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GabrielMoraru last won the day on January 27

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About GabrielMoraru

  • Birthday March 4

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. Have you even tried to debug? 0. The file is present in Github. It was never missing: https://github.com/GabrielOnDelphi/Delphi-LightSaber/blob/main/ccCore.pas Which leads us to: 1. The main file of the project says that Vcl2Fmx requires the LightSaber library. Have you even downloaded the LightSaber library? Which leads us to: 2. You need to check your local files. Have you even tried to find it in your computer? If the Explorer returns a result it means that you have it. Which leads to: 3. Are your Paths set correctly? The Vcl2Fmx project needs to find the LightSaber library.
  2. The LightSaber goes through a massive change right now, because I want to make it FMX compatible. For 24h some files were missing indeed. Now everything should be fine. I think you have the old code. Please pull the new code. Let me know if something is still missing. _____________________________ PS: still ccCore.pas should not be missing. that the most important file from the whole library. _____________________________ TAppData is a replacement for TApplicationData. Does a few extra cool things compared to TApplication, such as: embedded support for "AppData" folder and INI files (the ini files knows how to save themselves to the AppData folder), support to save GUI state to disk and reload it when the next time the app starts (don't abuse it 🙂 ), support for exe version number, exe self-restart, support for self-translating GUI, support for Internet updater, logging system, app installer/uninstaller "RunningFirstTime" in this computer etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc You have a demo in "Demo\Template App\TemplateApp.dpr" that shows all those capabilities of TAppData. _____________________________ At this point I make no guaranty about any file marked with "FMX". Fmx support at this point is highly experimental (though the Vcl2FMX compiles under FMX). _____________________________ I released another update for VCL2FMX. The code had a massive grudge against Unicode. I guess it was written in a Delphi before unicode? I think I made a mistake in updating that code. I should have written that from zero! Now it works. At least on one of my old VCL programs that I use for testing There was also a massive mem leak (the fastmm report log was 1.4MB! I cut it down to few KB).
  3. Update: the old convertor (9 years old) was brought up to date. This is the major update! It has: True unicode support! Fixed bugs Better file handling Smaller code English instead of spanish There is plenty of room for optimizations. I will try to update it as necessary. (Precompiled exe file available) PS: does anyone know how to reduce its size? It is 10MB!
  4. GabrielMoraru

    Converting simple VCL form to FMX

    I have a review of the the existing convertors, including the AI here: https://gabrielmoraru.com/converting-vcl-code-to-fmx/
  5. GabrielMoraru

    VCL resizeable and moveable label

    Nice. Since the user updates the position of the label at runtime, does it remember its position when the program restarts?
  6. I have done some tests using 4 different methods. None is sufficient. I will have to bring the the FMX to VCL converter up to date. I am working on it (I will put it in my git repository).
  7. GabrielMoraru

    Compiler Defines for FireMonkey and VCL in inc files.

    But this cannot really be used in a library that you share over the internet.... 😞 https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Conditional_compilation_(Delphi) Better (very very) late than never. Right?
  8. GabrielMoraru

    Should I just dive in to GUI programs?

    1. Tell us something about your background. 2. I don't think you say something like: "I would like to make a console program and then decide what the program is". You should rather say: "I need this program... which is the best way to implement it?" There are programs that are better as console and programs that are better as GUIs. And there are GUI programs that cannot ever be implemented as console (not without taking forever to finish a task). Example: Word, video players, web browser, image viewers, data viewers, etc. 3. There isn't anything very special about console programming in Delphi. If you know the language then it should be equal for you if you build a console of GUI program.
  9. GabrielMoraru

    [DCC Error] E2597 android-ndk ld.exe: cannot find shlwapi.dll

    Fixed. The error was in a library called by the DPR project. The error msg was one of those "Error somewhere" errors you encounter in the C/++ world. Could have been fixed in seconds with a proper error message from the DSK framework. Obviously C++/Android is not as good as Delphi at generating error messages.
  10. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Yes I knew about the hardware token but I honestly tough that they apply only to the EV (my first certificate was an EV). Maybe because of the wording? Even the article that rvk pointed to, uses some strange wording "for standard code signing certificates" instead of the "OV". Basically, those 300 words of that article can be summarized as: "the rules for storing EV now also apply to OV". Dang it! _____________ PS: for completeness of information, the missing parameter from the command line to sing an exe file WITH a time server is: /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com /td SHA256 😞
  11. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Nope. That is old fact: If an unsigned executable has been downloaded and executed by many users over a long period without triggering significant antivirus or security alerts, systems like Microsoft's SmartScreen may assign it a positive reputation. I was in that situation. I also have a few small "blue" programs now. ________ Anyway, I added a time stamp to my signature/exe now. What is strange is that I had it before. I remember seeing the date in the "digital signature". This is why I highlight in a precious post that the timestamp is "Not available". So, I wake up my old backup HDD and dig some old programs and found that up to a certain date some, of them had proper signature. Probably somewhere along the road I f****d up the command line..... ________ Anyway, the discussion started from the fact that you cannot sign today an exe file without an electronic device. If you certificate is old enough, you can 🙂 But yes, it will be sad when I will have to upgrade my current certificate.
  12. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Over time the file acquires "trust" on Microsoft's servers. Once it goes in "blue" it will remain like that and it can be installed in new computers. Of course, this works as long as you don't change the exe file, not even one single bit (pun intended). 🙂
  13. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Yes. But once the application passes the "smart screen" it will remain "blue" even if the certificate expires.
  14. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    As I said, until spring. It says: Issued by sectigo public code CA R36 Valid from: 2022-04-01 to 2025-04-01
  15. GabrielMoraru

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    Yes. I right-click the exe file and I see the "digital signature" tab. It says that it is signed under my name (digest algorithm sha 256) but the timestamp is "Not available". PS: VirusTotal.com says that the file has a valid signature.