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Everything posted by limelect

  1. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    OK, guys good news and bad news. It is a window problem and Delphi Taking the bad program to a good location it works.
  2. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    yes. It is a portable computer that goes with me everywhere. So it restarts for almost every few days. it is a Lenovo server very powerful. I started this program out of a need for a project. So it worked in this directory.
  3. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Guys all I say same source different directory One directory gives a bad exe that's it. I do not understand what is not so clear
  4. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Thanks throw std::exception(“PE Tools source code is not available”); maybe there is No files No source Too simple what I did is much better
  5. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Everybody says that Delphi IDE is almost foolproof and the source is the problem. I say no. Since it never happened to me I say the compiler is the problem. Why? I do not know.
  6. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    How ? in the IDE? the whole thing started by compiling the same source Into 2 different directories. P.S. very important. The problematic directory originally worked without any problems I came back to it after a few weeks then it happened. Furthermore, the program was on the backup so I could check.
  7. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    No. the project has basically the 2 lines shown in the beginning Nothing special. Guys be aware that the source is the SAME. Nothing else procedure TForm1.fillLists; var i, k: Integer; str, str2: TStringList; begin ListBox1.Clear; ListBox2.Clear; str := TStringList.Create; str2 := TStringList.Create; FDConnection1.GetTableNames('', '', '', str, [osMy, osOther], [tkTable], False); for I := 0 to str.Count - 1 do begin ListBox1.Items.Add(str); ListBox2.Items.Add('Fields of Table ' + str); ListBox2.Items.Add('---------------'); FDConnection1.GetFieldNames('', '', str, '', Str2); for k := 0 to str2.Count - 1 do ListBox2.Items.Add(Str2[k]); ListBox2.Items.Add(''); end; str.Free; str2.Free; end; So simple it baffled me.
  8. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    The time stamp is reasonable. Both projects are debug
  9. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Okay guys I am still very curious so I made this program information here https://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=1302 Same source different PE data I do not really know why the compiler makes 2 different execute on the same source but definitely, there is a difference As you can see..
  10. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @Attila Kovacs If I knew (with all my experience) what was going on I wouldn't put this post. The problem has NOTING to do with the source If you take the source and put it in one directory and compile the outcome is that the program does not give the expected result. That's it It does not read the database. I needed in a project to copy database content It is a Delphi compiler?????
  11. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Ok final verdict. Copied the good directory into a new directory and it works Crazy ha?????
  12. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Some news. Compare Hex of both exe (same source working and nonworking) sime to be different in content.
  13. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @Attila Kovacs This is why I give the NOBEL prize for free. I am with Delphi since #1 !!!! never but never had such a thing. Always take pas dpr and dfm and you got it. So this is why I put this post.
  14. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    What I did was take a NOT working exe and put it in a working dir and the exe did not work! so it is NOT a direct problem But a compilation problem. Crazy as it sounds I cannot find why in one directory the compilation is OK and the other dir the compilation does not give a working exe although file !!!!! are the same !!!!!!!!!!
  15. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @Kas Ob. sorry with all due respect the above has nothing to do with the compilation and working project. It is crazier than it just a few checkboxes
  16. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Do not forget that the backup is supposed to be duplicate of the original. I can put the backup folder anywhere and it will compile and work. However, its files do not.
  17. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    well I am the owner with full control
  18. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    Copy the whole project from backup workes. Copy file from directory does not. can you plz explain your idea of how to do it?
  19. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @Kas Ob. Run as administrator does not help Something very basic is a fault here I tested your idea made a new directory and copied the whole project files !!! and it does not work. Only coping the directory works
  20. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @Attila KovacsThe whole point is that I have nothing to do with the program. . There is nothing to debug. as I made a new project from a working file and it does not work. Read carefully what I wrote
  21. limelect

    Nobel prize for figuring out

    @DelphiUdIT Read carefully. Mad a new project by copping from backup the dpr pas dfm and compile it does not work. It has nothing to do with dproj But you gave me an IDEA I will check dproj on both programs
  22. limelect


    I own Delphi 10.2.3 with a license why I do not have FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL and more.? All I have is in the picture Is it only in enterprise Not in professional?
  23. limelect


    @Die Holländer In the About it does not say what I have. As far as I recall I have professional In the license, it says professional.
  24. limelect

    Lock FDTable

    I have TDBEdit. I entered a number and would like to know BEFORE POST if the number exists in the database and cancels the post. If OK (number does not exist ) the POST is executed Now it gives a LOCK condition. What I tried procedure TForm1.FDTable1BeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet); begin Form1.FDQuery1.SQL.Clear; Form1.FDQuery1.SQL.add('Select *'); Form1.FDQuery1.SQL.add('from WeighingCows'); Form1.FdQuery1.SQL.add('WHERE Cownumber = :Cownumber'); Form1.FDQuery1.ParamByName('Cownumber').AsString := Drivers.DBEdit1.Text; Form1.FDQuery1.Open; if Form1.FDQuery1.RecordCount > 0 then begin MessageDlg('This number exist', mtError, [mbOK], 0); FDTable1.Cancel;<<<<<<<<<<< if execute then OK end; Form1.FDQuery1.Close; end; I got a LOCK condition. It seems I am not allowed to use SQL and table at the same time. I also tried FDTable1.CachedUpdates is true but then Form1.FDTable1.ApplyUpdates() ; gave LOCK too. Any help? P.S I tried that too //Form1.FDQuery1.Connection:=nil; //Form1.FDTable1.ApplyUpdates() ; //Form1.FDQuery1.Connection:=Form1.FDConnection1;