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  1. dkjMusic

    App is faster in IDE

    shineworld, I just tried your approach and there were still significant delays in some of the graphs. I have no idea what to try next.
  2. dkjMusic

    App is faster in IDE

    Pat, I have FamilyCurve.ClickableLine := False; for each line series. I ran the SamplingProfiler and, lo and behold, I did not see the 14-second delay for any of the graphs. What could this mean? Arnaud, please disregard this. I just reran the SamplingProfiler again and saw the same delays.
  3. dkjMusic

    App is faster in IDE

    I am deveoping an app in Delphi 10.3 Community Edition. At one point the program retrieves equation parameters from a MS Access datbase and calculates x's and y's for a set of plots. It does this to produce 15 TCharts with 9 line series each. I have found that these operations often take much longer to execute when I run the standalone app as compared to running the app in the IDE. Below is a table of execution times (using GetTickCOunt). The columns are TChart graph #, milliseconds in the IDE, and milliseconds for standalone. # IDE SA -- --- ----- 1 703 14890 2 875 500 3 844 14828 4 829 14844 5 875 468 6 812 500 7 906 14859 8 1281 14813 9 938 14860 10 829 14875 11 15562 14844 12 937 14859 13 927 14860 14 812 531 15 828 14868 What could explain the differences in execution times and what can I do to decrease the times for the standalone execution?
  4. dkjMusic

    How to create an Android app

    Wow. Thanks Dave, that worked like a charm. Can't wait to get started.
  5. dkjMusic

    How to create an Android app

    I have developed a Win32 app using the Delphi 10.3 Community Edition and I would like to create a version for Android. Unfortunately, when I installed Delphi, I did not include the capability for Android development. Is there a way for me to modify my existing Delphi installation to include Android capability without a complete reinstall?
  6. Alexander, thanks very much for your reply. This looks like just what I am looking for. I'll let you know how it works out.
  7. In my Delphi application I select a portion of a wave form for music in a Windows .wav file. I would like to then analyze that selection to produce a frequency spectrum like that in the image below. My objective is to identify the predominant musical pitches in the selection. How can I obtain the amplitude vs. frequency data points for plotting?
  8. dkjMusic

    Delphi Community Edition

    Does anyone know whether the latest Delphi Community Edition includes Raize (Konopka) VCL components?
  9. I want to extend the editor, perhaps using the Open Tools API, to open a fly-out menu automatically when a word(s) is highlighted in the editor. The Opera browser does this as shown in the screenshot below. I posed this topic on the IDERA Community forum and have received no replies. Cut and Paste could be added to the fly-out context menu. Can anyone point me to an example or how to get started?