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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    Thank but that is not MY QUESTION
  2. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    @haentschman I thought that too but i double checked It does free http at list on the single step I made a link error for that
  3. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    What happened to Felix Colibri His site does not exist anymore I am looking for https://web.archive.org/web/20220119203051/http://www.felix-colibri.com/scripts/fcolibri.exe?a=1?filename=zip_delphi_dropbox_rest_client.zip https://web.archive.org/web/20220119203051/http://www.felix-colibri.com/scripts/fcolibri.exe?a=1?filename=zip_delphi_dropbox_indy_rest_client.zip It is from http://www.felix-colibri.com/papers/web_services/rest_web_services_oauth2_tutorial/rest_web_services_oauth2_tutorial.html On way back
  4. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    And finally, does anyone knows what happened to Felix Colibri?
  5. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    @Fr0sT.Brutal Thanks I thought to shorten the process. Why invent the wheel? I think after 30+ years of Delphi I can have some help. P.S I just gave someone (who needed help) sources
  6. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    @Fr0sT.Brutaldo you have a demo for downloading/loading files to dropbox. The ones I have do not work. Using only key and secret?
  7. limelect

    auto code formatting

    1. this is a Delphi community 2. evaluating which Windows-based IDE to use 3. it formats every... 2 and 3 have nothing to do with each other
  8. limelect

    GameVision Toolkit

    @tinyBigGAMES you wanted errors you got them on git I guess there are more Good luck
  9. limelect

    GameVision Toolkit

    @tinyBigGAMES see my errors on git
  10. and you did not read my comment If it is not open source not useful !!!!!
  11. Component "TplsController" is missing. If it is not open source not useful
  12. limelect

    INI problem

    Crazy but true. I have a solution moved to TMemIniFile but need your help to understand var TIFFileini: TIniFile; begin TIFFileini:= TIniFile;.Create('ComPortServer.ini'); if TIFFileini.SectionExists('Tst0') then Label1.Caption:='yes' else Label1.Caption:='No'; INI file [Tst0] HardFlow=0 ANY IDEA WHY I GET NO ???????????? D10.2.3 never had such a problem
  13. limelect

    INI problem

    @Remy thanks you are correct
  14. limelect

    INI problem

    Let's just clarify the point I am with Delphi since #1 and have never seen such a thing.
  15. limelect

    INI problem

    1. current folder is where execution is. 2 first I checked in the IDE 3 then I executed outside the ide (in the folder) 4 a few hours it was NO. it seems something with Windows as this is the only explanation since now it is OK. Or Delphi compilation no other explanation.
  16. limelect

    INI problem

    @Der schöne Günther 2 lines this is the INI Crazy as it sounds I gave a full path I got yes then I deleted the full path I got yes. Well now I am buffeled Is it Delphi that gives me a beautiful day? What I think there might have been hidden characters although no reason for it
  17. limelect

    Using COM to update Word docx files

    @tgbs thanks
  18. limelect

    Using COM to update Word docx files

    @Remy Lebeau what will be the same idea word := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); for OPEN OFFICE?
  19. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    My problem is not Delphi but.... I am using SQLite. I have these lines ProjectsFDTable.Edit; ProjectsFDTable.FieldByName('ProjectName').AsString :='1111'; ProjectsFDTable.Post; While developing I found I get locked situation I could not get rid off. It took me some time to understand the problem is within the DATABASE itself!!! not my program. Somehow while developing I made a locked database. So my main question is can someone give me some link for source or guideline to build a small program to fix such problems within a database. Although I have a "GOOD" database I still would like to have such a program P.S During my "good old days" D6 ,D7, and before we had a program to fix the database records in BDE.
  20. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    @Serge_G I do not know if what I have applied to your case but I have 2 functions in my table and sql that work 1. ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := false; ProjectsFDTable.FilterOptions := [foCaseInsensitive]; ProjectsFDTable.Filter := 'MyDateTime > {dt ' + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd ', AdvDateTimePicker2.Date) + ' 00.00.00 }' + ' and MyDateTime < {dt ' + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd ', AdvDateTimePicker2.Date) + ' 23.59.59 }'; ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := True; 2. FDQuery2.Close; FDQuery2.SQL.Clear; FDQuery2.SQL.Add('Select * from Projects'); FDQuery2.SQL.Add('WHERE {fn CONVERT(MyDateTime,DATE)}=:MyDate'); FDQuery2.SQL.Add('ORDER BY MyDateTime'); //=''03/10/2021'''); FDQuery2.Params.ParamByName('MyDate').AsDate := AdvDateTimePicker1.Date; FDQuery2.Open;
  21. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    @Serge_G Thanks, serge however to use your program I needed to move the database to debug and change to Database=madb.sdb DriverID=SQLite While running I got date encode error recovery error D10.2.3 maybe because our date is different?
  22. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    Ok what you all say is that it is ONLY a problem with 2 Applications running but In my case, it was only under 1 development. It seems that somehow the computer used to have access to more than one (same)database. (for that I have a program called "unlocker.exe.) well now I cannot check the problem as somehow it was fixed by itself So maybe you are all right.
  23. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    @joaodanet2018thanks i did "play" with thos flags but did not help. However i was not looking for a development/compile solution I was looking for a demo/program that can find the problem and fix it
  24. limelect

    Locked SQlite

    @joaodanet2018well I have a "GOOD" database; That is not the problem. using SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable the program has the same problem of lock. As I said the problem is developing a small program to fix the problem if it happens again. Or finding an SQLite. DB fixer In the BDE days, I had many programs fixing the database with sources
  25. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    I have a Database grid that is using information from FDTable. I would like to. 1. Load information into a memory table. (loading Records) 2. use it to show information onto the DBGrid. (disconnect FDTABLE and connect memory table) 3. Then return to the original fdtable >>DBGrid. 4 next time again make sure the memory table is empty. Which best component to use and how? Just give me a general guide line thanks