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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Strange mouse scroll-bars behavior

    On D10.2.3 works Ok
  2. limelect

    full screen view capture

    If you are Ok with Java you can translate it to Delphi. Go to F-Droid Best for Android sources
  3. limelect

    full screen view capture

    It works by taking the whole! Android screen and puts it in a video including audio!!! I compiled it in Android Studio.
  4. limelect

    full screen view capture

    I did compile this it workes great hop it will help you https://github.com/HBiSoft/HBRecorder
  5. I tried to compile it was a mess. Looking for already compiled
  6. For the test, I made this demo https://gitee.com/LangjiApp/Wke4Delphi/issues/I2DICR It workes great P.S for 64b i need miniblink_x64.dll could not find
  7. I downloaded with SVN checkout The zip file is too big to put here if anyone wants the source plz contact me with email It seems to be a great replacement for cef4delphi Only one dll!!! Node.dll for 32b https://gitee.com/LangjiApp/Wke4Delphi.git <<< link for download on SVN checkout
  8. This project is an Android for network discovery https://github.com/rorist/android-network-discovery It has all devices on the wifi network It seems I do not succeed to duplicate this in Delphi 10.2 FOR A PC Any function will help. Plz EXACT duplicate. Thanks THIS IS FOR MY PC PROGRAM P.S it has my phone my computer and more
  9. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @Angus Robertson So returning to my basics any suggestions? Can you point me to something specific I can go from here? As you understand I want to duplicate the Android program but with PC
  10. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @aehimself This is my own and free quiet extensive http://limelect.com/downloads/my-ip/ with a lot of goodies inside. And with Delphi obviously.
  11. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    Right now NOT very good news with Delphi. My test reference is the above program on my Android s6. As seen it shows a lot of the 10... ip's including my wife's phone, my phone, my PC, and more. As for Delphi. I have used @Angus Robertson suggestion and used "Delphi Developer" in it I took magiphlp30 program and from it I took the ARP part. 1. In the Android program the output is very stable and consistent. I manage to run it on Android Studio and if someone wants the source I will be glad to share it. 2. In the Delphi program the ARP dynamics is VERY unstable giving only a few of the 10... IP's . I also tried to add IP>name without any good results either. So this is where I am P.S in java, the name is taken from "getCanonicalHostName" host.hostname = (InetAddress.getByName(host.ipAddress)).getCanonicalHostName();
  12. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @Angus Rober thanks I will check that info It seems I have what I need on the ARP. But I need the name of the dynamic IP so i will keep checking It is a start
  13. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @Angus Robertson Phone has a lot to do with a PC Communicating to a phone from the PC And if the above Android application dose I want too It discovers MY PC MY PHONE and more on 10..... why can't I do it with Delphi?
  14. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @Angus Robertson Let me explain what I want to achieve I would like to press on an IP I receive, In a Delphi program, from my phone and use it in Delphi PC software. That it. I know I can see my IP on my phone, which changes, or, which I do now, use "network discovery". I am trying to add a function/procedure which will be part of a software. P.S maybe I did not write the right words on Google search?
  15. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    @Dave Nottage Sorry to be miss understood. I would like this to be for a PC
  16. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    Associated to button 1. So many it is usless My-Ip-Scanner-Project-master (2).zip
  17. limelect

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    I can put a lot of functions/procedure from the net it will be crazy more than 10 from google search none gave me a LIST with associated software, it will be a few pages.
  18. limelect

    Drag an Drop

    Using D10.2.3 I'm curious why this happens I am compiling this project vcl-styles-utils-master> Tools >Vcl Styles Equalizer (Tool) It has a Drag-Drop for VSF. The problem. Under Debug and IDE the drag does not work With the EXE it workes. Any idea? As far as I recall any project with Drag Drop does not work in my case under the IDE. (Moving files to an application) P.S dragging within an application works under the IDE.
  19. limelect

    Drag an Drop

    Going on with the main project I cannot save to c:\ without elevated privileges That's life
  20. limelect

    Drag an Drop

    @anders You might be right. Just elevated the EXE program and it did not work !! Ok, now I understand. Crazy window I just checked and it worked. Thankes
  21. Another one on an expert I have this part of an expert program list of component names var PackageServices: IOTAPackageServices; PackageCounter: Integer; ComponentCounter: Integer; InstalledComponentName: string; PackageServices := BorlandIDEServices as IOTAPackageServices; for PackageCounter := 0 to PackageServices.PackageCount - 1 do begin for ComponentCounter := 0 to PackageServices.GetComponentCount(PackageCounter) - 1 do begin InstalledComponentName := PackageServices.ComponentNames[PackageCounter, ComponentCounter]; <<<< here i get component name as a string On another program, that I want to merge the two. type TClassArray = array[1..{179} 169] of TPersistentClass; ClassArray: TClassArray = ( TBitmap, TGraphic, TOutlineNode, TGraphicsObject, Now to my question Is it possible to get from the above the component as TPersistentClass; which mean var x:TPersistentClass; x:=PackageServices.ComponentNames[PackageCounter, ComponentCounter]; <<<<< ??????? obviously one is string one is TPersistentClass; How to? Or am I wrong with my idea? Which mean getting all components as TPersistentClass, and not as strings
  22. limelect

    Issue with UsesCleaner..

    @Ian Branch Have you tried CnPack Uses Cleaner?
  23. Let explain the scenario I have someone project to compile. Let assume that the guy does not use an external PAS file for his project. The project has a lot of uses. 1.So I compile there is an error. 2.Look for the uses needed. 3.Copy uses needed Go to the top directory of the project and search for it in a directory. 4. Found the directory. Copy directory. 5. Go to the project option. Go to the search path. 6. Add path. 7.Close. 8 repeat 1 to 7 again. Some of the big projects put 1 Pascal file in a directory. To me, it does not make sense. Now for what is needed. looking for an expert (or just an exe stay on top ) that can alleviate some of the processes. I thought at least adding directories without opening the project option. doing 1 to 4 and adding to tool mite help. Any suggestions? Will adding directories to search path NOT with Delphi will not work since Delphi (i presume) does not load his project file every time. Or will it say a file has changed? Your ideas?