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Everything posted by RonaldK

  1. Updated to Delphi 10.4.1 When using the code navigation [STRG][Shift] Cursor up/down the cursor vanish and I cant see the text cursor. Any settings needed?
  2. RonaldK

    DevExpress FMX Grid

    yes, but after all these years, FMX still doesn't seem to be ready for bigger applications.
  3. RonaldK

    DevExpress FMX Grid

    DevExpress stop the FMX development: https://community.devexpress.com/blogs/ctodx/archive/2020/12/02/fmx-grid-future-plans.aspx
  4. RonaldK

    Outdated Delphi Roadmap

    On the new Roadmap: "Delphi support for the latest iOS Simulator" is now shifted to the Research Areas.
  5. RonaldK

    Login to Quality portal

    Is anybody able to login to https://quality.embarcadero.com ? Sorry, your userid is required to answer a CAPTCHA question correctly. I'm not able to answer this CAPTCHA step correct. Always image <> answer.
  6. RonaldK

    Login to Quality portal

    Got it with a login with another browser.
  7. RonaldK

    Login to Quality portal

    Maybe there is a bug in the CAPTCHA implementation or this is a "quality check" of the user 😉 Who can help?
  8. There is another problem with Form inheritence in 10.4.1: If you have Events assigned in the root Form like: Some of my inherited Forms dont trigger that event at runtime. In that case, the property editor of the inherited Form didn't show that event: but I cant find any information in the DFM file with this event in the inherited form. This does not happen in all Forms. Only with some in a big project. It's hard to track that, because the code and DFM looks ok. Didn't see that in any version before 10.4.1.
  9. Is there any newer Roadmap for Delphi then this: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/august-2019-delphi-android-beta-plans-august-roadmap-update Any news about iOS 13 Simulator - 64 Bit? What are the milestones and timeframe for Delphi 10.5?
  10. The following code doesn't work in Delphi 10.4.1 anymore: uses Xml.XMLDoc, xml.XMLIntf; type IXMLTest = interface(IXMLNode) ['{3BC4A779-907D-44D5-80A3-1C2D9F704D86}'] end; TXMLTest = class(TXMLNode, IXMLTest) end; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LXmlDoc : TXmlDocument; LIXMLTest : IXMLTest; begin LXmlDoc := TXmlDocument.Create (nil); LXmlDoc.Options := LXmlDoc.Options + [doNodeAutoIndent]; LIXMLTest := LXmlDoc.GetDocBinding('TEST', TXMLTest, 'http://foo') as IXMLTest; // <-- Error in this line 'No active document' end; It run with no problem in previous Delphi versions (up to 10.3) . Does Delphi 10.4.1 losing an interface reference here? Any idea what's wrong.
  11. Strangeness today. When I copy/past the above code into the Delphi source editor Last line has font display problems:
  12. Don't help. A solution is changing declaration: LXmlDoc : TXmlDocument; to: LXmlDoc : IXmlDocument; Seems that code in 10.4.1 have different Interface RefCounter behaviour.
  13. Ok. Thanks. Doesn't fix the problem.
  14. Is there an option to disable the new LSP and using the old one?
  15. Yes. I'm using no IDE extensions.
  16. Seems to be another problem of general navigation. In my case the navigation works but the cursor is not visible or painted. After Crtl+Shift Up/down and navigate to the left or right, the cursor is painted twice: This does not happen in a new Windows application. Maybe using some other units cause this. Try to find which unit it is. I'm using DevExpress components, maybe not fully fixed: https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t897104/autocomplete-not-working-on-d10-4-after-add-tcxbutton-or-other-dx-component https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-29674 Ronald
  17. Yes. After any navigation the source code cursor isn't visible. I can't see the actual line without the cursor. I have to press a cursor key to get it back.
  18. RonaldK

    Generics and Classes on Windows 2000 = OOM

    Maybe you can track down the memory usage with FastMM4 uses FastMM4; ... var LMemoryStart : TMemoryManagerUsageSummary; LMemoryNow : TMemoryManagerUsageSummary; begin GetMemoryManagerUsageSummary(LMemoryStart); ... GetMemoryManagerUsageSummary(LMemoryNow); LMemoryNow.AllocatedBytes - LMemoryStart.AllocatedBytes;
  19. RonaldK

    is FGX native still around?

    Now, there is a 1.x release version for download. Has anyone already tried it?
  20. RonaldK

    Extremely slow Link phase

    Or to return to a Delphi version < Berlin.
  21. RonaldK

    Extremely slow Link phase

    Instead of having many TForm inheritance with different DXRibbons, I've now one master TForm with a full feature Ribbon (all possible Buttons). I'm using a Pagecontrol on this Ribbon-Form to embeded the other TForms. The mainform "ask" the active embeded Form for button enabled/visible/Click. There is no visual inheritance of DX Ribbon forms anymore.
  22. RonaldK

    Extremely slow Link phase

    The problem started with Berlin, you have to go to earlier versions and deactivate/delete the Live Bindings DLLs. My workaround was a redesign of the visual inheritans with the DX ribbon. Not only the debugging is slow. Try to navigate to a variable declared in a unit, which inherits from a DX Ribbon Form. That's real fun 😉 I can take minutes.
  23. RonaldK

    Extremely slow Link phase

    is your project using visual inheritance? https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-15417
  24. The PAServer can debug 64 Bit and 32 Bit macOS apps. I assume, that these files are for the 32 Bit debugger when you debug 32 Bit app on macOS < Catalina. Useless on Catalina. ... tell us the result, if you go ahead
  25. RonaldK

    Changes in Parallel Library

    Do you have any links to the conferences? Very nice to see that the Delphi users are still very active and very sad to see that Emba has almost completely dropped the rope.