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Harry Stahl

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

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  1. Harry Stahl

    Delphi Tools Manager 1.0.0 released

    Thank you Thomas, just the right thing I needed today! Important info was the drag & drop functionality, so it was relativly easy and fast, after exporting it (via file saving) from Delphi 11 settings, to do the import into Delphi 12 settings with drag & drop.
  2. Harry Stahl

    [FMX beginner] Key Handling

    That seems to be not OK. Also if one use a TTabControl and have some tabitems on it (eg &Test and &BTest) then the selection of this items with Alt+T or Alt+B works, but there is a beep. Perhaps it would be worth to make a Quality report...
  3. Harry Stahl

    Where I can find the SSL DLLs for Indy?

    Thanks, but I would prefer a ready to go donwload-link for binarys...
  4. Harry Stahl

    Where I can find the SSL DLLs for Indy?

    For me the use of a 1.02 dylib and TLS 1.2 protocol would be enough for the moment. But no idea how to compile that. Are there also binarys available? Version 1.02u should be perfect. @remmy: OK, that it seems, that we have to wait. In Germany the most mail providers will no longer support TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, so TLS 1.2 is the only one we can use now (as long, as it seems to be secure)...
  5. Harry Stahl

    Where I can find the SSL DLLs for Indy?

    Thank you for this info, remmy. As one can read there, the handler is not tested with macOS or Linux. Do you see any possibility to bring an updated OpenSLL Handler into Delphi 11.3 / 12.0? If yes, one could perhaps bring this point into the current Beta 11.3 process.
  6. Harry Stahl

    Where I can find the SSL DLLs for Indy?

    Where do we find libssl.1.0.0.dylib and libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib, that works with TLS 1.2 on macOS? By trying homebrew (brew install openssl@1.0) I get always 1.1, but that seems not to work with Indy-Version in Delphi 11.2 The program crashs direct after imap.connect.
  7. Harry Stahl

    iOS, Metal, Bitmaps, RGB becomes BGR?

    Do I understand you right, that with 10.4 all works fine, but now with Delphi 11 not? Then I think you should open a QR-Report at jira. In fact on macOS the bitmaps are in BGR order, but pasting images from the clipboard or getting images from the gallery should take this into account.
  8. Harry Stahl

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Hi PeterPanetto, you asked me, about your idea, if I like it. Yes, of course I like it. And from your initial proposal to add access to the last used projects in PPM, I enhanced it with the further access to the favorites and the demo-projects. It is also available in the free community edition of the pascal project manager and editor. At the moment it looks like this here:
  9. Fine, thank you for the info.
  10. Yes, thanks for this info. I had to reboot the system (I tryed before to start the app, then it blocks something in the system). After the installation of curl my program works fine again. So is this a bug, that will be fixed or is it a new precondition to use delphi 10.4 with the TNetHttpClient? This problem is not so nice, because without curl installed the program don't start and gives no information (no error-message). Because that all happends allready in the initialization phase of the delphi-unit-system itselfs, one can't handle it....
  11. Togehter with Delphi and FMXLinux 1.46 : When I compile and run a form (also an empty one) with a TNetHttpClient on it, I have an Access-Violation on startup, IntializeUntis --> in System.Net.HttpClient.Linux.pas (Line 148). It is only on Ubuntu 18.04, on Ubuntu 16.04 it is not. With Delphi 10.3.3 it works on Ubuntu 16.x and 18.x. without problems. Has someone made similar experiences / perhaps a workaround? I will leave also a note on the FMX-Linux-page....
  12. Harry Stahl

    TStringGrid Sorting

    FMX has no build in option for sorting grids (like TMS-FMX-Grid). FMX StringGrid should be used for displaying and selecting (smaller portions of) data. If you have more data to display you should consider to use The TGRID. Because this grid does not store the data itself, it displays the data only (in the Event "OnGetValue" you are asked to deliver the relevant data). In this case a new sorting of the whole grid is easier to manage, because you have not to fill the whole grid again with data (or make a new sorting with tricks like above). Only the little part that is displayed will get an update. At least only your data needs to be sorted (e.g. by a field, that represents names, dates or numbers) and you display it in the (T)Grid.