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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    webbrowser Google map script error

    Ok guys final conclusion Mad 2 projects. did NOT copy directory but put dpr ONLY dfm and pas file in another directory. Compile and on the new program script error. Both programs are the same. Any idea? Both programs started with DPR only.
  2. limelect

    Detect user location from ip address

    I found this one to https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/what-is-my-ip-address
  3. limelect

    Detect user location from ip address

    Use that https://github.com/antoniojmsjr/IPGeoLocation
  4. I did it see If you need my sources for HEBREW (right to left) just send me your mail
  5. limelect

    paste into watch list

    10.2.3 dragging dose not work
  6. limelect

    paste into watch list

    OK i thought dragging will work ,since a drag icon is shown, but copping works. Nice.
  7. limelect

    paste into watch list

    @Attila Kovacs I did try. I took a few lines of code and moved them to watch list. Nothing. May be a special kind of lines?
  8. limelect

    paste into watch list

    @Attila Kovacs Using 10.2.3 and before i never remember that "you can paste code " in to watch list. what Dmitriy say is the only way. So if you have that possibility it is an experts. So can you elaborate on the expert?
  9. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    Delphi 10.2.3 I wanted to start with IOS emulator 1. So i installed PAServer on C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\PAServer\19.0 2. I started it without a pass word As you can see i tested connection. And it fails. The port is OK on both side Ip is correct C on PAServer give me no client connection I checked with open port that this port is not taken. What else?
  10. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    It seem to have the instruction https://www.itwriting.com/blog/4841-hands-on-with-delphi-xe2-for-apple-ios.html Thanks every body
  11. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    @Sherlock I have no idea. How ever i just recalled (what stupid am i) I have an IPAD 4 dose it help to start? Can i just hook it to usb? I am an Android man from almost day 1 starting with eclipse so never used ios. (and Delphi from #1)
  12. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    @Rollo62 In my family there are some old ios. Dose it matter if i get an old ios phone? to just start ? Communication with it is the same as Android or should i know more?
  13. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    Thanks for my ignorance.
  14. limelect

    Develop with IOS emulator

    @Dave NottageCan't i do like Android just emulator for ios. I just have Window 7. If i can what am i missing to make it work?
  15. limelect

    Simple Android App Template

    Just a suggestion Have a look at many fmx projects it mite help https://github.com/FMXExpress/Cross-Platform-Samples
  16. limelect

    Just knowledge

    I am using this site for knowledge. http://aziga.x10.mx/delphi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=28&Itemid=33 As you can see // call static function ShowMessage (JStringToString (TJSquareRoot.JavaClass.DisplayDescription)); a_square_root := TJSquareRoot.Create; a_square_root.precision := 3; ShowMessage (JStringToString (a_square_root.findSquareRoot (2))); first information then result. But i get first result then information. P.s there are some mistake in SquareRoot.pas on the site Any knowledge will help SquareRoot.jar
  17. limelect

    Just knowledge

    Ok found this http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/FMX.Dialogs.ShowMessage ShowMessage Behaves Differently On Different Platforms On desktop platforms, ShowMessage behaves synchronously. The call finishes only when the user closes the dialog box. On mobile platforms, ShowMessage behaves asynchronously. The call finishes instantaneously, it does not wait for the user to close the dialog box. If you want to force a specific behavior across different platforms, use IFMXDialogServiceAsync.ShowMessageAsync or IFMXDialogServiceSync.ShowMessageSync from the FMX.Platform unit. That mite explain
  18. limelect

    Just knowledge

    I added for I := 0 to 3 do ShowMessage (inttostr(i)); and it start from 3 all the way up But why ? this is the basic question?
  19. limelect

    Just knowledge

    @ertank What you say that if i have 3 or 4 ShowMessage in the same procedure the last will show first ? I wander if this is the explanation. what you say that there is kind of a first in last out ? I need more of a theoretical information to be sure.
  20. limelect

    Just knowledge

    @Rollo62No only free. But still it should not matter. As i call ShowMessage (JStringToString (TJSquareRoot.JavaClass.DisplayDescription)); first. Should it not show first ? why do you think it matters? To make jar i used C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin>jar. The Java2Pas i used the source in the demo. To dbl check i did my own and got the same result except that the demo added procedure RegisterTypes; begin TRegTypes.RegisterType ('SquareRoot.JSquareRoot', TypeInfo(SquareRoot.JSquareRoot)); end; initialization RegisterTypes;
  21. limelect

    Android Compiler Issue in Delphi Tokyo (10.2.3)

    @Dave NottageBy version i mean what ever is needed to change in my Delphi to some thing else. My Delphi works and is stable i am NOT going to change any thing to go into problems. This java should work on my system as on another. Like if i take normal pascal file ,no api or else inside, from ver 5-7 and compile it with 10+ it will compile with no problems. How about placing the java SOURCE here. I did dicompile DWWebChromeClient.class but it is better to have it work on ALL systems.
  22. limelect

    Android Compiler Issue in Delphi Tokyo (10.2.3)

    @Dave Nottagesee my last comments here https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/issues/36 If the jar is sensitive to version it is useless. Sorry.
  23. limelect

    Android Compiler Issue in Delphi Tokyo (10.2.3)

    I guess the above problem came from me. https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/issues/36 for me i never changed the java JDK 1.8_60. All Android fmx compile with no problem. Compiling without dw-webchromeclient.jar compile with no problem. So in my opinion ,and i mite be wrong, dw-webchromeclient.jar is the problem.
  24. limelect

    Dicom VCL Library

    I have a few Dicom Sources.
  25. limelect

    Hebrew in mail

    This my mail attached Delphi software. procedure TForm4.CreateEmail(const Recipient, Subject, Content, Attachment: string); var JRecipient: TJavaObjectArray<JString>; Intent: JIntent; Uri: Jnet_Uri; AttachmentFile: JFile; begin JRecipient := TJavaObjectArray<JString>.Create(1); JRecipient.Items[0] := StringToJString(Recipient); Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_SEND); Intent.setFlags(TJIntent.JavaClass.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_EMAIL, JRecipient); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_SUBJECT, StringToJString(Subject)); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_TEXT, StringToJString(Content)); Intent.setType(StringToJString('message/rfc822')); if Attachment <> '' then begin AttachmentFile := TJFile.JavaClass.init(StringToJString(Attachment)); Uri := TJnet_Uri.JavaClass.fromFile(AttachmentFile); Intent.putExtra(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_STREAM, TJParcelable.Wrap((Uri as ILocalObject).GetObjectID)); end; Intent.setType(StringToJString('vnd.android.cursor.dir/email')); SharedActivity.startActivity(Intent); end; Hebrew text 1. Using NORMAL Gamil phone application on attached Hebrew text file. <<<< NO problem 2. Using my Attached function and Gmail application. <<<< Problem The problem when sending text file with Gmail one can see the text and the attachment with no problem. !!!!!!! When sending SAME text file with Delphi software the attachment is OK but the Hebrew text shown is gibberish. IF i attach HTML file same problem HTML file OK but it is shown in the main mail with gibberish for Hebrew. BE AWARE THAT LOADING THE SAME FILES WITH GMAIL BOTH FILES (text and html) ARE SHOWN OK. P.S the mail sent is open in windows. I thing it is NOT a problem of Unicode. Using galaxy s6 phone.