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Everything posted by azrael_11

  1. azrael_11

    REST BASIC Authentication

    Thank you i ll try this.
  2. azrael_11

    REST BASIC Authentication

    Try the Inline passing in the URL . I set the correct username and api key. In the browser everything works just fine it ask me if i want to see this content with the current username i press ok and json with response is here. In the rest debugger i do the same but it returns anauthorised. Any help please
  3. azrael_11

    REST BASIC Authentication

    I try that not working i also add in the content-type the application/json but nothing i get the same responce
  4. azrael_11

    REST BASIC Authentication

    Sorry but i don't understand where to put the plaintext l/p?
  5. azrael_11

    Using a var array in procedure paremetre

    Hello I try to add a var array in procedure parametre. i try this but not working so procedure delete_an_element_from_array(var vArray: TArray; const vIndex: Cardinal); begin ...... end; How can i do this vArray get many array types like records, objects, integers, strings etc. Thank you.
  6. azrael_11

    Using a var array in procedure paremetre

    I'' try this when i found time Thank you
  7. azrael_11

    Using a var array in procedure paremetre

    Thank you very much. Sorry for the late response. David the arrays is set of record having more records and object types. The main goal here is. example type TmyRecord_2= Class(TObject) procedure : mine(); function : mine_2():boolean; ...... .... end; type TmyRecord = record one: array [0..10] TmyRecord_2 two: string; three ........ ..... end; var myHole_Array: array of TmyRecord; Create a dynamic set of myHole_Array about 100 entries Now i want to Delete the 7 entrie Now i want to Insert a new entrie in 16 position So far is good I Try to make a global procedure to delete or insert entries in different arrays or records. How can i add this Procedure Delete_Entrie_In_Array(myArray : here is the difficult part for me ; vDelete_Num: Cardinal); Thank you again.
  8. azrael_11

    Using a var array in procedure paremetre

    Error is that cant compile TArray is a try of mine to add a generics view of point like TArray<> but i cant do that either. The main goall here is the procedure to take any array that maybe is a records or objects or any else and delete the desire element of that array.
  9. azrael_11

    TMediaPlayer and TMediaPlayerControlFMX

    Is DsPack support fmx native o have a popup window when play a video file?
  10. azrael_11

    TMediaPlayer and TMediaPlayerControlFMX

  11. azrael_11


    Maybe we can stick a post with the best "Free" Firemonkey Components that is usefull until today... Here is my suggestion Alcione Components you can found very interesting things here and it is FREE
  12. azrael_11

    Change font size in TstringGrid in Fmx

    I Think this is not correct grid.StyledSettings.size:=false; the correct on is grid.StyledSettings:= grid.StyledSettings - [TstyledSetting.Size];
  13. azrael_11

    Screen Cursor

    Try to change the screen cursor in FMX desktop application with no success. I find that you can do this. form1.cursor := crHourGlass; ///Make the job form1.cursor := crDefault; But it is not working. How can i do this.
  14. azrael_11

    Rest question (Newbie)

    Hi I Create an app for windows and i try to add forecast results on it. I use the Yahoo weather api but recently even the free access goes to oauth1 Authorization. here what Yahoo wants to access forecast results. GET /forecastrss?location=sunnyvale,ca HTTP/1.1 Host: weather-ydn-yql.media.yahoo.com Yahoo-App-Id: YOUR_APP_ID Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="YOUR_TIMESTAMP",oauth_nonce="YOUR_NONCE",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="YOUR_GENERATED_SIGNATURE" cache-control: no-cache I go to REST Debugger tool provide by emb I add the get method in method url like this http://weather-ydn-yql.media.yahoo.com/forecastrss?w=2502265 I select the from authentication the method oauth 1 and i put my Client-ID and the Client-Secret and select the HMAC-SHA1 from OAuth-Assistant. Now how can i add Timestamp, oauth_nonce, BCS when i execute the request i get Connection=keep-alive Date=Fri, 18 Jan 2019 08:32:06 GMT Via=http/1.1 media-router-omega65.prod.media.bf1.yahoo.com (ApacheTrafficServer [cMsSf ]) Content-Length=0 Content-Type=application/json;charset=UTF-8 Age=0 Server=ATS WWW-Authenticate=OAuth oauth_problem="OST_OAUTH_SIGNATURE_INVALID_ERROR", realm="yahooapis.com" //here i get an error X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff X-XSS-Protection=1; mode=block Referrer-Policy=no-referrer-when-downgrade Thank you.
  15. azrael_11


    Hello Try to move a project from tokyo 10.2.3 to rio 10.3.1 community edition. And have two questions 1. How to remove the inherited values from debug from include file search path? 2. In rio i install the pasLicVlc and everything is ok. Create a new multi application add the component TFmxPasLibVlcPlayer go to include file search path add the path source and source.fmx like tokyo do but compiler cant find it. Does this change in rio somehow? P.S. I have both installed in my computer Delphi 10.2.3 CE and Delphi 10.3.1 CE
  16. azrael_11


    Nothing happend i start to believe something going with rio installation.
  17. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    I add IcoMoon free Font https://icomoon.io/#preview-free with this code AddFontResource(PChar(extrafe.prog.Paths.Fonts + 'icomoon.ttf')); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); Then i creat a TText component on run ex_load.Intro.Text:= TText.Create(ex_load.Intro.Video); ex_load.Intro.Text.Name:= 'Loading_Intro_Text'; ex_load.Intro.Text.Parent:= ex_load.Intro.Video; ex_load.Intro.Text.SetBounds(extrafe.res.Width- 300, 10, 300, 30); ex_load.Intro.Text.Font.Family:= "IcoMoon-Free'; ex_load.Intro.Text.Text:= 'e900'; ex_load.Intro.Text.TextSettings.FontColor:= TAlphaColorRec.White; ex_load.Intro.Text.TextSettings.Font.Size:= 32; ex_load.Intro.Text.TextSettings.HorzAlign:= TTextAlign.Trailing; ex_load.Intro.Text.OnClick:= ex_load.Input.mouse.Text.OnMouseClick; ex_load.Intro.Text.Visible:= True; That is suppose to see a black house instead you see a e900 Is there anything i forget or have something to see the icon of the icomoon in my text?
  18. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    So the installation in every operation system is the best choice. Maybe we send a message to embarcadero developers to make a better in delphi solution. Thank you very much.
  19. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    I plan in the future to be multi platform so what is the best way to do that? Thank you.
  20. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    It returns the number 1 not 0 as suppose to return.
  21. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    The font appear in the settings->personalization->fonts so that means it loading But i get a square instead of the house. But if i install the font permanently then everything works just fine...
  22. azrael_11

    IcoMoon font with TText

    Nope doesn't work.
  23. azrael_11

    TMediaPlayer and TMediaPlayerControlFMX

    No i double check that the .mp3 files plays just fine. Thank you.
  24. azrael_11

    TMediaPlayer and TMediaPlayerControlFMX

    That i know, but mediaplayer from windows plays just fine. So something else create the problem.
  25. Hello i manage to send an HTML e-mail with formations but i can't add background color to main body. I try this with css but not working // This is for adding repeating image in background of body vHTMLBuild.HtmlFiles.Add(vBackground, 'back.png'); //vHTMLBuild.HtmlFiles.Add(vLogo, 'logo.png'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<html>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<head>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<style>body {'+ 'background-image: url("back.png");'+ 'background-repeat: repeat;'+ 'background-color: #cccccc;'+ '}</style>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</head>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<body>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</body>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</html>'); and this // This is for adding only background color // vHTMLBuild.HtmlFiles.Add(vBackground, 'back.png'); // vHTMLBuild.HtmlFiles.Add(vLogo, 'logo.png'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<html>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<head>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<style>body {'+ '{background-color: coral; '}</style>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</head>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('<body>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</body>'); vHTMLBuild.Html.Add('</html>'); Thank you.