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Mr. E

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About Mr. E

  • Birthday April 1

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.1 Berlin

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  1. Thank you @JonRobertson Using the words you provided, I managed to find the section to adjust/wrap the code to more than 80 columns when formatting with Ctrl-D Tools -> Options -> Formatter -> Delphi -> Line breaks -> Right margin. I changed it from 80 to 120 to test it and it does work. I also discovered that searching for the words "right margin" does not locate the "Formatter" section I was looking for. This other post ("Change the scroll width of the Delphi IDE Editor window"), complete what I needed to adjust the code formatting.
  2. I have always been unable to find an answer to the following: The vertical line I point to in the image: Does it have a name? Can its horizontal position (width or column) be changed? Is it correct for what I think it is? When using Format Code (Ctrl-D), it makes all the code stay inside the limit of that column. Thanks in advance.
  3. @PeterBelow @programmerdelphi2k Sorry for the delay and thank you very much, I hope to update this weekend by uninstalling those two Parnasus packages. Yes, I did this but after using the webinstaller. I'm not sure, but reinstalling with the ISO is not recommended since I installed with the web installer, right? If I manage to upgrade; later I will try to create a new VM and install from scratch using the ISO (but that's a lot of work accumulated at the moment); I just have the doubt if it won't cause me a problem with the CData connectors license that was "registered?" with the current VM. Regards!
  4. Yes, I also prefer the ISO, but when we bought the license my salesman did not provide me the ISO in time and I had to use the web install; the urgency forced me to use it and now I regret it. I have done some research and I see that the registry data of the web install and ISO install are not compatible. I guess if I uninstall and reinstall with the ISO I will be shooting myself in the foot.
  5. @programmerdelphi2k Ah!, then I am in the hands of the other factors that I cannot control, especially on the Embarcadero side. We have a dedicated "fast" internet (not ultra-fast) #4) Before I upgraded Delphi I had no updates and now that I checked I had already downloaded an update package. Paused!
  6. Greetings, How long does it take to update Delphi 11? The resource and performance monitor do not show any activity (hdd, network). It is a Windows 11 Pro VM on Proxmox, with adequate resources; I disabled the Firewall and it has no antivirus. I have almost an hour and I don't see any progress in the update/installation (web install). I'm going to wait another hour; but, I am tempted to stop the VM, restore it (I did a previous backup) and retry.
  7. Mr. E

    Send a message to App users??

    Although I like your solution better. Perhaps something could be programmed to make use of "msg": Msg: Sends a message to a user on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. Although it seems that there are problems in windows server 2016 or 2019.
  8. Greetings, I need your guidance. I made an ActiveX control which I need to use in one big applications (ParnetMenu) for various containers, but it is somewhat elaborate to update. So, to get out of trouble, I made an emergent application as a simple container for this ActiveX control. On my development machine, the application closes correctly and disappears from the processes running on Windows 10 pro 64 bit (virtualized in virtualbox). The problem occurs with end users (Windows 10 pro 64 bit), when closing the application it remains running in the windows processes and it is necessary to go and terminate the process manually. In fact, my main application (ParnetMenu) where I will use this control, suffers the same problem but there we programmed a button that looks for the id of each container and closes the process, using the TDOSCommand component and performs a Taskkill to close the screens that use these ActiveX controls. (Force closure) exe := stringReplace(button.Caption, ' ', '_', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); button.visible := false; PID := escribeVar(exe); PID := 'Taskkill /F /PID ' + PID; dos.CommandLine := PID; dos.Execute; In this emergent application I have tried several things, attached actual and previous code: First by clicking on "X" in the application I release the control and Terminates de application. It did not work. Second. Then I removed the buttons and add a panel with a button to try another way. Same result the application remains running in the background: The layout of the application: This is the code for this emergent container: unit MainForm; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs , SALMVCC_To_Cancel_AX_TLB, RzButton, Vcl.ExtCtrls, System.ImageList, Vcl.ImgList, Vcl.StdCtrls ; type TMain = class(TForm) il1: TImageList; pnl1: TPanel; bb1: TRzBitBtn; lbl1: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure bb1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } var CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion: TcoADI_SALMVCC_To_Cancel; procedure doLoadOCX; public { Public declarations } end; var Main: TMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TMain.bb1Click(Sender: TObject); begin lbl1.Visible:= True; self.Refresh; Sleep(200); // to give time for the message to be displayed. CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion.Destroy; Sleep(500); // to give time for the message to be released? Application.Terminate(); Sleep(2500); // Just to debug this problem System.Halt(0); //TerminateProcess; // don't know how to use yet end; procedure TMain.doLoadOCX; begin CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion := TcoADI_SALMVCC_To_Cancel.Create(self); CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion.Parent:= self; CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion.Align:= alClient; end; {procedure TMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion.Free; Application.Terminate; end;} procedure TMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin doLoadOCX; end; end. I had previously used this, but it didn't work either. procedure TMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin CADISalidasCancelacionAutorizacion.Free; Application.Terminate; end; Note: My PC has no antivirus running (except Microsoft's), my users use Avast and there is already an exception for them not to send the application to the sanbox. I even tried disabling the antivirus on a computer and the problem persists. Regards and thank you. ------- Addendum: The main goal is not only to solve this problem with the emergent application. But also to eliminate the use of TaskKill in my ParnetMenu application; and to eliminate the hang that occurs. And of course, occasionally I will be able to create more definitive applications using the ActiveX container.
  9. Mr. E

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    Thank you Gambit/Remy Lebeau! 😀
  10. Indeed in my case, the solution is: backup and delete from the registry the guilty one, In my case my version is "..\BDS\18.0\.." This worked like a charm. Note that for me there was no registry key in the above path for OmniThread yet. Perhaps the key only gets written upon successful installation of the package. In that case you only need to delete the PackageName directory and reinstall. Thank you @FredS
  11. Regards, this problems occurs from time to time in getit now I got bitten again. Hopefully someone knows how and where I can tell to Getit that EurekaLog isn't installed so I can reinstall it. This is the little story: I got the EurekaLog Tools (free) v 7.0 installed, today I see the new version and I do this: EurekaLog Tools 7 was installed via Getit Without uninstall the v7 in getit: I install the v7.7.5.0; the process goes without error, and the install remove the previous one, the IDE restarts; (I was expecting that Getit remove the old one and take out from Getit but no). In Getit now I see two versions installed. (annoying), then In Getit I uninstall the v7, it removes in GetIt and from Programs and Features too. Now I don't have the programs installed (but Getit shows as installed). In Getit that shows is installed, when I try to uninstall, I got this error, and I can't reinstall again: This happens with other package, but I don't remember how I "remove it", still get it shows the old version to install, as a reminder that I don't remember Thanks in advance.
  12. Mr. E

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    @Kryvich THANK YOU! (I'm screaming, Yes!) This is like seeing a sunrise and wondering how it's this possible? 🌞 I'm reading your code, is slick and to the point. This isn't trivial for anyone without previous knowledge, I need a lot of theory to learn (web, sockets, mORMot, etc.) -- How can I mark the post as solved (with a lot to read/learn) ?
  13. Mr. E

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    Found something that I need to read & learn: HTTP - requests. For someone like me, stuck just with desktop apps, is a must read.
  14. Mr. E

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    This! Now I need to learn how fill the parameters, as the example provided: POST https://consultaqr.facturaelectronica.sat.gob.mx/ConsultaCFDIService.svc?wsdl HTTP/1.1 Content-type: text/xml;charset="utf-8" Accept: text/xml SOAPAction: http://tempuri.org/IConsultaCFDIService/Consulta cache-control: no-cache Host: consultaqr.facturaelectronica.sat.gob.mx accept-encoding: gzip, deflate content-length: 414 Connection: close <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <tem:Consulta> <!--Optional:--> <tem:expresionImpresa><![CDATA[?re=LSO1306189R5&rr=GACJ940911ASA&tt=4999.99&id=e7df3047-f8de-425d-b469-37abe5b4dabb]]></tem:expresionImpresa> </tem:Consulta> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Looking the mORMot unit/doc and searching for examples. Thank you!
  15. Mr. E

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    @KryvichThank you, I appreciate your work. The problem: the sat.gob.mx has been doing changes to their web services, this is the second variant of the w.s., and they decide to hide the wsdl for this and many others services. Luckily an authorized certification provider (PAC) create this test service, cloning the functions of the real w.s. Hiding the wsdl services is forcing us to use it using a HTTP POST Request in Delphi. This is what I seek to learn, preventing more changes in the future. This sat is tied to m$ technologies, leaving us (the Delphi devs.) with the burden to adapt our approach to each changes or new services they publish. Again thank you very much.