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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    No one can help

    @programmerdelphi2k trying your suggestion
  2. limelect

    No one can help

    @VandrovnikRunnig the program No oparation just openning the DATAbase
  3. limelect

    No one can help

    @VandrovnikFD has unidirectional i tried it allready when I activate it in the object inspector it gives an error
  4. limelect

    No one can help

    Number 4 in my description It is a ftBlob 4. leaving only one large record in the database, NO PROBLEM. Record size 61094574. If I leave 1 record NO PROBLEM. it has nothing to do with DB. Only the Delphi program This is what I think and I might be wrong Maybe you have something? I read the blob into a string then St := TStringStream.Create(s); AdvRichEditor.LoadFromStream(St); If the above works on any small record it is not the logic.
  5. limelect

    No one can help

    1. It will be too complex to split the data as it is text and pictures going into TAdvRichEditor 2. As seen from my explanation I clear all the records and left only with one record big one And this is OK. 3. I free all the connections and database as it will not have any effects and left with one record in-memory database that did not help. This supposes to have smaller program memory. It did not. 4. Once the program uses a large chunk of memory I am stacked with it. I made hundreds of professional programs making money out of them never had such behavior.
  6. limelect

    TRichEdit equivalent in FMX?

    Tried to help Sorry
  7. limelect

    TRichEdit equivalent in FMX?

    FMX uses // RTL System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, // FMX FMX.Memo, FMX.Types, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Controls.Model, FMX.Controls.Presentation; am I wrong?
  8. limelect

    TRichEdit equivalent in FMX?

    Google search FMX RICHEDITE i found a few for example https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/blob/master/Controls/DW.RichEdit.pas
  9. limelect

    SQL problem

    I have a text (it is a directory) I would like to find in a DB. My SQL which is OK FDQuery4.SQL.add('WHERE MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + jvDirectoryEdit1.Text + '%''' Now to the problem If my DB text is G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\ and I am looking for G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\ or G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3 My above statement finds it NO PROBLEM HOW EVER if my search is G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\Examples\Layers101 My above line does NOT find it. What I also tried is using CHARINDEX which I may be did not use correctly So w.hat I am looking for is search text WITHIN my DB text Any idea thanks
  10. limelect

    SQL problem

    @Lars Fosdal If I used the logic on SQL I had a memory problem I used the table to filter with the OR logic. For example I got 3 records out of 750. Using these records I did the SQL with SectionsId=FilesIndex' and this did it. For the time being. It seems that using tables (if you can) is better at least in my case.
  11. limelect

    SQL problem

    First thanks to everybody. Especially @Lars Fosdal as I used his solution (INSTR) my main problem was SQL memory problems. I hope I fixed most of it. Now to my specific solution DataSource1.DataSet := ProjectsFDTable; RESET Grid. FDLocalSQL1.DataSets.Clear; FDQuery4.Close; FDQuery4.SQL.Clear; FilesFDTable.Filtered:=False; FilesFDTable.Filter:= '(MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + JvDirectoryEdit1.Text + '%'') OR INSTR(''' + JvDirectoryEdit1.Text + ''', MainDirectory) > 0' ; FilesFDTable.Filtered:=True; FDLocalSQL1.DataSets.Add(FilesFDTable); FDLocalSQL1.Active := True; ProjectsFDTable.LocalSQL:=FDLocalSQL1; << otherwise I had problems FDQuery4.SQL.add('Select SectionsId,MainDirectory,MyDateTime,ProjectName,ProjectrealName,Category,FileMask ,Description,FilesIndex'); FDQuery4.SQL.add('from FilesFDTable,Projects'); FDQuery4.SQL.add(' WHERE SectionsId=FilesIndex'); FDQuery4.Open;<< use Query on the grid DataSource1.DataSet := FDQuery4; 1. I added LocalSQL to my ProjectsFDTable; 2. I filter my file table. (NO memory problem) as per @Lars Fosdal suggestion with OR 3. I added to my LocalSQL FDLocalSQL1.DataSets.Add(FilesFDTable); after filtering 4. I query FDQuery4.SQL.add('from FilesFDTable,Projects'); Now no memory problems OR until the next problem on a large software. And thanks again
  12. limelect

    SQL problem

    @haentschman can you plz try on my demo? the zip is in this communication. Otherwise, I am too tired of trying solutions. 1 solution too many
  13. limelect

    SQL problem

    @haentschman put it in my demo and checked it in 3 lines to change that it
  14. limelect

    SQL problem

    @haentschman why don't you guys try this on my demo?? does not work FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from Files where MainDirectory LIKE :Code'; FDQuery1.ParamByName('code').AsString := '%G:\Delphi Projects\DelphiArea\DelphiComponenets\simplegraphxx%'; FDQuery1.Open; PLZ stop guessing
  15. limelect

    SQL problem

    @haentschman I do not see how it applies to my case furthermore doing too much with SQL in my a[pplication have a lot of memory problems. My solution, for the time being, is to split LIKE and Lars Fosdal sugestion INSTR I could not use the statement FDQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE (MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + Edit1.Text + '%'') OR INSTR(''' + Edit1.Text + ''', MainDirectory) > 0' ); As it gives me memory problems.
  16. limelect

    SQL problem

    Error I put a zip test do not guess
  17. limelect

    SQL problem

    @tgbs There is a test source (zip)very simple to change in the source did you try it?
  18. limelect

    SQL problem

    For the time being, I will give the user a choice like or INSTR which will solve my memory problem. Until I will come up with a different coise
  19. limelect

    SQL problem

    no, since it gives me other problems.
  20. limelect

    SQL problem

    @Attila Kovacs Well thanks but you still use not nice words. P.S did you start with D1 like me? And much much before.
  21. limelect

    SQL problem

    Well, it returns me to my original problem OUT OF MEMORY. I made a crazy software. In any case, you helped a lot.Thanks
  22. limelect

    SQL problem

    @Lars Fosdal BIG BIG THANKS FDQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE (MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + Edit1.Text + '%'') OR INSTR(''' + Edit1.Text + ''', MainDirectory) > 0' ); I will check it on the real software
  23. limelect

    SQL problem

    Delete some chare and it WII NOT find part of the text The Like finds if you delete some char INTR find if you add char maybe i will try to OR both
  24. limelect

    SQL problem

    Maybe I will clarify my problem I add the base directory to the database. But this directory has many subdirectories and if one searches for a subdirectory he still needs to find the main directory. This is why my search is like that. Do you think there is another way to solve the problem?
  25. limelect

    SQL problem

    yes just add a few characters to the text and it will not find the item (a record) and this is what I want or delete some text and it will find see my first writings WITHIN my DB text