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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Converting a very long text to concatenated strings?

    Will my free tool will help you? https://limelect.com/downloads/add-characters-to-text-lines-on-large-scale/
  2. limelect

    sending text between applications (10)

    It did work without any glitch Communicate between 3 computers with Delphi programs I admit it was a long time ago
  3. limelect

    sending text between applications (10)

    To All why complicate things just mailslot component
  4. limelect

    sending text between applications (10)

    Just use mailslot component Great use between Delphi applications I used it in a large project to send messages and data between application
  5. limelect

    Leak problem

    D10.2.3 using FastMM4 I have the same problem as https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71178572/memory-leak-of-tidcriticalsection-create-in-idthreadsafe-pas Tried this suggestion https://www.viathinksoft.com/codelib/144 on create Any Idea? P.S I tried FREE_ON_FINAL as Remy suggested but I am not sure I compile/Build Indy with my project
  6. limelect

    Leak problem

    @Remy Lebeau well I decided not to do any alteration to Delphi and thanks again
  7. limelect

    TMemo instead of TLabel

    If I understand your need add a flag to GetDescription(FLAG: boolean) so your function will know where it came from Memo.lines.add(getDescription(true)) or label.caption:=getdescription(false)
  8. limelect

    Leak problem

    @Remy Lebeau I am with D10.2.3. I run my application on the IDE and see afterward the Indy DCU that before they weren't there so I guess my software uses the compiled INDY. (on the source Delphi directory). I did not remove INDY but I am sure I compiled with INDY DCU I made. Well not to bother anymore I will leave the problem as it is. It does not affect my program. OUT OF CURIOSITY it is this program https://limelect.com/downloads/document-projects/ and thanks again
  9. limelect

    Leak problem

    @Remy Lebeau I took your suggestion and BUILD indy 10 with {$DEFINE FREE_ON_FINAL} in the include Made sure I did compile (build) as I have all DCU in the indy directory And it did not help I am trying all kinds of solution that why
  10. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    I solved my problem but i want to understand Using this function function GetUpDate(Link: string): string; var S: string; IdHTTP: TIdHTTP; begin IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);//Form1); try S := IdHTTP.Get(Link); result := S; except ShowMessage('Could not get VERSION information'); end; IdHTTP.Free; end; using IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil) <<<< give me great amount of LEAKS, using IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(Form1); <<< it is OK WHY thanks
  11. limelect

    Leak problem

    @rvk The leak is exactly in the first link Using fastmm4 A solution is on the second
  12. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    Going to put a new leak problem
  13. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    @David Heffernan This is the minimal. Only that I have added FastMM4 to DPR
  14. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    @Virgo may I should change my debugger because it does free. So simple code try it
  15. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    @Dalija Prasnikar Out of curiosity I tried your suggestion and it worked too.
  16. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    Sorry to be misunderstood But in the above this is my question using IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil) <<<< give me great amount of LEAKS, using IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(Form1); <<< it is OK Ver simple question
  17. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    Thank but that is not MY QUESTION
  18. limelect

    I solved my problem but

    @haentschman I thought that too but i double checked It does free http at list on the single step I made a link error for that
  19. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    What happened to Felix Colibri His site does not exist anymore I am looking for https://web.archive.org/web/20220119203051/http://www.felix-colibri.com/scripts/fcolibri.exe?a=1?filename=zip_delphi_dropbox_rest_client.zip https://web.archive.org/web/20220119203051/http://www.felix-colibri.com/scripts/fcolibri.exe?a=1?filename=zip_delphi_dropbox_indy_rest_client.zip It is from http://www.felix-colibri.com/papers/web_services/rest_web_services_oauth2_tutorial/rest_web_services_oauth2_tutorial.html On way back
  20. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    And finally, does anyone knows what happened to Felix Colibri?
  21. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    @Fr0sT.Brutal Thanks I thought to shorten the process. Why invent the wheel? I think after 30+ years of Delphi I can have some help. P.S I just gave someone (who needed help) sources
  22. limelect

    What happened to Felix Colibri

    @Fr0sT.Brutaldo you have a demo for downloading/loading files to dropbox. The ones I have do not work. Using only key and secret?
  23. limelect

    auto code formatting

    1. this is a Delphi community 2. evaluating which Windows-based IDE to use 3. it formats every... 2 and 3 have nothing to do with each other
  24. limelect

    GameVision Toolkit

    @tinyBigGAMES you wanted errors you got them on git I guess there are more Good luck
  25. limelect

    GameVision Toolkit

    @tinyBigGAMES see my errors on git