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Eric Grange

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  1. AFAICT there are no ICODE in the map file for Delphi 64 builds. I solved the issue by not having an exception raised... And found the unit that triggered the exception through "Halt" and bisection from the unit list. There were 3000+ units in the whole project, but since it was during the initialization, bisecting didn't take long (add Halt to unit initialization, run and see if Halt reached or not, bisect and repeat)
  2. Because the map file provides that information already. For instance for Win64 binaries you will see at the top of the map file lines like Detailed map of segments 0001:00000000 0001C36C C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System ALIGN=4 0001:0001C36C 00001944 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=SysInit ALIGN=4 0001:0001DCB0 00003980 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System.Types ALIGN=4 0001:00021630 00000D40 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System.UITypes ALIGN=4 0001:00022370 000068BC C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=Winapi.Windows ALIGN=4 0001:00028C2C 000006BC C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=FastMM4LockFreeStack ALIGN=4 0001:000292E8 00000028 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=FastMM4Messages ALIGN=4 0001:00029310 00002570 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=FastMM4 ALIGN=4 0001:0002B880 00000200 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=Winapi.WinSvc ALIGN=4 0001:0002BA80 000007E0 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System.SysConst ALIGN=4 0001:0002C260 00000040 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=Winapi.ImageHlp ALIGN=4 0001:0002C2A0 00000020 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=Winapi.SHFolder ALIGN=4 0001:0002C2C0 00000760 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=Winapi.PsAPI ALIGN=4 And the unit order is the initialization order as well as the order in the compiled binary. For listing at runtime my code would not really work, because it required not only manually obtaining the address of the interval Context variable, but also resolving against the map file. However it's possible to bundle the MAP file in the executable, and retrieve that information, the JCL's JDBG format allows that (in addition to being useful for debug stacks) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6019698/access-jcl-debug-information-contained-in-executable Thanks, nice to know!
  3. No, I do not have it. Do you know if it handles exception in the initialization section ? You're right it does! Haha, or in the case of the 64bit map, it's just the CODE sections. Ah well... 🙂 FWIW the issue was related to the TNotificationCenter, which a unit was initializing ahead of time to avoid the incorrect app name reporting (https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/4102-embarcadero-toaster-notification-window-caption-in-win10/), and this would sometimes fail with a Delphi 10.3 exe (the issue is not present in Delphi 11.2 afaict). The issue had been in the code for about 6 months before encountering a situation where it would be problematic with a particular combo of user rights.
  4. Ok, in case anyone encounters a similar issue, here is the ghetto method I used to obtain units initialization order. First after the "begin" of the main, program call a procedure like [ complicated approach deleted ] Just use the map file as Uwe Raabe pointed below,to get the order of initialization, the detailed segments section lists the units in order of initialization.
  5. The project has about 4000 units... this is why I would rather have a way to get a list of those units in the order InitUnits calls them, so I can bisect. (also the issue is infrequent, I have been unable to get it when debugging) If worse comes to worse, I will probably hack to get the raw InitUnits call addresses, and then resolve them to unit names with the detailed map file.
  6. Hi, I have an application that (probably) triggers an exception in one of its initialization sections, and of course that does not happen when debugging, only occasionally when in use. I know it's in a initialization because it happens before the "begin" of the main program, and after the initialization section of unit declares as the first in the "uses" of the main program. There is no stack trace, just an AV, and I could reproduce something similar in the debugger by having an assert or raise in an initialization section. The exception is first raised correctly, but then the RTL goes on to trigger an AV in System._IsClass. With debug DCUs the call stack looks like: System._IsClass($5DC63C0,TClass($433C10)) System.SysUtils.RaiseExceptObject(???) System._RaiseAtExcept(???,???) System._RaiseAgain System.InitUnits System._StartExe(???,???) SysInit._InitExe(???) this happens the second time going through RaiseExceptObject, which has a line if TObject(P.ExceptObject) is Exception then During the first time through, TObject(P.ExceptObject) is correct, but the second time it's obviously invalid, which triggers an AV in _IsClass This happens with D10.3 and D11.2, both in Win32 (Runtime Error 217) and Win64 (Access violation) Is there a known workaround ? Alternatively is there a way to dump the initialization order of InitUnits so that I can bisect to the problematic initialization using a log ?
  7. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    Oh, yes, sorry, I had not noticed it.
  8. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    The property and snippet is from Delphi 11.3, did they walk back on the method after 10.4 ? It's definitely not there in 10.3 indeed.
  9. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    Unfortunately there is no IsImageNameAvailable in TVirtualImageList, in the VCL it's declared like this property ImageNameAvailable: Boolean read FImageNameAvailable write FImageNameAvailable default True;
  10. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    Thanks, that does it for ImageName, but now the issue becomes about ImageNameAvailable property, which did not exist in Delphi 10 🙂 The default attribute for ImageNameAvailable property is hard-coded to True, but this could be worked out by subclassing the image list, reintroducing the property, and then using the image list subclass everywhere... I will probably stick with the hook script for now.
  11. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    Hehe 🙂 might be simpler to forego the IDE and use VSCode or Notepad++ in that scenario... IDE has a tendency to consider the dfm changed even when just opening a form's code and not changing anything. As to why I prefer editing in Delphi 11, well, simple code navigation (ctrl+click, etc.) stops working very quickly in Delphi 10 on larger projects. Yes, probably the route I will be be taking, TortoiseGit has them too.
  12. Eric Grange

    TToolButton.ImageName Delphi 11 vs Delphi 10

    Hi, when saving a form containing a TToolButton or a TAction, Delphi 11 saves an ImageName property in the dfm, which did not exist in Delphi 10. However for my particular codebase, I would like to maintain DFM compatibility across Delphi versions, so I am looking at ways to prevent Delphi 11 from saving this property (which is unnecessary: removing it from the dfm manually doesn't break anything, and actually it only gets added to forms that were edited in Delphi 11, forms never edited in Delphi 11 compile and run fine in Delphi 11). One approach could be having TToolBar creating a subclass of TToolButton (either in D10 to add a dummy property, or in D11 to replace the stored), but TToolButton creations are hard-coded deep into multiple TToolBar methods (like the huge TToolBar.CNNotify), so this would require basically ripping apart TToolBar, and using simple detours would be impractical due to the many private methods. TToolButton.IsImageStored would be simple to detour, except I would need to do it in the IDE, which would break the use cases where it's not unnecessary. Any other ideas or is this a dead horse ? 😕
  13. I have been looking without success for ways to prompt the user to update an app published as appx to the Windows Store, outside of making checks to my own website. Anyone having any success with the Windows Store API ? The reason is that I have found that the Windows Store rarely checks for updates on its own, on many user machines, opening the Windows Store app and manually checking for updates revealed they were months behind (and this include Microsoft's own apps)... This was the case on Windows 10 and Windows 11 machines. So I suspect that without an in-app update prompt mechanism, many users aren't and won't see updates. But it feels a bit odd having to check for updates through a parallel mechanism, and then having to redirect the user to the store via a ShellExecute....
  14. Eric Grange

    Touchpad two fingers pan in a VCL app ?

    Ok solved it! For reference the relevant Microsoft is actually this one Windows 8 touchpad gesture implementation guide While the MS doc mentions Windows 8 and says it's obsolete, it is still very much what happens in Windows 10. The touchpad pan gets mapped to WM_MOUSEWHEEL (vertical) and WM_MOUSEHWHEEL (horizontal), that last one is not exposed in the VCL as of Delphi 10.3 The pan translations come in the WheelDelta field, so they can be easily mapped to whatever you need.
  15. Eric Grange

    Touchpad two fingers pan in a VCL app ?

    Yes, I tried with or without the TGestureManager though the doc (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Gesturing_Overview) says it shouldn't be there for interactive gestures, if there is no TGestureManager, I get zero OnGesture events (I only get windows conversions to scroll or mouse wheel events) The Microsoft doc (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wintouch/windows-touch-gestures-overview) states that WM_HSCROLL & WM_VSCROLL should be received for pan, but I do not seem to get them.