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  1. Angus ... doing more code and the Google PK (the correct one) is RS256 not sure which key that one i was referring to was (juggling Azure/okta/and Google at the moment)
  2. OOPS Missed that later on ... this key is a a Google supplied one that they want to use as a RS256 signature ... https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount so I guess yes :) Using a jsigRsaPss256 key as a jsigRSA256 would logically seem to be reasonable (however I'm NO authority on this stuff) but even so the exception raised is not helpful as the length is correct just a mismatch of types maybe a optional _AllowUpClass : boolean = false so 774 becomes something like if (f_EVP_PKEY_bits(PrivateKey) < 2048) then Raise EDigestException.Create('RSA private key 2,048 or longer required') else if NOT ((keytype = EVP_PKEY_RSA) or ( _AllowUpClass and ( keytype in [ NID_rsassaPss, other rsaClasses ]))) then Raise EDigestException.Create('NOT a RSA private key') ... anyway thanks for getting back
  3. The test of an RSA key at line 774 in OverbyteICSSSLJose displays a misleading message if (keytype <> EVP_PKEY_RSA) or (f_EVP_PKEY_bits(PrivateKey) < 2048) then Raise EDigestException.Create('RSA private key 2,048 or longer required'); My key length is 2048 however it fails the keytype test as the key is 912 ie NID_rsassaPss = 912; // V8.50 RSASSA-PSS not 6 as expected by this test ...
  4. Apologies - a pair of stuffups caused this - in my code I was calling sendDoc twice and in the testing I was using the wrong dir and seeing cached files 😞
  5. I'm getting corruption on serving up image files either - old internet style top say 1/4 of image is correct then some noise and then Black (or what ever depending on browser) Images vary from 80k to 2.4M and are similar in % displayed To demonstrate / reproduce I edited the HTML is the overByteICSWebSevr sample @1253 Image is in the TemplateDirEdit directory and my added HTML is '<img src="CustomLogo.jpg" alt="Logo" />' + I put this after the </FORM> tag in CreateVirtualDocument_ViewFormUpload this was the only change to the sample code current check out is 1440 - v8.63 Part 5
  6. line 3940 (current SVN) S := MyIniFile.ReadString(section, 'NostEnabled', ''); HostEnabled=True
  7. lindenR

    Encode Date

    Perfect ... thanks
  8. lindenR

    Encode Date

    The Data that is firing the exception is Expires: 0 I have observed this in commercial web data - Okta / Azure - in my case I'm getting 6 exceptions in a OAuth2 + Data call so even a check for data length before the call would negate exception on "normal" data BTW I'm more concerned with the EncodeDate as that the cause of the exception (with 0 or -1 style data) ... I think that if the data was valid for date the time would normally be OK as you say headers are rarely invalid
  9. lindenR

    Encode Date

    Sorry unit that effects me is OverbyteIcsHttpProt; at line 3340 else if Field = 'expires' then begin { V8.61 } try FRespExpires := RFC1123_StrToDate(Data) ; except FRespExpires := 0 ; end ; end Fix that I've suggested is in OverbyteIcsUtils; at line 1370ish
  10. lindenR

    Encode Date

    here is the code for a RFC1123_TryStrToDate with some options {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} { RFC1123 5.2.14 redefine RFC822 Section 5. } { V8.62 optionally process time zone and convert to local time } {Linden ROTH modified to not raise exceptions on encode invalid Dates/Times} function RFC1123_TryStrToDate(aDate : String; UseTZ: Boolean = False) : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Word; Hour, Min, Sec : Word; tzvalue: Integer; sign: String; tmpTime : TDateTime; begin if Trim( ADate ) = '0' then //or even just length < 13 begin result := 0; exit; end; { Fri, 30 Jul 2004 10:10:35 GMT } { Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:24:13 +0100 } Day := StrToIntDef(Copy(aDate, 6, 2), 0); Month := (Pos(Copy(aDate, 9, 3), RFC1123_StrMonth) + 2) div 3; Year := StrToIntDef(Copy(aDate, 13, 4), 0); Hour := StrToIntDef(Copy(aDate, 18, 2), 0); Min := StrToIntDef(Copy(aDate, 21, 2), 0); Sec := StrToIntDef(Copy(aDate, 24, 2), 0); if not TryEncodeDate(Year, Month, Day, Result ) then begin result := 0; exit; end; if not TryEncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, 0, tmpTime ) then exit; //or - to 0 complete result // begin // result := 0; // exit; // end; //or - to ignore bad time but proceed // tmpTime := 0; Result := Result + tmpTime; { V8.62 check for time zone, GMT, +0700, -1000, -0330 } if NOT UseTZ then Exit; if Length(aDate) < 29 then Exit ; // no time zone sign := aDate [27]; if (sign = '-') or (sign = '+') then begin // ignore GMT/UTC tzvalue := StrToIntDef(copy (aDate, 28, 2), 0) * 60; if (aDate [30] = '3') then tzvalue := tzvalue + 30; if sign = '-' then Result := Result + (tzvalue / MinutesPerDay) else Result := Result - (tzvalue / MinutesPerDay); end; Result := Result - (IcsGetLocalTimeZoneBias / MinutesPerDay); end;
  11. lindenR

    Encode Date

    The functionality added in 6.81 in Added more header response properties: RespDateDT, RespLastModDT, RespExpires, RespCacheControl. Uses EncodeDate rather than TryEncodeDate in the utility function function RFC1123_StrToDate(aDate : String; UseTZ: Boolean = False) : TDateTime; would it not be more preferable to use the same functionality as used by function RFC3339_StrToDate(aDate: String; UseTZ: Boolean = False): TDateTime; and avoid response lines like 'Expires: 0' triggering unnecessary EConvertExceptions Linden ROTH