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Posts posted by RonaldK

  1. There is another problem with Form inheritence in 10.4.1:

    If you have Events assigned in the root Form like:




    Some of my inherited Forms dont trigger that event at runtime.

    In that case, the property editor of the inherited Form didn't show that event:




    but I cant find any information in the DFM file with this event in the inherited form.

    This does not happen in all Forms. Only with some in a big project.

    It's hard to track that, because the code and DFM looks ok.


    Didn't see that in any version before 10.4.1.




  2. The following code doesn't work in Delphi 10.4.1 anymore:

      Xml.XMLDoc, xml.XMLIntf;
      IXMLTest = interface(IXMLNode)
      TXMLTest = class(TXMLNode, IXMLTest)
    procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      LXmlDoc : TXmlDocument;
      LIXMLTest : IXMLTest;
      LXmlDoc := TXmlDocument.Create (nil);
      LXmlDoc.Options := LXmlDoc.Options + [doNodeAutoIndent];
      LIXMLTest := LXmlDoc.GetDocBinding('TEST', TXMLTest, 'http://foo') as IXMLTest; // <-- Error in this line 'No active document'

    It run with no problem in previous  Delphi versions (up to 10.3) .

    Does Delphi 10.4.1 losing an interface reference here? 
    Any idea what's wrong. 


  3. Seems to be another problem of general navigation.

    In my case the navigation works but the cursor is not visible or painted.


    After Crtl+Shift Up/down and navigate to the left or right, the cursor is painted twice:



    This does not happen in a new Windows application.

    Maybe using some other units cause this. Try to find which unit it is.


    I'm using DevExpress components, maybe not fully fixed:








  4. 1 hour ago, aehimself said:

    Still - is there a way for a Delphi application to forcefully release unused heap memory somehow?

    Maybe you can track down the memory usage with FastMM4


      LMemoryStart : TMemoryManagerUsageSummary;
      LMemoryNow   : TMemoryManagerUsageSummary;
      LMemoryNow.AllocatedBytes - LMemoryStart.AllocatedBytes;


  5. 3 minutes ago, Dany Marmur said:

    Could you elaborate re the ribbon, thanks!

    Instead of having many TForm inheritance with different DXRibbons, I've now one master TForm with a full feature Ribbon (all possible Buttons). 

    I'm using a Pagecontrol on this Ribbon-Form to embeded the other TForms.

    The mainform "ask" the active embeded Form for button enabled/visible/Click.


    There is no visual inheritance of DX Ribbon forms anymore.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Dany Marmur said:

    It also takes a lot of time to exit the application that is being debugged. This is all about repainting re DX Ribbon + visual inheritance.

    If i get the time i'll try putting up the project in Berlin. Thanks to all for you help!!

    The problem started with Berlin, you have to go to earlier versions and deactivate/delete the Live Bindings DLLs.

    My workaround was a redesign of the visual inheritans with the DX ribbon. 


    Not only the debugging is slow. Try to navigate to a variable declared in a unit, which inherits from a DX Ribbon Form. That's real fun 😉 I can take minutes.

  7. 11 hours ago, Dany Marmur said:

    Linking is still more than 20 seconds 😞 the IDE hides and displays the "compile dialog" three times before the application is started for debugging.

    Also the IDE repaints a lot when switching to Debug Layout but i cannot see that for example the DWM works hard and it usually does when excessive repainting is the culprit.

    is your project using visual inheritance? 



    • Thanks 1

  8. 6 hours ago, Sherlock said:

    I found out, that the PAServer 20.0 ( is at least in part 32Bit - which gives me a minor rash.

    The PAServer can debug 64 Bit and 32 Bit macOS apps.
    I assume, that these files are for the 32 Bit debugger when you debug 32 Bit app on macOS < Catalina. 

    Useless on Catalina.

    6 hours ago, Sherlock said:

    or is it OK to go ahead?

    ... tell us the result, if you go ahead 



    MacOS version (1.7) will be uploaded next week. But it contains only binary files to understand about how it looks.

    that's ok.


    P.S. At the moment i can share an old version 1.6 (Seattle).


    I had already tried this version. It was very unstable.

    Looking forward to the new version.
