking phase which is what takes ages. I suppose if I had release compiled versions of unchanged units this would speed things up but I think it is difficult to manually manage this. I don't know if the signing can be skipped at all? The IDE produces an unsigned version but this is not what is used in the end. One time I started looking at how I could build and deploy an app outside IDE (eg. from command line) but at the moment this is not possible as the deployment of assets is managed only by the deployment manager. I wonder if tools from other dev environments can be used. For example, we could have a command line tool that runs MSBuild and then some external tools but I don't know how they work
  20. John Kouraklis

    Any tips to speed up Android linking and deployment?

    @Rollo62 Thanks I changed it to no debug info as I never managed to debug apps on Android
  21. John Kouraklis

    IDE can not create ancestor TFrame

    Hi, all of the sudden, my IDE throws an error that it can not create the ancestor form (frame). I've got a base frame TBaseFrame and another frame inherits from it. When I try to open the frame in the IDE, I get the error message but the application runs and fine. I tried to remove and readd the frame but still the problem exists. Any suggestions?
  22. John Kouraklis

    IDE can not create ancestor TFrame

    Thanks for the help. I will keep the Show NonVisual flag in mind
  23. John Kouraklis

    IDE can not create ancestor TFrame

    No, I was not able to open the ancestor frame. I could see the code but not the design. So, I totally removed the frame, created a new one and added the code again. Very annoying and I don';t feel very confident tbh but I use frames all the time. They are very convenient no matter what @Uwe Raabe Sorry, that's difficult. Thanks anyway @Der schöne Günther How do you keep backups of the registry? Manually or you use some kind of script/app?
  24. John Kouraklis


    Hi, does anyone have any experience with OrangeUI from here www.orangeui.cn? Seems a massive UI library. I wonder if is stable and can be trusted more/the same as Firemonkey?
  25. John Kouraklis


    Whereas you feel safe with American companies which hand over everything on you to NSA and FBI as they do not risk to end up in jail. Come on, OrangeUI is probably an individual who sells his product. I am sure all of us have bought components from such individuals in the past. And, really, would you feel more comfortable if the site was in English and the download link was a direct file? or if the domain was orangeui.com?