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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    I need your advice returning to my problem -out of memory. I have this free program https://limelect.com/downloads/document-projects/ that came out of my need. After 40+years of pascal/Delphi, I have a large number of projects/programs I do not even remember their content categories and more. The record includes text category pictures and more describing the source and program. Just started and I have 730 records with a 1.56 GB database (FireDac) size. So fixing the software does not seem to have an option? My DB file will grow to be very large. 1. I suspect I will have thousands of records 2 What is the theoretical size FireDac can handle? 3. Is it possible to fix my program with software? 4. I was thinking of splitting the DB. 5. Can the DB be manipulated on disk and not on RAM? 6. I am looking for a solution that will NOT cost money as it is a free program. 7. Installing other software like MS SQLserver is not an option. 8. I need a local/or any solution. 9. On a commercial program I have in a company I use MS SQLserver 2008 without any problems. Years of work and no problems. What are my options? Or what is my thinking wrong? Sorry if my need is too long.
  2. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    For now, everything works. I will work with the program for weeks and see what happens.
  3. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Hans J. EllingsgaardAll searches are with query For now, the search is OK. I changed the SQL statement . P.S Empty searches do make memory problems. The strange behavior is now on insert where I cannot pinpoint the problem. I am not sure where is the problem yet.
  4. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Hans J. Ellingsgaardmaybe it is feasible for a search but not for insert where I have that problem too. While searching for a solution on searach I found that if I have an EMPTY text to search I get a memory problem
  5. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    I use query and table. It seems that query has the problem I will write a test program for 1 query and see what happens
  6. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Lars FosdalThanks I thought so too but did not find any external something to Delphi. It is close to us (Delphi). I loved the use of it since it has no DLL.
  7. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Lars Fosdal It seems that most pas files associated with FireDAC are not accessible. Furthermore, is there a way to know what is going on with my SQLite? while executing? DEBUG? I think this is not given by Delphi. So I will revert to my test as I wrote before.
  8. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Lars Fosdal Thanks i will check it
  9. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    The leak is not a problem to a professional
  10. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Vandrovnik YES . Actually, no need if you have FastMM4, if TogFirst.IsFirstInstance then begin ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.CreateForm(TfmDropDown, fmDropDown); Application.Run; end else TogFirst.ActivateFirstInstance;
  11. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Lars FosdalNo leak first thing I do to check it. uses FastMM4,
  12. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @Lars Fosdal you are correct my DB is SQLite. When I SQL or add records all gives me memory problems. What I think I will do I will write an investigation program with my actual database to analyze my use so I will decrease the program to a manageable logic of one function.
  13. limelect

    Huge memory problem

    @David HeffernanBy no means I am willing to redesign the DB concept if I knew there is a good solution like MS server for example. The only problem I will not give my user to install the MS server. Why I wrote my problem because someone might come up with a good dB that i do not know
  14. limelect

    Looking for a localization tool

    I have been using for years https://github.com/yktoo/dklang
  15. limelect

    Code folding

    D10.2.3 I could not find any ICON to put on my toolbar for Code folding. is my only option is Ctrl+Shift+K+O ?
  16. limelect


    Rx librery in it use RxDateUtil.pas
  17. limelect

    Line number of source code at runtime

    @Fr0sT.Brutalsorry you are correct but Delphi search did not find it now it does
  18. limelect

    Line number of source code at runtime

    @Fr0sT.Brutal No Ice.Utils.GetCurrentAddress such function in your source now it does
  19. limelect

    Hwid based lock

    Fast search for Delphi hwid https://theroadtodelphi.com/2010/12/02/generating-a-unique-hardware-id-using-delphi-and-the-wmi/
  20. This is what I did with Delphi for youtube-dl, ffmpeg https://limelect.com/downloads/youtube_downloader_shell/ is this what you are trying to achieve? Myne is only window and VCL
  21. limelect

    Out Of memory

    My application has an out-of-memory error On the break the source wants FireDAC.DatS.pas which I do not have Any idea how to solve this? if possible P.S after the out of memory if i keep going it is ok The part that does it is ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := false; ProjectsFDTable.FilterOptions := [foCaseInsensitive]; case RadioGroup2.ItemIndex of 0: begin //'%a%' ProjectsFDTable.Filter := {QuotedStr} 'ProjectrealName LIKE ' + QuotedStr('%' + Edit6.Text + '%'); <<< end; 1: begin end; 2: begin ProjectsFDTable.Filter := {QuotedStr} 'Category LIKE ' + QuotedStr('%' + Edit6.Text + '%'); end; end; ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := True; However, I am not sure it is only here !!! but this is where i could trace the out of memory
  22. limelect

    Out Of memory

    Thanks, guys I hope it is fixed I changed my table to Fetchoptions all i hop it fixed it and the search is faster
  23. limelect

    Out Of memory

    @Clément the only thing I see on FDTable is on FetchOption.mode is already fmOnDemand Let me clarify the point. Memory happens ONCE. Then everything is ok. If there was a real memory problem it should have been all the time want it? I am filtering the database upon writing a search text Each char one enter does a new filter. To be exact on >>>> procedure TForm1.Edit6Change(Sender: TObject); (my database file 1.55GB)
  24. limelect

    Out Of memory

    @Lajos Juhász first can you clarufy. second, if you are right once I get the memory msg and I dismis the message I do NOT get any more messages. The memory message is ONLY ONCE !!!
  25. trying to compile d10.2.3 missing components