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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    @Serge_G read my solution it is so simple no need for software
  2. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    Ok guys I fixed my problem like that I added all my needed fields to my FDQuery4 then I changed for each field display value to dvfull P.s I could not reach display value programmatically !!! Thank you all Fixed
  3. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    Thanks dany
  4. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    1. category not found 2. Error near from I know this is why I need help
  5. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    This is OK FDQuery4.SQL.add('Select SectionsId,MainDirectory,MyDateTime,ProjectrealName,Category ,Description,FilesIndex'); But then FDQuery4.SQL.add('Select SectionsId,MainDirectory,MyDateTime,ProjectrealName,CAST(Category AS CHAR) ,Description,FilesIndex'); CAST(Category AS CHAR) does not find category Any idea?
  6. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    @dany thanks i will return to this problem in a wile (some thing urgent came up)
  7. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    Thanks OK
  8. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    well these fields are normal text fields FDConnection1.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Projects (MyDateTime DateTime,ProjectName TEXT,ProjectrealName TEXT,Category TEXT NULL,FileMask TEXT NULL,Description BLOB,FilesIndex INTEGER)'); FDConnection1.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Files (SectionsId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,MainDirectory TEXT NULL, Files TEXT NULL)');
  9. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    I show 2 fields only ProjectrealName and Category (MyDateTime, too but no problems with it) as my grid is programed to show those 2 only +(date not important) Those 2 are my problem
  10. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    @joaodanet2018 Could you plz point to the knowledge behind your suggestion since I cannot follow your answer to my line of code. FDQuery4.SQL.add('Select SectionsId,MainDirectory,MyDateTime,ProjectrealName,Category,Description,FilesIndex'); FDQuery4.SQL.add('from Files,Projects'); FDQuery4.SQL.add('WHERE MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + jvDirectoryEdit1.Text + '%''' + 'and FilesIndex=SectionsId'); Thanks , any link to the knowledge?
  11. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    My last problem I do not seem to get rid of WIDEMEMO FDQuery4.FieldByName('ProjectrealName').SetFieldType(ftWideMemo);<<< I changed to many to no avail FDQuery4.FieldByName('ProjectrealName').FieldKind:=fkData; FDQuery4.FieldByName('ProjectrealName').DisplayWidth:=10; DataSource1.DataSet := FDQuery4; << connect to DBGrid P.S using a table on the same grid I get "REAL TEXT" Any help?
  12. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    Ok it works like that FDQuery1.SQL.add('Select SectionsId,MainDirectory,MyDateTime,ProjectrealName,Category,FilesIndex');<< all fields from both tables FDQuery1.SQL.add('from Files,Projects');<< 2 tables FDQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE MainDirectory LIKE ''%' + jvDirectoryEdit1.Text + '%''' <<< the text to analize and get all index + 'and FilesIndex=SectionsId'); Thanks
  13. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    @joaodanet2018 You might be right. I will check it thanks.
  14. limelect

    Using memory table or else

    @Anders Melander Thanks I will try your way although this means to clear the table load with new information and after using that reload with the old one. Let me explain further. I have 2 databases of which one holds pointers (index) to the main one. I SQL on this one to get new information on the main one. The main one is used to show info on the database grid. That it. will it not take too much time to clear the table loading and showing it on the grid? I thought of doing it on the memory table and then assigning the memory table to the grid to want it to be faster and without the annoying!!! of scrolling the grid.
  15. limelect

    Comport Serial Port help

    I use this FREE component on D10.2.3 -------------------------------------------------+ | ComPort Library version 4.10 | | for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, XE | | and C++ Builder 3, 4, 5, 6 | | | | by Dejan Crnila 1998-2002 | | maintained by Lars Dybdahl and Paul Doland | | maintained by Brian Gochnauer Nov 2010 | +-------------------------------------------------+ But there are other free and with full source and NOOOOO DLL
  16. limelect

    LangMan for Delphi

    I have been using for years DKLang with great satisfaction https://github.com/yktoo/dklang However, on D7 I had DKLang Translation Editor which is needed. I used this library on many projects and https://yktoo.com/en/software/dklang-localization-package/ https://yktoo.com/en/software/dklang-translation-editor/
  17. limelect

    Migrate from Delphi to Android Studio

    Use F-Droid (google search) to download applications and try to compile I am a Delphi developer but work with Android Studio too. I hate Android Studio IDE after using Delphi but I have no choice as the app size is ridiculously smaller and works on 32 and 64. Delphi needs to be bought for it to work with new Android phones. This is not the case with Android Studio. Working with Android Studio its philosophy is awful but with a lot of searches I manege. If you need my help get in touch but I cannot help as with Delphi but will do my best
  18. limelect


    I have a grid panel with 1 raw 2 columns. Left column label right column button I would like while running to hide the right column and make The left column takes the whole space as is only 1 column. Then return to 2 columns as normal. Is it possible?
  19. limelect


    actually, I did What I had to do once expand one side (1 section) over the other than return to normal. (2 sections)
  20. limelect


    Ok fixed since I change it dynamically crazy but it workes since both have to be 0 for 50% then if ByPrint then begin ........ form1.GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Items[1].Value:=0; end else begin ................ form1.GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Items[0].Value:=0;
  21. limelect

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Yes but all VAR statements should be before the "begin" as this was introduced on 3 and above. Otherwise, every new feature you add will give a new problem again. TRichEdit is very old some features were added
  22. limelect

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    @PeterPanettone I personally use D10.2.3 and window 7 but I am not alone if you want us to use your good idea. Is TRichEdit the only problem? as I could not compile and find more problems. Hop, you are right about problems besides RichEdit all the VAR's before begin too.
  23. limelect


    @aehimself I am using D10.2.3 form1.GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.sizestyle has ssabolut ,sspercent and ssauto no pixels P.s it seems that it resizes to glyph size (picture size)
  24. limelect


    Well not quiet return to 50% form1.GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Items[0].Value:=50; form1.GridPanel1.ColumnCollection.Items[1].Value:=50; does not return to 50%
  25. limelect


    Ok found make size 0;