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Dalija Prasnikar

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Everything posted by Dalija Prasnikar

  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 had round corners... I guess that will not be an issue 😃
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Define compatibility... Delphi applications work, IDE works... MS has good track record in providing backward compatibility for existing applications. Minor tweaking to embrace new OS features are always possible. You can find more information here: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/windows-11-a-beautiful-meteor-will-wipe-out-the-dinosaurs/
  3. You need to create vector icons (adaptive icons), and you will need to add those additional files to deployment manually. You can find more about icons formats and deployment folders at https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design_adaptive
  4. Dalija Prasnikar

    Binary size, how-to make it smaller?

    Because enhanced RTTI is now turned on for RTL/VCL with rather poor default (and of course, FMX, but FMX was never without it) and that RTTI prevents removing unused things with linker. So any class you touch or is touched by other code, will be almost completely included in executable. Unused classes are not included. Default visibility for methods is public and published, for fields private, protected, public, published and for properties public, published. There is also WEAKLINKRTTI directive, that enables linker to eliminate unused symbols with RTTI, but it is not turned on in core Delphi frameworks. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/WEAKLINKRTTI_directive_(Delphi)
  5. Dalija Prasnikar

    When will be binding to Swift libraries possible ?

    If the Swift framework does not support any explicit interop, it could be possibly wrapped and consumed through Objective-C library that can then be imported in Delphi https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/imported_c_and_objective-c_apis/importing_swift_into_objective-c If you need support for Swift frameworks now, this sounds like most viable option.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    When will be binding to Swift libraries possible ?

    There is QP report for that https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-22944 When will importing Swift frameworks be available, the is only that Embarcadero can tell. From what I can see, such Swift framework would have to be compiled in interop mode and Expose its API. Delphi is capable of importing Objective-C framework, so it is possible that @objc mode would suffice. If not there is unofficial @cdecl support, for Swift side. https://forums.swift.org/t/best-way-to-call-a-swift-function-from-c/9829 This is not something I had need to explore, so this is all the information I can give.
  7. Dalija Prasnikar

    Out parameter is read before set

    It is valid alert. You need to initialize out parameters before they are used. Only managed out types will be automatically initialized. When you mark parameter as out, you are saying I will properly initialize that variable (setting to nil is also proper initialization in this context) If you don't initialize that parameter inside the method, then this is a bug and your method signature is telling a lie. If you want to initialize variables outside the method, then you should use var parameter. The fact that Delphi automatically initializes only managed out types, is just implementation detail of the compiler. In theory it is behavior that may change, most likely it will not, but out parameter is meant for output, compiler is free to discard its value in the function prologue.
  8. Dalija Prasnikar

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    Sounds obsolete. Just look under development section and languages listed, there is no TypeScript, Python, Swift, Kotlin, R... I wouldn't count that the content they do have is severely outdated.
  9. Dalija Prasnikar

    Examples of Android apps

    You can find some videos on Embarcadero YouTube channel. Only sky is the limit. There are no limitations on what you can achieve, it is only matter of how much time you need to do that. At the moment the weakest point for Android development is using native 3rd party libraries that come in AAR form - packaged library with resources because integrating those can be painful process.
  10. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    The annual fee is 99$. The higher 299$ fee is for large organizations that want to distribute their internal iOS applications without going through AppStore.
  11. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    It looks like you are not logged into your account. Do you have an Apple account?
  12. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    Maybe there is some bug in RAD Studio. I currently don't have my Mac connected so I cannot check the current behavior. What are the versions of software in your setup: RAD Studio, Xcode, macOS?
  13. Dalija Prasnikar

    Is set a nullable type? (record constraint)

    If it works in Tokyo you should report compiler regression to Quality Portal https://quality.embarcadero.com/ This is probably due to introduction of custom managed records that need additional handling and they broke record constraint that is basically constraint for value types. I had similar issue with variant records https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-28761
  14. Dalija Prasnikar

    Do bug fix patches really require active subscription?

    Yes. That would also solve issues for people using trial version, bumping into some problem and then not having the ability to properly test trial version because they cannot install patch. I seriously cannot imagine buying something if I cannot properly test it. If I am already Delphi user and I want to upgrade, then maybe but in such cases I already have some other reasons for upgrading.
  15. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    And this time it is fixed, finally. At least on Android... I didn't test other platforms.
  16. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    You are correct. On Windows platform try...finally works fine.
  17. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    For anyone interested in try...finally patch... it is still broken. I guess those "3 minutes" tests strike again...
  18. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    You can join the beta if you are on active subscription. Most recently, betas were announced on Embarcadero blog posts like this one https://blogs.embarcadero.com/delphi-and-cbuilder-10-4-2-beta-invite-for-update-subscription-customers/ Invitation is also probably sent or announced through marketing emails. You will have to sign NDA and you are not allowed to discuss participating in the beta nor about any features, fixes or bugs. Above is valid for major release beta cycles and updated. Patches and hotfixes are commonly tested by smaller number of people because testing cycle is shorted and focus is on particular bugs. If you have some particular reason for testing some hotfix or you have some major issues using latest release, you can always try going through official channels and present your case. However, there is a catch-22 because you will never know whether some testing is in progress or not, and even when there is, you might not get answer to that question even when you ask directly (not in public). Next major release will be 10.5 and at some point you can expect posts (unless policy changes) inviting subscribers to participate for that beta. When will that be, nobody knows. For now you can just wait.
  19. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    I am afraid that list might be too long... and it would require input from large number of developers. It all depends on code you have and what kind of workflow you have at any given moment and for which platforms you develop. What is good version for some people, might be utmost nightmare for others. And besides stability, there might be other reasons and bugs in the core frameworks which makes some versions unsuitable for some developers. Workarounds were usually move to another version and hope for the best. Without actually trying on your own code and working with some version, one can never know. Since Embarcadero opened up beta testing for larger audience, it would be good that anyone who can participate. The more the merrier. It is also important to start testing early, because some bugs if found too late in the cycle may end up unfixed. Of course, all that also does not guarantee final quality and release success, but it can be significant factor. Literally one person can stumble upon critical bug that would end up in RTM, and all other testers might miss it for one reason or another. It is huge codebase, and we cannot test and use all features thoroughly.
  20. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    Yes. But you need to run application from Xcode at least once. I don't remember whether running the application is just for preparing the particular device for debugging - or you also need to run it for triggering creation of provisioning profiles, too.
  21. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    You add that in Xcode (somewhere in Preferences). RADStudio does not have that option because it can handle only downloaded provisioning profiles. Any one will do. The selected one is fine.
  22. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    The simplest way is to use Xcode because it will create and download profiles automatically https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev154b28f09 Add your developer ID to XCode, create new application in Xcode with the same id your Delphi application has and run that application on device in debugging mode. Xcode will automatically perform the whole setup and then you just need to pick that profile in Delphi. You can also create and download those profiles manually, but it is longish process.
  23. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi books

    I am quite positive that some of the books you listed are not free. Even if you got them for free (some could have been distributed to Delphi subscribers as part of some marketing activity) that does not mean you are allowed to distribute the, Same goes for the books you purchased. You haven't bought right to distribute.
  24. Dalija Prasnikar


    Be happy that you are not Cocoa (Objective-C) developer https://github.com/Quotation/LongestCocoa
  25. Dalija Prasnikar


    Thanks! That means a lot 🙂 Since books covers both classic and ARC compilers, unifying memory management does not have huge impact on the book content. Only DisposeOf chapter and few references to mobile (previously ARC) compiler when it comes to reference counting for object references no longer apply. New mobile compilers now behave exactly like classic compiler, and memory management for that one hasn't changed. Eventually, there will be some book update, but not for now. There is not much going on in the memory management area that would warrant updating the book.