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Mr. E

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Everything posted by Mr. E

  1. Mr. E

    How to start?

    Hence the nature of this post, for the new users of this great library. But it's official, I need to read more documentation of OTL, learn and be aware of changes that need care, Delphi really do a great job lifting the weight for us. I manage to fix one application; and I got a some more that can beneficed using OTL. Some other app trows me an unexpected AV error, it just consume another web services, open some xml file, inspect that some elements are present then upload to that service. At the end, closing the app got this: Delphi and threads: “System Error. Code: 1400. Invalid window handle (need to read tomorrow and fix it) Regards!
  2. Mr. E


    OK, I can't find any star/circle using Waterfox+Linux/Manjaro. By circle you mean the "avatar/circle" at the right? If I hover the mouse over a topic I can see the start of the post and a second tab with (maybe) the fist/last unread post.
  3. Mr. E

    How to start?

    @Primož Gabrijelčič, yes the exception pops up. I remotely connect to my office to check it, and now I see that I'm using and OTL old version, updating now. The exception occurs, following @Schokohase advice and was right. Looks like access that web services needs your advice to works. So I need to add "ActiveX" on the uses clause: uses ... , ActiveX , OTLparallel; // add the procedure TForm1.doConnectionToService begin try CoInitialize(nil); //... wsServicio := Servicio.GetServicioSoap(cbUseWSDL.Checked); //... except on E : Exception do begin //... end; end; CoUninitialize; end; // on my clic event procedure TForm1.bbConectarClick(Sender: TObject); begin bbConectar.Caption:= 'Comprobando Acceso...'; bbConectar.Enabled:= False; // The old annoying unresponsive way: // doConectar; // bbConectar.Caption:= '&1) Comprobar Acceso'; // bbConectar.Enabled:= True; // The new code without unresponsive GUI! Thank you Primoz G. Async(doConectar) .Await( procedure begin bbConectar.Caption:= '&1) Comprobar Acceso'; bbConectar.Enabled:= True; end); end; Maybe there need to be a new entry in the OTL FAQ because I don't find any reference (I wasn't searching thoroughly). Thank you for the help! Regards
  4. Using Linux - WaterFox. When I go to some category and read all the posts+responses, I expect to see the content mark as read. Sometimes works but others the forum/category doesn't. Even if I check the "Mark forum as read" the label "New" doesn't disappear. As last resort I click on "Mark site read" at the bottom, that works. I don't take a previous screenshot, but I see that something has changed using that option: the icons on the left or something shows gray/changed. It's "looks all read" , this is good of course.
  5. Mr. E

    How to start?

    I don't find any information about OTL related with this msxml issue. Looks like is not related, maybe is something wrong with my project configuration. I'll check the project/IDE, recompile the original code and see if this error occurs. (fingers crossed)
  6. Mr. E

    How to start?

    Strange, I recompile two projects (Berlin), now, running on the target computer, the previous versions works but the new version shows this message: (of course I just jump on the video and don't read the docs :shame, following @KodeZwerg advice now)
  7. I really don't like social apps, I just use Telegram to read some news (G+ because the former group); so I wonder if this site can publish/push to a Telegram channel. 💭
  8. Mr. E

    Telegram integration?

    Wow, even in my small cellphone the forums is very readable. Now I have something good for the road to read each day. Thank you @Lars Fosdal and delphipraxis team.
  9. Mr. E

    Telegram integration?

    Yes I was thinking the same, but I wonder if this can be enabled only for new topics and selected categories (choice for us) and not each post, so we can see interesting topics. Anyway, I need to check if with my cell phone (small screen for my taste) is possible to read the delphipraxis.