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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    3 explorer running

    @Lars Fosdal I appreciate your help. But my need is not something can be solved as per your suggestion. I would have done so. First, you can read the description at http://limelect.com/downloads/explorer-list/ Let me explain what it does. The idea to have links by name to directories it is kind of a short cut. It is on the toolbar and when you press a name it opens explorer, ontop, at the directory. ALL MY SOFTWARE comes out of a need. I could not go to a directory by pressing the mouse button a few times. It bugs me. That way I go to a directory at once. As a benefit of this, you have a HISTORY that brings you back to a few days where you worked. I hope this clarifies why is the problem. lastly, if there is an open explorer (=0) I use it otherwise, I open a new one. P.S a few YEARS ago I asked for help to translate c++ to Delphi you remember? it was for this program
  2. limelect

    3 explorer running

    Well, guys, I give up. I will solve my problems alone. And P.S I started my knowledge a little bit even before Delphi #1. Of which I used quite a lot. And thanks again.
  3. limelect

    3 explorer running

    Ok thanks
  4. limelect

    3 explorer running

    @David Heffernan I never said just one there can be many explorer. But my software chooses the first in list. The problem debugging such problematic software that comes and go make me wonder if I am on the right track for solving the hidden explorer that comes and disappears at will. I might be missing something in my software. Maybe you should download my software and see what it dose. There are a lot of people using it and it is quite useful for us. Just unzip and use. No installation. you can always delete.
  5. limelect

    3 explorer running

    @timfrost No, because process ID does not mean you know to which process name it belongs. If you have a program.exe it has a name and process ID. But a hidden process does not have any name just a number. Or does it, if so what is the name behind explorer. Just an ID does not mean much since you do not know to which program it belongs, very often. especially when the program for some reason is hidden. Do not forget Dispatch := ShellWindows.Item(i); is nil does not give back any known to me information To sum it up I have a program you can download http://limelect.com/downloads/screen-capture/ That cath anything with ID a different kind of screen-capture.
  6. limelect

    3 explorer running

    What is so crazy about that problem that I came back to check an idea about my software the HIDDEN explorer VANISHED without a computer reset. Now I am back with explorer OK.=1. I have to wait until the problem will reappear. I do not know if fulling around with a process program did it??? crazy Thanks in any case guys.
  7. limelect

    3 explorer running

    @David Heffernan You are correct but... When you open an explorer it will be first in the list (ShellWindows =0) I made sure I am correct. Now if you open another explorer it will be second (ShellWindows =1) and so on. However in my case, if (ShellWindows =0) is hidden I am in trouble but I fixe it with a message and some process. It will be nice if I could delete (ShellWindows =0) and I hop (ShellWindows =1) will be (ShellWindows =0).
  8. limelect

    3 explorer running

    @Fr0sT.Brutal Let me elaborate. Once in awhile Explorer closes. It happened while I develop. I do not know how it happens since it is not a problem affecting computer work. Then, with reopened explorer, I go to a directory as needed. Now you have 2 Explorers. One with the directory needed ANOTHER HIDDEN. How do I know? Since with ShellWindows I count 2. I want to be able to delete the hidden explorer. Looking for process did help. As you understand this is not a common problem and there's NO documentation about such a problem. Before asking for help I tried a huge amount of API variations and programs. However all really on ShellWindows. I could not find any different way to see explorer full information in memory. As for that, I need help.
  9. limelect

    3 explorer running

    Well, it seems that we need a professional group. If you think that I will put a trivial question? Well, it is also very hard to debug under normal computer work. Most of you cannot even make hidden explorer under normal condition or not noticed it. But any suggestion that will bypass ShellWindows will be appreciated. One simple solution is to give the user a message telling him to restart his computer. P.S I do not even know why my computer does it, but it happens during Delphi development especially during this project. (API breakpoint)?
  10. limelect

    FMX- Cross platform embed resources

    Also of not long ago no 32bits any more. ONLY 64bits. Which means D10.3
  11. limelect

    FMX- Cross platform embed resources

    Android Apple the same. See your Delphi publishing to the market. You can compile for the market. When you compile for Android under configuration there is "Application store". On D10.2.3 See Delphi help
  12. limelect

    FMX- Cross platform embed resources

    This will work. However, I do not know what will happen on the market if it is signed and published
  13. limelect

    FMX- Cross platform embed resources

    Some clarifications "I go to bin directory on my windows machine and edit that txt document inside of an .apk file and upload again" without any compilations? Edit inside of an .apk? how? you disassemble? Do you know where your resource is in the Apk file? APK is really a ZIP file. Your whole procedure is unclear
  14. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    D3 ? you are joking i guess. But that OK. At list download the FREE new Delphi. D10.3 Or if you have a license could get D7 for free !!!
  15. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Any style will do except window. You do not need a screenshot to understand Do you work with older version Delphi? Like D7? Maybe this is why you ask the above
  16. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    D10.2.3 project>options>appearance>Custom Styles
  17. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    To help you I added STYLE it did the trick. Window style did not do it.
  18. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Well, it does show some bluish color but so faint that it is almost not there. Maybe this helps you.
  19. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    No, it does not. It seems you think I am a novice. See my About http://limelect.com/about-us/ And here you have a lot of goodies for free Some are very popular http://limelect.com/free-programs/ And finally good luck
  20. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    And yes I want it to make coffee
  21. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Blue color on the dropdown. It does not, just show the numbers. No blue color !
  22. limelect

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    Let it be known that out of curiosity I compiled your project 3 with D10.2.3 and it does nothing except showing 01234...
  23. limelect

    FMX and https

    I have an FMX project that uses TIdHTTP. With the above i do IdHTTP1.Get(URL,FILE); The URL is https. Executing the above URL in window i have no problem. Executing the above under Android emulator no problem. Executing the above under REAL phone Android S6 i have an error Error “Could not load SSL library” I am trying to avoid ssl librey. Or can i not avoid it.
  24. limelect

    TTimer equivalent with smaller interval

    @dummzeuchFound on my backup sending you by mail sent acknowledge receipt
  25. limelect

    TTimer equivalent with smaller interval

    @dummzeuch A long long time ago I recall a program/component, I don't remember which, had a much lower time that ttimer. With all the information on Delphi that i have, it is some ware on my old old old computer. @dummzeuch Try searching for it may come up.