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Alex Texera

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  1. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    Tnx all for help, essentially I have two option: 1. Login to Apple Developer Program 299 $ annual fee @f.m proposal. 2. @Dalija Prasnikar solution create blank app from Xcode. I will try second option my focus is Android, for IOS I want to see how it works how build simple blank app from Rad Studio to my IPhone devices.
  2. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    Rad Studio - 10.4 Xcode - 10.1 macOS - High Sierra ---------------------------------------- When go to https://developer.apple.com/ I don't see section Certificates above answer from @f.m
  3. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    @Dalija Prasnikar Tnx for help but after create blank app and run from Xcode I again don't see in Rad Studio Provisioning profile....
  4. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    @Dalija Prasnikar Is below images solution for "Add your developer ID to XCode"? After create new application in Xcode and "Add your developer ID to XCode" in Delphi RadStudio Project > Options > Deployment > Provisioning I can choose Provisioning profile?
  5. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    @Dalija Prasnikar Where I can find or add "developer ID" in my Project in Rad Studio? "create new application in Xcode" What choose here?
  6. Alex Texera

    Rad Studio - Cannot Connect to the Mac

    In console I'm get message: No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration Where create provisioning profile? In Rad Studio > Options > Deployment > Provisioning Profile I can't select anything.
  7. Alex Texera

    Delphi 10.4.2 cannot find new ios provisioning profile

    @billybHow create provisioning profile? Do you have any example?
  8. Alex Texera

    Rad Studio - Cannot Connect to the Mac

    When try run app from Rad Studio to Iphone 6 over macPC (High Sierra) get error message in Rad Studio 10.3 and 10.4. (Build work fine). https://ibb.co/R76qy3L PAServer is running on macPC. Xcode 10.1 In Rad Studio > SDK Manager stay iPhoneOS 12.1 SDK. This is SDK version on my connected phone? Other configuration at below file. Any solution?
  9. Alex Texera

    Deploy IOS app from Rad Studio

    Hello, I don't have experience with deploy IOS app with Rad Studio only use Android and Windows. On some online example need copy PAServer to MAC PC and use MAC PC ip address in Rad Studio. Is it possible deploy IOS application like .apk without MAC PC only Rad Studio 10.4 or combination Rad Studio 10.4 + Iphone 6 mobile device?
  10. Alex Texera

    Call Rest Api from fmx application

    I have web service with two parameter (P_NAME, P_BLOB), in database name is varchar type, blob is blob type. When call web service and send data to database name write to database but blob is null. Any solution? Is it possible use restRequest1,AddBody(.......... how in this situation put parameter? var AStream: TFileStream; begin try AStream := TFileStream.Create('/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20210410_163743.jpg', fmOpenRead); restRequest1.Params.AddItem('P_NAME','img_name', TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST, [],ctNone); restRequest1.Params.AddItem('P_BLOB',AStream , TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkREQUESTBODY, [poDoNotEncode], ctIMAGE_JPEG); restRequest1.Execute; AStream.Free; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage(e.Message); end; end; end; Also I'm try with AddPair but I don't know how assign AStream var ABytes: TBytes; AStream: TFileStream; jsResponse: TJSONValue; jsRequest: TJSONObject; begin try AStream := TFileStream.Create('/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20210410_163743.jpg', fmOpenRead); jsRequest := TJSONObject.Create(); jsRequest.AddPair('P_NAME', 'Name'); //jsRequest.AddPair HOW PUT AStream to AddPair DM.requestZNRInsert.AddBody(jsRequest); jsRequest.Free(); **************** If someone have experience with send blob from fmx app to database via rest api please stay answer.
  11. Alex Texera

    Start ForegroundService Android 8 and above

    This is my code: LIntent := TJIntent.Create; LIntent.setClassName(TAndroidHelper.Activity.getBaseContext, TAndroidHelper.StringToJString('myService')); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startForegroundService(LIntent); When run app and try start service nothing happens.
  12. Alex Texera

    Sdk version in AndroidManifest file and Rad Studio

    Tnx for answer, Is your sdk version 25.2.5 ? Can you put here your settings screenshot from rad studio? GL
  13. Alex Texera

    Sdk version in AndroidManifest file and Rad Studio

    I'm create blank fmx app, in rad studio in sdk path set android-30, in android manifest change target sdk to 30 but app again not working on android 11 devices. PS. preserveLegacyExternalStorage I don't see this option in Uses Permissions!
  14. Alex Texera

    Sdk version in AndroidManifest file and Rad Studio

    Tnx for answer, I don't have login credentials for your link. Are you developing FMX application, what stay in your sdk path in rad studio (Android-28, 29, 30)?
  15. Hello, I have several questions about sdk version. My client have Android 11 but my current phone is Android 10 and can't test what is problem on Android 11 (App is installed but when try open automatically is close only one second see fire FMX logo). I use 10.3.2 Rad Studio, when create blank FMX aplication in AndroidManifest stay minSdkVersion="19" and targetSdkVersion="28". This configuration minSdkVersion="19" and targetSdkVersion="28" is not compatible for Android 11 (use API 30) . Am I right? When try change targetSdkVersion="28" to targetSdkVersion="30" and build apk on my phone (Android 10) app not working (App is installed but when try open automatically is close only one second see fire FMX logo).. Is it possible somewhere in Rad Studio set targetSdkVersion ? What is your default min and target sdk version? Where I can see compile sdk version in rad studio? Do you need anything change in sdk manager > path? Image attached below! Tnx all for help!